Changed to use signals terminology instead of core.async channels and functions

Abhinav Sarkar 2013-10-16 21:21:32 +05:30
parent 54a3a321eb
commit d06311c730
3 changed files with 135 additions and 139 deletions

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@ -4,3 +4,7 @@
(while true
(defmacro rd [& body] `(cljs.core.async/<! ~@body))
(defmacro wt [& body] `(cljs.core.async/>! ~@body))

View File

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
(ns frpong.core
(:require [frpong.helpers :refer (mult tap map-chan diff-chan key-chan frame-chan tick-chan event-chan)]
[cljs.core.async :refer [<! >! chan put! close! sliding-buffer]]
(:require [frpong.signals :refer (signal keyboard ticks dom-events mult tap)]
[domina :as dom :refer [log]]
[ :as ev])
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :as m :refer [go]]
[frpong.core :refer (go-loop)]))
[frpong.core :refer (go-loop rd wt)]))
;; Signal Diagram
@ -17,14 +16,14 @@
;; +-------+ +-p----------+-|---+ | d
;; | | +-a-------|-|------+---------------+ |
;; | v v | | | v
;; browser +-f--> ticker +-+--t--> ball-postnr +-p-+-|------|------------p-> renderer
;; browser +-b--> ticker +-+--t--> ball-postnr +-p-+-|------|------------p-> renderer
;; ^ | ^ | | | ^ ^
;; Signals | | +-----|---------+ | | | |
;; ------- s | | l +--d--+ | s t
;; e: keyboard events | | | +-+-----|-------+ | | |
;; k: keydowns | | p l +-a-|-------|----+ | |
;; f: frames | | v v v v +-l--+ | |
;; t: ticker | +---t-> collision-detr | |
;; b: browser ticks | | | +-+-----|-------+ | | |
;; t: game ticks | | p l +-a-|-------|----+ | |
;; e: keyboard events | | v v v v +-l--+ | |
;; k: keydowns (at rate of t) | +---t-> collision-detr | |
;; p: ball position | | ^ +-s--+-----------------------+ |
;; l: ball velocity | | s | |
;; a: ball acceleration +-----|-------------+-------------+ |
@ -74,11 +73,11 @@
(defn setup-gravity-controls
"Sets up keyboard controls for changing gravity."
(let [keydowns (first (event-chan :keydown))
(let [keydowns (first (dom-events :keydown))
actions { 37 #(- % *gravity-step*) 39 #(+ % *gravity-step*) }
mass-el (dom/by-id "mass")]
(let [k (:keyCode (<! keydowns))]
(let [k (:keyCode (rd keydowns))]
(when (contains? actions k)
(do (swap! *gravity* #(max 0 (min 0.1 ((actions k) %))))
(dom/set-attr! mass-el "r" (mass-radius))))))))
@ -122,22 +121,21 @@
(defn start-game
"Sets up the game by creating the signals and setting up the components and starts the game."
(let [frames (frame-chan) ;; frames signal
keydowns (event-chan :keydown) ;; keydowns signal
keyups (event-chan :keyup) ;; keyups signal
pos (chan 1) ;; ball position signal
vel (chan 1) ;; ball velocity signal
acc (chan 1) ;; ball acceleration signal
pd-pos (chan 1) ;; paddles position signal
game-state (chan 1) ;; game state signal, the state of the game and the current score
(let [br-ticks (ticks) ;; ticks signal from the browser
pos (signal) ;; ball position signal
vel (signal) ;; ball velocity signal
acc (signal) ;; ball acceleration signal
pd-pos (signal) ;; paddles position signal
game-state (signal) ;; game state signal, the state of the game and the current score
init-vel (initial-velocity)]
(setup-components frames keydowns keyups game-state pos vel acc pd-pos)
(setup-components br-ticks game-state pos vel acc pd-pos)
;; start the game by setting the initial values of the signals
(put! pos *center*)
(put! vel init-vel)
(put! pd-pos [*init-paddle-pos* *init-paddle-pos*])
(put! game-state [:moving 0])))
(wt pos *center*)
(wt vel init-vel)
(wt pd-pos [*init-paddle-pos* *init-paddle-pos*])
(wt game-state [:moving 0]))))
(defn start-on-space []
(ev/listen-once! :keypress #(if (= (:keyCode %) 32) (start-game) (start-on-space))))
@ -146,28 +144,26 @@
"Creates mult(iple)s of the signals and sets up the components by connecting them using
the signals tapped from the mults.
The signals and their stop functions are taken as parameters."
[[frames stop-frames] [keydowns stop-keydowns] [keyups stop-keyups]
game-state pos vel acc pd-pos]
(let [ticks (chan) ;; ticks signal
[[br-ticks stop-ticks] game-state pos vel acc pd-pos]
(let [ticks (signal) ;; game ticks signal
ticks-m (mult ticks) ;; mult(iple)s for all signals
keydowns-m (mult keydowns)
keyups-m (mult keyups)
pos-m (mult pos)
vel-m (mult vel)
acc-m (mult acc)
pd-pos-m (mult pd-pos)
game-state-m (mult game-state)
;; calling this will stop the frames, keydowns and keyups signals and hence stop the game
stop-game #(do (stop-frames) (stop-keydowns) (stop-keyups))]
;; keyboard signal for w, s, up and down keys
[keyboard stop-keyboard] (keyboard (tap ticks-m) {83 :s 87 :w 38 :up 40 :down})
;; calling this will stop the ticks and the keyboard signals and hence stop the game
stop-game #(do (stop-ticks) (stop-keyboard))]
;; set up the components by tapping into mults
(ticker frames stop-game (tap game-state-m) ticks)
(ticker br-ticks stop-game (tap game-state-m) ticks)
(gravitation (tap pos-m) acc)
(ball-positioner (tap ticks-m) (tap pos-m) (tap vel-m) (tap acc-m) pos)
(key-chan (tap keydowns-m) (tap keyups-m) (tap ticks-m) {83 :s 87 :w 38 :up 40 :down})
(tap pd-pos-m) pd-pos)
(paddle-positioner keyboard (tap pd-pos-m) pd-pos)
(collision-detector (tap ticks-m) (tap pos-m) (tap vel-m) (tap acc-m)
(tap pd-pos-m) (tap game-state-m) game-state vel)
@ -176,18 +172,17 @@
(defn ticker
"Ticker component.
Converts `frames` signal to ticks and outputs them to the `ticks` signal
as long as the `game-state` signal is not :gameover. Once the `game-state` signal is
:gameover, stops the game by calling the `stop-game` function.
Reads ticks generated by the browser from the `br-ticks` signal and outputs them to the
`game-ticks` signal as long as the `game-state` signal is not :gameover.
Once the `game-state` signal is :gameover, stops the game by calling the `stop-game` function.
Each tick is the number of milliseconds since the last tick was generated."
[frames stop-game game-state ticks]
(let [ticks-in (tick-chan (diff-chan frames))]
[br-ticks stop-game game-state game-ticks]
(go (loop []
(let [[state _] (<! game-state)]
(do (>! ticks (<! ticks-in))
(let [[state _] (rd game-state)]
(do (wt game-ticks (rd br-ticks))
(if-not (= :gameover state)
(defn gravity-acc
"Calculates acceleration due to gravitation for the ball caused by the mass placed at the
@ -209,7 +204,7 @@
it to the `acc` signal."
[pos-in acc]
(>! acc (gravity-acc (<! pos-in)))))
(wt acc (gravity-acc (rd pos-in)))))
(defn next-pos [[x y] [vel-x vel-y] [acc-x acc-y] tick]
[(+ x (* vel-x tick) (* acc-x (sq tick))) (+ y (* vel-y tick) (* acc-y (sq tick)))])
@ -221,9 +216,9 @@
`ticks` signal) and outputs it to the `pos-out` signal."
[ticks pos-in vel acc pos-out]
(let [tick (<! ticks)
pos-next (next-pos (<! pos-in) (<! vel) (<! acc) tick)]
(>! pos-out pos-next))))
(let [tick (rd ticks)
pos-next (next-pos (rd pos-in) (rd vel) (rd acc) tick)]
(wt pos-out pos-next))))
(defn paddle-positioner
"Paddle Positioner component.
@ -232,14 +227,14 @@
and outputs it to the `pos-out` signal."
[keys pos-in pos-out]
(let [[lpos rpos] (<! pos-in)
ks (<! keys)
(let [[lpos rpos] (rd pos-in)
ks (rd keys)
move (fn [pos up down]
(contains? ks up) (max (- pos *paddle-step*) 0)
(contains? ks down) (min (+ pos *paddle-step*) *max-paddle-y*)
:else pos))]
(>! pos-out [(move lpos :w :s) (move rpos :up :down)]))))
(wt pos-out [(move lpos :w :s) (move rpos :up :down)]))))
(defn in-y-range? [y paddle-y]
(and (> y (- paddle-y *padding*)) (< y (+ paddle-y *paddle-size* *padding*))))
@ -280,13 +275,13 @@
signals respectively."
(let [;; get all current values
tick (<! ticks)
[vel-x vel-y] (<! vel-in)
[x y] (<! pos)
[gx gy] (<! acc)
[lpaddle-y rpaddle-y] (<! pd-pos)
[_ score] (<! game-state-in)
(let [;; read all current values
tick (rd ticks)
[vel-x vel-y] (rd vel-in)
[x y] (rd pos)
[gx gy] (rd acc)
[lpaddle-y rpaddle-y] (rd pd-pos)
[_ score] (rd game-state-in)
;; calculate next position and detect collision
[xn yn] (next-pos [x y] [vel-x vel-y] [gx gy] tick)
@ -308,8 +303,8 @@
[vel-xn vel-yn] (if x-collision
(map perturb [vel-xn vel-yn])
[vel-xn vel-yn])]
(>! vel-out [vel-xn vel-yn])
(>! game-state [state-n score-n]))))
(wt vel-out [vel-xn vel-yn])
(wt game-state [state-n score-n]))))
(defn renderer
"Renderer component.
@ -325,10 +320,10 @@
(dom/set-style! ball-el "fill" "orange")
(dom/set-text! msg-el "")
(go (loop [fps-p nil score-p nil]
(let [fps (int (/ 1000 (<! ticks)))
[x y] (<! pos)
[lpaddle-y rpaddle-y] (<! pd-pos)
[state score] (<! game-state)]
(let [fps (int (/ 1000 (rd ticks)))
[x y] (rd pos)
[lpaddle-y rpaddle-y] (rd pd-pos)
[state score] (rd game-state)]
(doto ball-el
(dom/set-attr! "cx" x)
(dom/set-attr! "cy" y))

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(ns frpong.helpers
(ns frpong.signals
(:require [cljs.core.async :as async
:refer [<! >! chan put! close! sliding-buffer dropping-buffer timeout]]
[domina :as dom :refer [log]]
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
(defn now []
(.valueOf (js/Date.)))
(defn signal [] (chan 1))
(defn put-all! [cs x]
(doseq [c cs]
(put! c x)))
@ -23,7 +25,7 @@
(close! c))))
(defn map-chan [f source]
(defn smap [f source]
(let [c (chan)]
(go (loop []
(if-let [v (<! source)]
@ -31,7 +33,7 @@
(close! c))))
(defn filter-chan [f source]
(defn sfilter [f source]
(let [c (chan)]
(go (loop []
(if-let [v (<! source)]
@ -39,9 +41,9 @@
(close! c))))
(defn interval-chan
(defn interval-signal
(interval-chan msecs :leading))
(interval-signal msecs :leading))
([msecs type]
(let [c (chan (dropping-buffer 1))]
(condp = type
@ -117,16 +119,36 @@
(>! c x)))
(defn distinct-chan [source]
(defn scounter [source]
(let [c (chan)]
(loop [last ::init]
(let [v (<! source)]
(when-not (= last v) (>! c v))
(recur v))))
(loop [count 0]
(if-let [v (<! source)]
(do (>! c count) (recur (inc count)))
(close! c))))
(defn event-chan
(defn sdiff [source]
(let [c (chan)]
(let [start (<! source)]
(loop [start start]
(if-let [v (<! source)]
(do (>! c (- v start)) (recur v))
(close! c)))))
(defn sampler [source n]
(let [c (chan)]
(loop [count 0]
(if-let [v (<! source)]
(do (when (= count 0) (>! c v))
(recur (rem (inc count) n)))
(close! c))))
(defn dom-events
(let [c (chan)
[lkey] (ev/listen! event-type #(put! c %))]
@ -136,8 +158,10 @@
[lkey] (ev/listen! node event-type #(put! c %))]
[c #(do (ev/unlisten-by-key! lkey) (close! c))])))
(defn key-chan [keydowns keyups sampler keycodes]
(let [c (chan)
(defn keyboard [sampler keycodes]
(let [[keydowns kd-stop-fn] (dom-events :keydown) ;; keydowns signal
[keyups ku-stop-fn] (dom-events :keyup) ;; keyups signal
c (chan)
ops { keydowns conj
keyups disj }]
(go (loop [keys #{}]
@ -150,9 +174,9 @@
(recur keys)))
(do (>! c keys) (recur keys)))
(close! c)))))
[c #(do (kd-stop-fn) (ku-stop-fn))]))
(defn frame-chan []
(defn frames []
(let [fc (chan (sliding-buffer 1000))
rc (chan (sliding-buffer 10))
step (fn step [ts]
@ -168,44 +192,17 @@
(.requestAnimationFrame js/window step)
[fc stop-fn]))
(defn tick-chan [frames]
(let [c (chan)]
(defn ticks []
(let [c (chan)
[frames stop-fn] (frames)
frames-diff (sdiff frames)]
(loop [prev (<! frames)]
(if-let [t (<! frames)]
(loop [prev (<! frames-diff)]
(if-let [t (<! frames-diff)]
(do (when (< t (* 10 prev)) (>! c t))
(recur t))
(close! c))))
(defn counting-chan [source]
(let [c (chan)]
(loop [count 0]
(if-let [v (<! source)]
(do (>! c count) (recur (inc count)))
(close! c))))
(defn diff-chan [source]
(let [c (chan)]
(let [start (<! source)]
(loop [start start]
(if-let [v (<! source)]
(do (>! c (- v start)) (recur v))
(close! c)))))
(defn dropping-chan [source n]
(let [c (chan)]
(loop [count 0]
(if-let [v (<! source)]
(do (when (= count 0) (>! c v))
(recur (rem (inc count) n)))
(close! c))))
[c stop-fn]))
(defprotocol Mux
(muxch* [_]))