Added solution to rubyquiz 27

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Abhinav Sarkar 2012-08-30 22:21:24 +05:30
parent 19f32f64d4
commit fd4ef85d22
2 changed files with 161 additions and 0 deletions

AStar.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module AStar where
import qualified Data.PQueue.Prio.Min as PQ
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
-- A node in the search
class (Ord a, Ord b, Num b, Bounded b) => SearchNode a b where
-- get the next search node and the cost to reach to it from the current node
nextNode :: a -> [(a, b)]
-- A* algorithm: Find a path from initial node to goal node using a heuristic function.
-- Returns Nothing if no path found. Else returns Just (path cost, path).
astar :: SearchNode a b => a -> a -> (a -> a -> b) -> Maybe (b, [a])
astar initNode goalNode hueristic =
astar' (PQ.singleton (hueristic initNode goalNode) (initNode, 0))
S.empty (M.singleton initNode 0) M.empty
-- pq: open set, seen: closed set, tracks: tracks of states
astar' pq seen gscore tracks
-- If open set is empty then search has failed. Return Nothing
| PQ.null pq = Nothing
-- If goal node reached then construct the path from the tracks and node
| node == goalNode = Just (gcost, findPath tracks node)
-- If node has already been seen then discard it and continue
| S.member node seen = astar' pq' seen gscore tracks
-- Else expand the node and continue
| otherwise = astar' pq'' seen' gscore' tracks'
-- Find the node with min f-cost
(node, gcost) = snd . PQ.findMin $ pq
-- Delete the node from open set
pq' = PQ.deleteMin pq
-- Add the node to the closed set
seen' = S.insert node seen
-- Find the successors (with their g and h costs) of the node
-- which have not been seen yet
successors = filter (\(s, g, _) ->
not (S.member s seen') &&
g < M.findWithDefault maxBound s gscore)
$ successorsAndCosts node gcost
-- Insert the successors in the open set
pq'' = foldl' (\q (s, g, h) -> PQ.insert (g + h) (s, g) q) pq' successors
gscore' = foldl' (\m (s, g, _) -> M.insert s g m) gscore successors
-- Insert the tracks of the successors
tracks' = foldl' (\m (s, _, _) -> M.insert s node m) tracks successors
-- Finds the successors of a given node and their costs
successorsAndCosts node gcost =
map (\(s, g) -> (s, gcost + g, hueristic s goalNode)) . nextNode $ node
-- Constructs the path from the tracks and last node
findPath tracks node =
if M.member node tracks
then findPath tracks (fromJust . M.lookup node $ tracks) ++ [node]
else [node]

KnightsTravails.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
A solution to rubyquiz 27 (
Given a standard 8 x 8 chessboard where each position is indicated in algebraic
notation (with the lower left corner being a1), design a script that accepts
two or more arguments.
The first argument indicates the starting position of the knight. The second
argument indicates the ending position of the knight. Any additional arguments
indicate positions that are forbidden to the knight.
Return an array indicating the shortest path that the knight must travel to
get to the end position without landing on one of the forbidden squares.
If there is no valid path to the destination return nil.
Usage: ./KnightsTravails start_pos target_pos [blocked_pos]*
Copyright 2012 Abhinav Sarkar <>
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, RecordWildCards #-}
module KnightsTravails where
import qualified Data.Set as S
import AStar
import Data.List (elemIndex)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Control.Arrow (second)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
-- A square on the chess board
type Square = (Int, Int)
-- A chess board with the knight's current position and a set of blocked squares
data Board = Board { knightPos :: Square, blockedSquares :: S.Set Square }
deriving (Ord, Eq)
-- Converts a string in chess notation to a square. eg. a1 -> (1,1)
fromNotation :: String -> Square
fromNotation (x : y) = (fromJust (x `elemIndex` ['a'..'h']) + 1, read y)
-- Converts a square to a string in chess notation. eg. (1,1) -> a1
toNotation :: Square -> String
toNotation (x, y) = ((['a'..'h'] !! (x - 1)) : "") ++ show y
-- Checks if a string is a valid chess notation
isValidNotation notation =
and [length notation == 2,
head notation `elem` ['a'..'h'],
last notation `elem` ['1'..'8']]
-- Makes Board an instance of SearchNode for astar to work
instance SearchNode Board Int where
-- Finds the next possible board configurations for one knight's move.
-- Move cost is one.
nextNode board@(Board {..}) =
(map (\pos -> board { knightPos = pos })
. filter isValidMove
. map (\(x, y) -> (fst knightPos + x, snd knightPos + y))
$ moves)
(repeat 1)
moves = [(1,2), (1,-2), (-1,2), (-1,-2), (2,1), (2,-1), (-2,1), (-2,-1)]
isValidMove (x, y) =
and [x > 0, x < 9, y > 0, y < 9, not $ (x, y) `S.member` blockedSquares]
knightAstar heuristic blockedSquares start target =
fmap (second (map knightPos))
$ astar (Board start blockedSquares) (Board target blockedSquares) heuristic
-- Finds a path from a start square to an end square using BFS
bfsSearch :: S.Set Square -> Square -> Square -> Maybe (Int, [Square])
bfsSearch = knightAstar (\_ _ -> 0)
-- Finds a path from a start square to an end square using AStar with
-- half of the max of coordinate deltas as the heuristic
astarSearch :: S.Set Square -> Square -> Square -> Maybe (Int, [Square])
astarSearch =
knightAstar (\(Board (x1,y1) _) (Board (x2,y2) _) ->
max (abs (x1-x2)) (abs (y1-y2)) `div` 2)
main = do
args <- getArgs
if length args < 2
then error "Usage: ./KnightsTravails start_pos target_pos [blocked_pos]*"
else if any (not . isValidNotation) args
then error "Invalid board position"
else let
(start : target : blocked) = args
in case astarSearch (S.fromList . map fromNotation $ blocked)
(fromNotation start) (fromNotation target) of
Just (_, path) -> putStrLn . unwords . map toNotation $ path
Nothing -> putStrLn "No path found"