Added solution to rubyquiz 25

This commit is contained in:
Abhinav Sarkar 2012-08-30 11:51:24 +05:30
parent f57826be64
commit 19f32f64d4
2 changed files with 139 additions and 1 deletions

EnglishNumerals.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
A solution to rubyquiz 25 (
When the integers 1 to 10_000_000_000 are written in the English language,
then sorted as strings, which odd number appears first in the list?
Usage: ./EnglishNumerals basis-file max_num
Example basis file for English numerals:
> 1000000000000000000, quintillion
> 1000000000000000, quadrillion
> 1000000000000, trillion
> 1000000000, billion
> 1000000, million
> 1000, thousand
> 100, hundred
> 90, ninety
> 80, eighty
> 70, seventy
> 60, sixty
> 50, fifty
> 40, forty
> 30, thirty
> 20, twenty
> 19, nineteen
> 18, eighteen
> 17, seventeen
> 16, sixteen
> 15, fifteen
> 14, fourteen
> 13, thirteen
> 12, twelve
> 11, eleven
> 10, ten
> 9, nine
> 8, eight
> 7, seven
> 6, six
> 5, five
> 4, four
> 3, three
> 2, two
> 1, one
Copyright 2012 Abhinav Sarkar <>
module EnglishNumerals where
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.List (maximumBy, nub)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
type Basis = [(Integer, String)]
isPowerOfTen :: Integer -> Bool
isPowerOfTen = (== "10") . nub . show
-- reads the basis of the numeral system
readBasis :: FilePath -> IO Basis
readBasis =
fmap (map (\line -> let (n:en:_) = splitOn "," line in (read n, en)) . lines) . readFile
cache basis = fmap (toEnglishNumerals basis) $ Seq.fromList [1..999]
toEnglishNumeralsMemo :: Basis -> Integer -> String
toEnglishNumeralsMemo basis n =
if n < 1000
then cache basis `Seq.index` (fromIntegral n -1)
else toEnglishNumerals basis n
-- converts a number to its numeral representation in the given basis
toEnglishNumerals :: Basis -> Integer -> String
toEnglishNumerals basis n =
unwords . words . go n (dropWhile ((> n) . fst) basis) $ ""
go 0 _ eng = eng
go n [] eng = eng
go n basis eng =
case lookup n basis of
Just nu -> eng ++ (if b > 90 then "one" else "") ++ " " ++ nu
Nothing ->
case n `divMod` b of
(0, r) -> go r (tail basis) eng
(q, 0) -> eng ++ toEnglishNumeralsMemo basis q ++ " " ++ bn
(1, r) -> eng ++ (if b > 90 then "one" else "") ++ " " ++ bn
++ " " ++ toEnglishNumeralsMemo basis r
(q, r) -> eng ++ " " ++ toEnglishNumeralsMemo basis q ++ " " ++ bn
++ " " ++ toEnglishNumeralsMemo basis r
where (b, bn) = head basis
-- given a basis and a range of numbers specified by start, end and step,
-- finds the number in this range and its representation which is minimum
-- when the representations are sorted lexicographically
minEnglish :: Basis -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> (String, Integer)
minEnglish basis start end step =
maximumBy (flip $ comparing fst)
. map (\x -> (toEnglishNumerals basis x, x)) $ [start, start + step .. end]
-- finds the first odd number and its representation between 1 and n which is
-- minimum by the lexicographically sorted representations
firstOddByEnglishNumeral :: Basis -> Integer -> (String, Integer)
firstOddByEnglishNumeral basis n =
(\(eng, en) -> (unwords . words $ eng, en))
$ foldl
(\(eng, en) (start, end, step) ->
if n < start
then (eng, en)
else let
(eng', en') = if n > fromMaybe n end
then minEnglish basis start (fromMaybe n end) step
else minEnglish basis start n step
if eng == ""
then (eng' ++ " " ++ eng, en')
else if eng' ++ " " ++ eng < eng && en + en' <= n
then (eng' ++ " " ++ eng, en + en')
else (eng, en))
("", 0) megas
megas =
map (\(s,e) -> if s == 1 then (s,e,2) else (s,e,s))
. zip cs
$ map (\x -> Just $ x-1) (tail cs) ++ repeat Nothing
cs = 1 : (reverse . filter (>= 100) . filter isPowerOfTen . map fst $ basis)
main = do
(basisFile : n : _) <- getArgs
basis <- readBasis basisFile
putStrLn . (\(ne, n) -> show n ++ " (" ++ ne ++ ")")
. firstOddByEnglishNumeral basis . read $ n

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@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ phoneNumberWords dict =
. wordsForSplit dict)
. splits
isValid = not . any (all isDigit) . sliding 2 1 . filter (/= '-')
isValid = not . any (all isDigit) . sliding 2 1 . filter (/= '-')
main = do
(dictFileName : _) <- getArgs