Adds more doctests.

- Found and fixed a bug regarding column names of FKs to existing dimension tables
  (from DimId fact columns).
This commit is contained in:
Abhinav Sarkar 2016-01-26 01:34:09 +05:30
parent 68bf32a673
commit 04be3b69f1
5 changed files with 263 additions and 117 deletions

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import qualified Ringo.Validator as V
-- >>> import Ringo
-- >>> import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- >>> import qualified Data.Text as Text
-- >>> import Data.List (nub)
-- >>> import Text.Show.Pretty
-- >>> :{
--let sessionEventsTable =
@ -68,18 +69,63 @@ import qualified Ringo.Validator as V
-- , DimVal "user_agent" "browser_name"
-- , DimVal "user_agent" "os"
-- , DimVal "user_agent" "user_agent_name"
-- , DimVal "user_agent" "user_agent_type"
-- , DimVal "user_agent" "user_agent_device"
-- , DimVal "geo" "geo_country_name"
-- , DimVal "geo" "geo_city_name"
-- , DimVal "geo" "geo_continent_name"
-- , DimVal "geo" "geo_most_specific_subdivision_name"
-- , DimVal "geo" "geo_time_zone"
-- , FactCount Nothing "session_count"
-- ]
-- }
-- tables = [sessionEventsTable]
-- facts = [sessionFact]
-- pageViewEventsTable =
-- Table { tableName = "page_view_events"
-- , tableColumns =
-- [ Column "id" "uuid" NotNull
-- , Column "created_at" "timestamp without time zone" NotNull
-- , Column "member_id" "integer" Null
-- , Column "publisher_id" "integer" NotNull
-- , Column "device_tracker_id" "uuid" Null
-- , Column "session_event_id" "uuid" Null
-- , Column "page_type" "character varying(20)" NotNull
-- , Column "referrer" "character varying(1024)" Null
-- , Column "url" "character varying(1024)" Null
-- , Column "referrer_id" "integer" Null
-- ]
-- , tableConstraints =
-- [ PrimaryKey "id"
-- , ForeignKey "session_events" [ ("session_event_id", "id")
-- , ("publisher_id", "publisher_id")
-- ]
-- , ForeignKey "referrers" [ ("referrer_id", "id")
-- , ("publisher_id", "publisher_id")
-- ]
-- ]
-- }
-- pageViewFact =
-- Fact { factName = "page_view"
-- , factTableName = "page_view_events"
-- , factTablePersistent = True
-- , factParentNames = [ "session" ]
-- , factColumns =
-- [ DimTime "created_at"
-- , NoDimId "publisher_id"
-- , DimVal "page_type" "page_type"
-- , DimId "referrers" "referrer_id"
-- , FactCount Nothing "view_count"
-- ]
-- }
-- referrersTable =
-- Table { tableName = "referrers"
-- , tableColumns =
-- [ Column "id" "integer" NotNull
-- , Column "publisher_id" "integer" NotNull
-- , Column "name" "character varying(100)" NotNull
-- ]
-- , tableConstraints =
-- [ PrimaryKey "id"
-- , UniqueKey ["publisher_id", "name"]
-- ]
-- }
-- tables = [sessionEventsTable, pageViewEventsTable, referrersTable]
-- facts = [sessionFact, pageViewFact]
-- typeDefaults = Map.fromList [ ("integer", "-1")
-- , ("timestamp", "'00-00-00 00:00:00'")
-- , ("character", "'__UNKNOWN_VAL__'")
@ -104,6 +150,17 @@ import qualified Ringo.Validator as V
-- Column user_agent_id integer NOT NULL
-- UniqueKey (created_at_minute_id, publisher_id, geo_id, user_agent_id)
-- >>> print $ extractFactTable env pageViewFact
-- Table fact_page_view_by_minute
-- Column created_at_minute_id bigint NOT NULL
-- Column publisher_id integer NOT NULL
-- Column view_count integer NOT NULL
-- Column referrer_id integer NOT NULL
-- Column page_type_id integer NOT NULL
-- Column geo_id integer NOT NULL
-- Column user_agent_id integer NOT NULL
-- UniqueKey (created_at_minute_id, publisher_id, referrer_id, page_type_id, geo_id, user_agent_id)
extractFactTable :: Env -> Fact -> Table
extractFactTable env = flip runReader env . E.extractFactTable
@ -115,20 +172,23 @@ extractFactTable env = flip runReader env . E.extractFactTable
-- Column country_name character varying(50) NOT NULL
-- Column city_name character varying(50) NOT NULL
-- Column continent_name character varying(15) NOT NULL
-- Column most_specific_subdivision_name character varying(100) NOT NULL
-- Column time_zone character varying(20) NOT NULL
-- PrimaryKey id
-- UniqueKey (country_name, city_name, continent_name, most_specific_subdivision_name, time_zone)
-- UniqueKey (country_name, city_name, continent_name)
-- Table dim_user_agent
-- Column id serial NOT NULL
-- Column browser_name character varying(50) NOT NULL
-- Column os character varying(50) NOT NULL
-- Column name character varying(100) NOT NULL
-- Column type character varying(15) NOT NULL
-- Column device character varying(15) NOT NULL
-- PrimaryKey id
-- UniqueKey (browser_name, os, name, type, device)
-- UniqueKey (browser_name, os, name)
-- >>> mapM_ print . filter (`notElem` tables) $ extractDimensionTables env pageViewFact
-- Table dim_page_type
-- Column id serial NOT NULL
-- Column page_type character varying(20) NOT NULL
-- PrimaryKey id
-- UniqueKey (page_type)
extractDimensionTables :: Env -> Fact -> [Table]
extractDimensionTables env = flip runReader env . E.extractDimensionTables
@ -143,21 +203,32 @@ extractDimensionTables env = flip runReader env . E.extractDimensionTables
-- , [ "session_events" , "dim_user_agent" , "dim_geo" ]
-- )
-- ]
-- >>> putStrLn . ppShow $ extractDependencies env pageViewFact
-- fromList
-- [ ( "dim_page_type" , [ "page_view_events" ] )
-- , ( "fact_page_view_by_minute"
-- , [ "page_view_events"
-- , "session_events"
-- , "dim_page_type"
-- , "referrers"
-- , "dim_user_agent"
-- , "dim_geo"
-- ]
-- )
-- ]
extractDependencies :: Env -> Fact -> Dependencies
extractDependencies env = flip runReader env . E.extractDependencies
-- |
-- >>> let storySessionDimTables = extractDimensionTables env sessionFact
-- >>> let sqls = map (dimensionTableDefnSQL env) storySessionDimTables
-- >>> let dimTables = filter (`notElem` tables) . nub . concatMap (extractDimensionTables env) $ facts
-- >>> let sqls = map (dimensionTableDefnSQL env) dimTables
-- >>> mapM_ (\sqls -> mapM_ (putStr . Text.unpack) sqls >> putStrLn "--------" ) sqls
-- create table dim_geo (
-- id serial not null,
-- country_name character varying(50) not null,
-- city_name character varying(50) not null,
-- continent_name character varying(15) not null,
-- most_specific_subdivision_name character varying(100) not null,
-- time_zone character varying(20) not null
-- continent_name character varying(15) not null
-- )
-- ;
@ -165,9 +236,7 @@ extractDependencies env = flip runReader env . E.extractDependencies
-- alter table dim_geo add unique (country_name,
-- city_name,
-- continent_name,
-- most_specific_subdivision_name,
-- time_zone);
-- continent_name);
-- create index on dim_geo (country_name)
-- ;
@ -175,28 +244,18 @@ extractDependencies env = flip runReader env . E.extractDependencies
-- ;
-- create index on dim_geo (continent_name)
-- ;
-- create index on dim_geo (most_specific_subdivision_name)
-- ;
-- create index on dim_geo (time_zone)
-- ;
-- --------
-- create table dim_user_agent (
-- id serial not null,
-- browser_name character varying(50) not null,
-- os character varying(50) not null,
-- name character varying(100) not null,
-- type character varying(15) not null,
-- device character varying(15) not null
-- name character varying(100) not null
-- )
-- ;
-- alter table dim_user_agent add primary key (id);
-- alter table dim_user_agent add unique (browser_name,
-- os,
-- name,
-- type,
-- device);
-- alter table dim_user_agent add unique (browser_name, os, name);
-- create index on dim_user_agent (browser_name)
-- ;
@ -204,10 +263,17 @@ extractDependencies env = flip runReader env . E.extractDependencies
-- ;
-- create index on dim_user_agent (name)
-- ;
-- create index on dim_user_agent (type)
-- ;
-- create index on dim_user_agent (device)
-- --------
-- create table dim_page_type (
-- id serial not null,
-- page_type character varying(20) not null
-- )
-- ;
-- alter table dim_page_type add primary key (id);
-- alter table dim_page_type add unique (page_type);
-- --------
dimensionTableDefnSQL :: Env -> Table -> [Text]
dimensionTableDefnSQL env = flip runReader env . G.dimensionTableDefnSQL
@ -239,6 +305,39 @@ dimensionTableDefnSQL env = flip runReader env . G.dimensionTableDefnSQL
-- ;
-- create index on fact_session_by_minute (user_agent_id)
-- ;
-- >>> let pageViewFactTable = extractFactTable env pageViewFact
-- >>> let sqls = factTableDefnSQL env pageViewFact pageViewFactTable
-- >>> mapM_ (putStr . Text.unpack) sqls
-- create table fact_page_view_by_minute (
-- created_at_minute_id bigint not null,
-- publisher_id integer not null,
-- view_count integer not null,
-- referrer_id integer not null,
-- page_type_id integer not null,
-- geo_id integer not null,
-- user_agent_id integer not null
-- )
-- ;
-- alter table fact_page_view_by_minute add unique (created_at_minute_id,
-- publisher_id,
-- referrer_id,
-- page_type_id,
-- geo_id,
-- user_agent_id);
-- create index on fact_page_view_by_minute (created_at_minute_id)
-- ;
-- create index on fact_page_view_by_minute (publisher_id)
-- ;
-- create index on fact_page_view_by_minute (referrer_id)
-- ;
-- create index on fact_page_view_by_minute (page_type_id)
-- ;
-- create index on fact_page_view_by_minute (geo_id)
-- ;
-- create index on fact_page_view_by_minute (user_agent_id)
-- ;
factTableDefnSQL :: Env -> Fact -> Table -> [Text]
factTableDefnSQL env fact = flip runReader env . G.factTableDefnSQL fact
@ -247,60 +346,46 @@ factTableDefnSQL env fact = flip runReader env . G.factTableDefnSQL fact
-- >>> let storySessionDimTableNames = map tableName $ extractDimensionTables env sessionFact
-- >>> let sqls = map (dimensionTablePopulateSQL FullPopulation env sessionFact) storySessionDimTableNames
-- >>> mapM_ (putStr . Text.unpack) sqls
-- insert into dim_geo (country_name,
-- city_name,
-- continent_name,
-- most_specific_subdivision_name,
-- time_zone)
-- insert into dim_geo (country_name, city_name, continent_name)
-- select distinct
-- coalesce(session_events.geo_country_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as geo_country_name,
-- coalesce(session_events.geo_city_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as geo_city_name,
-- coalesce(session_events.geo_continent_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as geo_continent_name,
-- coalesce(session_events.geo_most_specific_subdivision_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as geo_most_specific_subdivision_name,
-- coalesce(session_events.geo_time_zone,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as geo_time_zone
-- coalesce(session_events.geo_continent_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as geo_continent_name
-- from
-- session_events
-- where
-- (geo_country_name is not null or geo_city_name is not null or geo_continent_name is not null or geo_most_specific_subdivision_name is not null or geo_time_zone is not null)
-- (geo_country_name is not null or geo_city_name is not null or geo_continent_name is not null)
-- and
-- created_at < ?
-- ;
-- insert into dim_user_agent (browser_name, os, name, type, device)
-- insert into dim_user_agent (browser_name, os, name)
-- select distinct
-- coalesce(session_events.browser_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as browser_name,
-- coalesce(session_events.os,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as os,
-- coalesce(session_events.user_agent_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as user_agent_name,
-- coalesce(session_events.user_agent_type,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as user_agent_type,
-- coalesce(session_events.user_agent_device,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as user_agent_device
-- coalesce(session_events.user_agent_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as user_agent_name
-- from
-- session_events
-- where
-- (browser_name is not null or os is not null or user_agent_name is not null or user_agent_type is not null or user_agent_device is not null)
-- (browser_name is not null or os is not null or user_agent_name is not null)
-- and
-- created_at < ?
-- ;
-- >>> let sqls = map (dimensionTablePopulateSQL IncrementalPopulation env sessionFact) storySessionDimTableNames
-- >>> mapM_ (putStr . Text.unpack) sqls
-- insert into dim_geo (country_name,
-- city_name,
-- continent_name,
-- most_specific_subdivision_name,
-- time_zone)
-- insert into dim_geo (country_name, city_name, continent_name)
-- select
-- x.*
-- from
-- (select distinct
-- coalesce(session_events.geo_country_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as geo_country_name,
-- coalesce(session_events.geo_city_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as geo_city_name,
-- coalesce(session_events.geo_continent_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as geo_continent_name,
-- coalesce(session_events.geo_most_specific_subdivision_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as geo_most_specific_subdivision_name,
-- coalesce(session_events.geo_time_zone,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as geo_time_zone
-- coalesce(session_events.geo_continent_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as geo_continent_name
-- from
-- session_events
-- where
-- (geo_country_name is not null or geo_city_name is not null or geo_continent_name is not null or geo_most_specific_subdivision_name is not null or geo_time_zone is not null)
-- (geo_country_name is not null or geo_city_name is not null or geo_continent_name is not null)
-- and
-- created_at < ?
-- and
@ -312,34 +397,24 @@ factTableDefnSQL env fact = flip runReader env . G.factTableDefnSQL fact
-- dim_geo.city_name = x.geo_city_name
-- and
-- dim_geo.continent_name = x.geo_continent_name
-- and
-- dim_geo.most_specific_subdivision_name = x.geo_most_specific_subdivision_name
-- and
-- dim_geo.time_zone = x.geo_time_zone
-- where
-- dim_geo.country_name is null and dim_geo.city_name is null
-- and
-- dim_geo.continent_name is null
-- and
-- dim_geo.most_specific_subdivision_name is null
-- and
-- dim_geo.time_zone is null
-- ;
-- insert into dim_user_agent (browser_name, os, name, type, device)
-- insert into dim_user_agent (browser_name, os, name)
-- select
-- x.*
-- from
-- (select distinct
-- coalesce(session_events.browser_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as browser_name,
-- coalesce(session_events.os,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as os,
-- coalesce(session_events.user_agent_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as user_agent_name,
-- coalesce(session_events.user_agent_type,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as user_agent_type,
-- coalesce(session_events.user_agent_device,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as user_agent_device
-- coalesce(session_events.user_agent_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__') as user_agent_name
-- from
-- session_events
-- where
-- (browser_name is not null or os is not null or user_agent_name is not null or user_agent_type is not null or user_agent_device is not null)
-- (browser_name is not null or os is not null or user_agent_name is not null)
-- and
-- created_at < ?
-- and
@ -351,18 +426,43 @@ factTableDefnSQL env fact = flip runReader env . G.factTableDefnSQL fact
-- dim_user_agent.os = x.os
-- and
-- = x.user_agent_name
-- and
-- dim_user_agent.type = x.user_agent_type
-- and
-- dim_user_agent.device = x.user_agent_device
-- where
-- dim_user_agent.browser_name is null and dim_user_agent.os is null
-- and
-- is null
-- and
-- dim_user_agent.type is null
-- and
-- dim_user_agent.device is null
-- ;
-- >>> let pageViewDimTableNames = map tableName . filter (`notElem` tables) $ extractDimensionTables env pageViewFact
-- >>> let sqls = map (dimensionTablePopulateSQL FullPopulation env pageViewFact) pageViewDimTableNames
-- >>> mapM_ (putStr . Text.unpack) sqls
-- insert into dim_page_type (page_type)
-- select distinct
-- page_view_events.page_type as page_type
-- from
-- page_view_events
-- where
-- (page_type is not null) and created_at < ?
-- ;
-- >>> let sqls = map (dimensionTablePopulateSQL IncrementalPopulation env pageViewFact) pageViewDimTableNames
-- >>> mapM_ (putStr . Text.unpack) sqls
-- insert into dim_page_type (page_type)
-- select
-- x.*
-- from
-- (select distinct
-- page_view_events.page_type as page_type
-- from
-- page_view_events
-- where
-- (page_type is not null) and created_at < ?
-- and
-- created_at >= ?) as x
-- left outer join
-- dim_page_type
-- on dim_page_type.page_type = x.page_type
-- where
-- dim_page_type.page_type is null
-- ;
dimensionTablePopulateSQL :: TablePopulationMode -> Env -> Fact -> TableName -> Text
@ -391,11 +491,7 @@ dimensionTablePopulateSQL popMode env fact =
-- and
-- dim_geo.city_name = coalesce(session_events.geo_city_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_geo.continent_name = coalesce(session_events.geo_continent_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_geo.most_specific_subdivision_name = coalesce(session_events.geo_most_specific_subdivision_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_geo.time_zone = coalesce(session_events.geo_time_zone,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')),-1) as xxff_geo_id,
-- dim_geo.continent_name = coalesce(session_events.geo_continent_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')),-1) as xxff_geo_id,
-- coalesce((select
-- id
-- from
@ -405,11 +501,7 @@ dimensionTablePopulateSQL popMode env fact =
-- and
-- dim_user_agent.os = coalesce(session_events.os,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- = coalesce(session_events.user_agent_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_user_agent.type = coalesce(session_events.user_agent_type,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_user_agent.device = coalesce(session_events.user_agent_device,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')),-1) as xxff_user_agent_id
-- = coalesce(session_events.user_agent_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')),-1) as xxff_user_agent_id
-- from
-- session_events
-- where
@ -441,11 +533,7 @@ dimensionTablePopulateSQL popMode env fact =
-- and
-- dim_geo.city_name = coalesce(session_events.geo_city_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_geo.continent_name = coalesce(session_events.geo_continent_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_geo.most_specific_subdivision_name = coalesce(session_events.geo_most_specific_subdivision_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_geo.time_zone = coalesce(session_events.geo_time_zone,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')),-1) as xxff_geo_id,
-- dim_geo.continent_name = coalesce(session_events.geo_continent_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')),-1) as xxff_geo_id,
-- coalesce((select
-- id
-- from
@ -455,11 +543,7 @@ dimensionTablePopulateSQL popMode env fact =
-- and
-- dim_user_agent.os = coalesce(session_events.os,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- = coalesce(session_events.user_agent_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_user_agent.type = coalesce(session_events.user_agent_type,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_user_agent.device = coalesce(session_events.user_agent_device,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')),-1) as xxff_user_agent_id
-- = coalesce(session_events.user_agent_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')),-1) as xxff_user_agent_id
-- from
-- session_events
-- where
@ -471,20 +555,78 @@ dimensionTablePopulateSQL popMode env fact =
-- xxff_user_agent_id
-- ;
-- >>> let sqls = factTablePopulateSQL FullPopulation env pageViewFact
-- >>> mapM_ (putStr . Text.unpack) sqls
-- insert into fact_page_view_by_minute (created_at_minute_id,
-- publisher_id,
-- view_count,
-- referrer_id,
-- page_type_id,
-- geo_id,
-- user_agent_id)
-- select
-- cast(floor(extract(epoch from page_view_events.created_at) / 60) as bigint) as xxff_created_at_minute_id,
-- page_view_events.publisher_id as xxff_publisher_id,
-- count(*) as xxff_view_count,
-- coalesce(page_view_events.referrer_id,-1) as xxff_referrer_id,
-- coalesce((select
-- id
-- from
-- dim_page_type as dim_page_type
-- where
-- dim_page_type.page_type = page_view_events.page_type),-1) as xxff_page_type_id,
-- coalesce((select
-- id
-- from
-- dim_geo as dim_geo
-- where
-- dim_geo.country_name = coalesce(session_events.geo_country_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_geo.city_name = coalesce(session_events.geo_city_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_geo.continent_name = coalesce(session_events.geo_continent_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')),-1) as xxff_geo_id,
-- coalesce((select
-- id
-- from
-- dim_user_agent as dim_user_agent
-- where
-- dim_user_agent.browser_name = coalesce(session_events.browser_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_user_agent.os = coalesce(session_events.os,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- = coalesce(session_events.user_agent_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')),-1) as xxff_user_agent_id
-- from
-- page_view_events
-- left outer join
-- session_events
-- on page_view_events.session_event_id =
-- and
-- page_view_events.publisher_id = session_events.publisher_id
-- where
-- page_view_events.created_at < ?
-- group by
-- xxff_created_at_minute_id,
-- xxff_publisher_id,
-- xxff_referrer_id,
-- xxff_page_type_id,
-- xxff_geo_id,
-- xxff_user_agent_id
-- ;
factTablePopulateSQL :: TablePopulationMode -> Env -> Fact -> [Text]
factTablePopulateSQL popMode env =
flip runReader env . G.factTablePopulateSQL popMode
-- |
-- >>> validateTable env sessionEventsTable
-- >>> concatMap (validateTable env) tables
-- []
validateTable :: Env -> Table -> [ValidationError]
validateTable env = flip runReader env . V.validateTable
-- |
-- >>> validateFact env sessionFact
-- >>> concatMap (validateFact env) facts
-- []
validateFact :: Env -> Fact -> [ValidationError]
validateFact env = flip runReader env . V.validateFact

View File

@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ extractFactTable fact = do
FactCountDistinct _ cName -> [ Column cName "json" NotNull ]
_ -> []
fkColumns = for allDims $ \(_, Table {..}) ->
let colName = factDimFKIdColumnName settingDimPrefix dimIdColName tableName
colType = idColTypeToFKIdColType settingDimTableIdColumnType
fkColumns = for allDims $ \(dimFact, dimTable) ->
let colName = factDimFKIdColumnName settingDimPrefix dimIdColName dimFact dimTable tables
colType = idColTypeToFKIdColType settingDimTableIdColumnType
in Column colName colType NotNull
ukColNames =

View File

@ -38,9 +38,11 @@ timeUnitColumnName :: Text -> ColumnName -> TimeUnit -> ColumnName
timeUnitColumnName dimIdColName colName timeUnit =
colName <> "_" <> timeUnitName timeUnit <> "_" <> dimIdColName
factDimFKIdColumnName :: Text -> Text -> TableName -> ColumnName
factDimFKIdColumnName dimPrefix dimIdColName dimTableName =
fromMaybe dimTableName (Text.stripPrefix dimPrefix dimTableName) <> "_" <> dimIdColName
factDimFKIdColumnName :: Text -> Text -> Fact -> Table -> [Table] -> ColumnName
factDimFKIdColumnName dimPrefix dimIdColName dimFact dimTable@Table { .. } tables =
if dimTable `elem` tables
then head [ cName | DimId tName cName <- factColumns dimFact, tName == tableName ]
else fromMaybe tableName (Text.stripPrefix dimPrefix tableName) <> "_" <> dimIdColName
extractedFactTableName :: Text -> Text -> TableName -> TimeUnit -> TableName
extractedFactTableName factPrefix factInfix factName timeUnit =

View File

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ factTableDefnSQL fact table = tableDefnSQL table (factTableIndexStmts fact)
factTableIndexStmts :: Fact -> Table -> Reader Env [Statement]
factTableIndexStmts fact table = do
Settings {..} <- asks envSettings
tables <- asks envTables
allDims <- extractAllDimensionTables fact
let dimTimeCol = head [ cName | DimTime cName <- factColumns fact ]
@ -83,8 +84,8 @@ factTableIndexStmts fact table = do
TenantId cName -> Just [cName]
_ -> Nothing
dimCols = [ [factDimFKIdColumnName settingDimPrefix settingDimTableIdColumnName tableName]
| (_, Table {..}) <- allDims ]
dimCols = [ [ factDimFKIdColumnName settingDimPrefix settingDimTableIdColumnName dimFact dimTable tables ]
| (dimFact, dimTable) <- allDims ]
return [ CreateIndexTSQL ea (nmc "") (name $ tabName) (map nmc cols)
| cols <- factCols ++ dimCols ++ [ [cName, dimTimeColName dimTimeCol]

View File

@ -160,7 +160,8 @@ factTablePopulateStmts popMode fact = do
_ -> []
dimColMap = for allDims $ \(dimFact, factTable@Table {tableName}) -> let
dimFKIdColName = factDimFKIdColumnName settingDimPrefix dimIdColName tableName
dimFKIdColName =
factDimFKIdColumnName settingDimPrefix dimIdColName dimFact factTable tables
factSourceTableName = factTableName dimFact
factSourceTable = fromJust . findTable factSourceTableName $ tables
dimFKIdColumn = fromJust . findColumn dimFKIdColName $ tableColumns factSourceTable
@ -168,16 +169,16 @@ factTablePopulateStmts popMode fact = do
[ binop "=" (eqi tableName dimColName) (coalesceColumn defaults factSourceTableName sourceCol)
| (dimColName, sourceColName) <- dimColumnMapping settingDimPrefix dimFact tableName
, let sourceCol = fromJust . findColumn sourceColName $ tableColumns factSourceTable ]
insertExpr = if factTable `elem` tables -- existing dimension table
insertExpr = if factTable `elem` tables -- existing dimension table
then (if columnNullable dimFKIdColumn == Null then coalesceFKId else id)
$ eqi factSourceTableName dimFKIdColName
else coalesceFKId . subQueryExp $
{ selSelectList = sl [ si $ ei dimIdColName ]
, selTref =
[ trefa (suffixTableName popMode settingTableNameSuffixTemplate tableName) tableName ]
, selWhere = dimLookupWhereClauses
{ selSelectList = sl [ si $ ei dimIdColName ]
, selTref =
[ trefa (suffixTableName popMode settingTableNameSuffixTemplate tableName) tableName ]
, selWhere = dimLookupWhereClauses
in (dimFKIdColName, insertExpr, True)
colMap = [ (cName, (expr, nmc $ groupByColPrefix <> cName), addToGroupBy)