Adds doctests for factTablePopulateSQL and validate* functions.

This commit is contained in:
Abhinav Sarkar 2016-01-25 22:27:38 +05:30
parent 46e5e43856
commit 68bf32a673
1 changed files with 111 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import qualified Ringo.Validator as V
-- Table { tableName = "session_events"
-- , tableColumns =
-- [ Column "id" "uuid" NotNull
-- , Column "created_at" "timestamp without time zone" Null
-- , Column "created_at" "timestamp without time zone" NotNull
-- , Column "member_id" "integer" Null
-- , Column "publisher_id" "integer" NotNull
-- , Column "user_agent" "character varying(1024)" Null
@ -369,12 +369,122 @@ dimensionTablePopulateSQL :: TablePopulationMode -> Env -> Fact -> TableName ->
dimensionTablePopulateSQL popMode env fact =
flip runReader env . G.dimensionTablePopulateSQL popMode fact
-- |
-- >>> let sqls = factTablePopulateSQL FullPopulation env sessionFact
-- >>> mapM_ (putStr . Text.unpack) sqls
-- insert into fact_session_by_minute (created_at_minute_id,
-- publisher_id,
-- session_count,
-- geo_id,
-- user_agent_id)
-- select
-- cast(floor(extract(epoch from session_events.created_at) / 60) as bigint) as xxff_created_at_minute_id,
-- session_events.publisher_id as xxff_publisher_id,
-- count(*) as xxff_session_count,
-- coalesce((select
-- id
-- from
-- dim_geo as dim_geo
-- where
-- dim_geo.country_name = coalesce(session_events.geo_country_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_geo.city_name = coalesce(session_events.geo_city_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_geo.continent_name = coalesce(session_events.geo_continent_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_geo.most_specific_subdivision_name = coalesce(session_events.geo_most_specific_subdivision_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_geo.time_zone = coalesce(session_events.geo_time_zone,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')),-1) as xxff_geo_id,
-- coalesce((select
-- id
-- from
-- dim_user_agent as dim_user_agent
-- where
-- dim_user_agent.browser_name = coalesce(session_events.browser_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_user_agent.os = coalesce(session_events.os,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- = coalesce(session_events.user_agent_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_user_agent.type = coalesce(session_events.user_agent_type,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_user_agent.device = coalesce(session_events.user_agent_device,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')),-1) as xxff_user_agent_id
-- from
-- session_events
-- where
-- session_events.created_at < ?
-- group by
-- xxff_created_at_minute_id,
-- xxff_publisher_id,
-- xxff_geo_id,
-- xxff_user_agent_id
-- ;
-- >>> let sqls = factTablePopulateSQL IncrementalPopulation env sessionFact
-- >>> mapM_ (putStr . Text.unpack) sqls
-- insert into fact_session_by_minute (created_at_minute_id,
-- publisher_id,
-- session_count,
-- geo_id,
-- user_agent_id)
-- select
-- cast(floor(extract(epoch from session_events.created_at) / 60) as bigint) as xxff_created_at_minute_id,
-- session_events.publisher_id as xxff_publisher_id,
-- count(*) as xxff_session_count,
-- coalesce((select
-- id
-- from
-- dim_geo as dim_geo
-- where
-- dim_geo.country_name = coalesce(session_events.geo_country_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_geo.city_name = coalesce(session_events.geo_city_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_geo.continent_name = coalesce(session_events.geo_continent_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_geo.most_specific_subdivision_name = coalesce(session_events.geo_most_specific_subdivision_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_geo.time_zone = coalesce(session_events.geo_time_zone,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')),-1) as xxff_geo_id,
-- coalesce((select
-- id
-- from
-- dim_user_agent as dim_user_agent
-- where
-- dim_user_agent.browser_name = coalesce(session_events.browser_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_user_agent.os = coalesce(session_events.os,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- = coalesce(session_events.user_agent_name,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_user_agent.type = coalesce(session_events.user_agent_type,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')
-- and
-- dim_user_agent.device = coalesce(session_events.user_agent_device,'__UNKNOWN_VAL__')),-1) as xxff_user_agent_id
-- from
-- session_events
-- where
-- session_events.created_at < ? and session_events.created_at >= ?
-- group by
-- xxff_created_at_minute_id,
-- xxff_publisher_id,
-- xxff_geo_id,
-- xxff_user_agent_id
-- ;
factTablePopulateSQL :: TablePopulationMode -> Env -> Fact -> [Text]
factTablePopulateSQL popMode env =
flip runReader env . G.factTablePopulateSQL popMode
-- |
-- >>> validateTable env sessionEventsTable
-- []
validateTable :: Env -> Table -> [ValidationError]
validateTable env = flip runReader env . V.validateTable
-- |
-- >>> validateFact env sessionFact
-- []
validateFact :: Env -> Fact -> [ValidationError]
validateFact env = flip runReader env . V.validateFact