Package lastfm :: Module wiki
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Source Code for Module

 1  #!/usr/bin/env python 
 3  __author__ = "Abhinav Sarkar <>" 
 4  __version__ = "0.2" 
 5  __license__ = "GNU Lesser General Public License" 
6 7 -class Wiki(object):
8 """A class representing the information from the wiki of the subject."""
9 - def __init__(self, 10 subject, 11 published = None, 12 summary = None, 13 content = None):
14 self._subject = subject 15 self._published = published 16 self._summary = summary 17 self._content = content
18 19 @property
20 - def subject(self):
21 """artist for which the biography is""" 22 return self._subject
23 24 @property
25 - def published(self):
26 """publication time of the biography""" 27 return self._published
28 29 @property
30 - def summary(self):
31 """summary of the biography""" 32 return self._summary
33 34 @property
35 - def content(self):
36 """content of the biography""" 37 return self._content
39 - def __repr__(self):
40 return "<lastfm.Wiki: for %s '%s'>" % (self.subject.__class__.__name__,