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A python interface to the last.fm web services API
Version: 0.2
Author: Abhinav Sarkar <abhinav@abhinavsarkar.net>
License: GNU Lesser General Public License
Album A class representing an album. |
Api The class representing the last.fm web services API. |
Artist A class representing an artist. |
Country A class representing a country. |
Event A class representing an event. |
Group A class representing a group on last.fm. |
LastfmError Base class for Lastfm errors |
Location A class representing a location of an event |
ObjectCache The registry to contain all the entities |
Playlist A class representing an XPSF playlist. |
Tag A class representing a tag. |
Tasteometer A class representing a tasteometer. |
Track A class representing a track. |
User A class representing an user. |
Venue A class representing a venue of an event |
__package__ =
Imports: playlist, Shout, album, api, artist, base, decorators, error, event, filecache, geo, group, lazylist, mixins, objectcache, os, safelist, shout, stats, sys, tag, tasteometer, track, user, venue, weeklychart, wiki
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