Package lastfm :: Module album
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Source Code for Module lastfm.album

  1  #!/usr/bin/env python 
  2  """Module for calling Album related web services API methods""" 
  4  __author__ = "Abhinav Sarkar <>" 
  5  __version__ = "0.2" 
  6  __license__ = "GNU Lesser General Public License" 
  8  from lastfm.base import LastfmBase 
  9  from lastfm.mixins import Cacheable, Searchable, Taggable 
 10  from lastfm.decorators import cached_property, top_property 
11 12 -class Album(LastfmBase, Cacheable, Searchable, Taggable):
13 """A class representing an album."""
14 - def init(self, 15 api, 16 name = None, 17 artist = None, 18 id = None, 19 mbid = None, 20 url = None, 21 release_date = None, 22 image = None, 23 stats = None, 24 top_tags = None, 25 streamable = None, 26 subject = None):
27 """ 28 Create an Album object by providing all the data related to it. 29 30 @param api: an instance of L{Api} 31 @type api: L{Api} 32 @param name: the album name 33 @type name: L{str} 34 @param artist: the album artist name 35 @type artist: L{Artist} 36 @param id: the album ID 37 @type id: L{str} 38 @param mbid: MBID of the album 39 @type mbid: L{str} 40 @param url: URL of the album on 41 @type url: L{str} 42 @param release_date: release date of the album 43 @type release_date: C{datetime.datetime} 44 @param image: the cover images of the album in various sizes 45 @type image: L{dict} 46 @param stats: the album statistics 47 @type stats: L{Stats} 48 @param top_tags: top tags for the album 49 @type top_tags: L{list} of L{Tag} 50 @param streamable: flag indicating if the album is streamable from 51 @type streamable: L{bool} 52 @param subject: the subject to which this instance belongs to 53 @type subject: L{User} OR L{Artist} OR L{Tag} OR L{WeeklyChart} 54 55 @raise InvalidParametersError: If an instance of L{Api} is not provided as the first 56 parameter then an Exception is raised. 57 """ 58 if not isinstance(api, Api): 59 raise InvalidParametersError("api reference must be supplied as an argument") 60 Taggable.init(self, api) 61 self._api = api 62 self._name = name 63 self._artist = artist 64 self._id = id 65 self._mbid = mbid 66 self._url = url 67 self._release_date = release_date 68 self._image = image 69 self._stats = stats and Stats( 70 subject = self, 71 listeners = stats.listeners, 72 playcount = stats.playcount, 73 match = stats.match, 74 rank = stats.rank 75 ) 76 self._top_tags = top_tags 77 self._streamable = streamable 78 self._subject = subject
79 80 @property
81 - def name(self):
82 """ 83 name of the album 84 @rtype: L{str} 85 """ 86 return self._name
87 88 @property
89 - def artist(self):
90 """ 91 artist of the album 92 @rtype: L{Artist} 93 """ 94 return self._artist
95 96 @property
97 - def id(self):
98 """ 99 id of the album 100 @rtype: L{int} 101 """ 102 if self._id is None: 103 self._fill_info() 104 return self._id
105 106 @property
107 - def mbid(self):
108 """ 109 MBID of the album 110 @rtype: L{str} 111 """ 112 if self._mbid is None: 113 self._fill_info() 114 return self._mbid
115 116 @property
117 - def url(self):
118 """ 119 url of the album's page 120 @rtype: L{str} 121 """ 122 if self._url is None: 123 self._fill_info() 124 return self._url
125 126 @property
127 - def release_date(self):
128 """ 129 release date of the album 130 @rtype: C{datetime.datetime} 131 """ 132 if self._release_date is None: 133 self._fill_info() 134 return self._release_date
135 136 @property
137 - def image(self):
138 """ 139 cover images of the album 140 @rtype: L{dict} 141 """ 142 if self._image is None: 143 self._fill_info() 144 return self._image
145 146 @property
147 - def stats(self):
148 """ 149 stats related to the album 150 @rtype: L{Stats} 151 """ 152 if self._stats is None: 153 self._fill_info() 154 return self._stats
155 156 @property
157 - def streamable(self):
158 """ 159 is the album streamable on 160 @rtype: L{bool} 161 """ 162 return self._streamable
163 164 @cached_property
165 - def top_tags(self):
166 """ 167 top tags for the album 168 @rtype: L{list} of L{Tag} 169 """ 170 params = {'method': 'album.getInfo'} 171 if self.artist and 172 params.update({'artist':, 'album':}) 173 elif self.mbid: 174 params.update({'mbid': self.mbid}) 175 data = self._api._fetch_data(params).find('album') 176 return [ 177 Tag( 178 self._api, 179 subject = self, 180 name = t.findtext('name'), 181 url = t.findtext('url') 182 ) 183 for t in data.findall('toptags/tag') 184 ]
185 186 @top_property("top_tags")
187 - def top_tag(self):
188 """ 189 top tag for the album 190 @rtype: L{Tag} 191 """ 192 pass
193 194 @cached_property
195 - def playlist(self):
196 """ 197 playlist for the album 198 @rtype: L{Playlist} 199 """ 200 return Playlist.fetch(self._api, "lastfm://playlist/album/%s" %
201 202 @staticmethod
203 - def get_info(api, artist = None, album = None, mbid = None):
204 """ 205 Get the data for the album. 206 207 @param api: an instance of L{Api} 208 @type api: L{Api} 209 @param artist: the album artist name 210 @type artist: L{str} OR L{Artist} 211 @param album: the album name 212 @type album: L{str} 213 @param mbid: MBID of the album 214 @type mbid: L{str} 215 216 @return: an Album object corresponding the provided album name 217 @rtype: L{Album} 218 219 @raise lastfm.InvalidParametersError: Either album and artist parameters or 220 mbid parameter has to be provided. 221 Otherwise exception is raised. 222 223 @note: Use the L{Api.get_album} method instead of using this method directly. 224 """ 225 data = Album._fetch_data(api, artist, album, mbid) 226 a = Album( 227 api, 228 name = data.findtext('name'), 229 artist = Artist( 230 api, 231 name = data.findtext('artist'), 232 ), 233 ) 234 a._fill_info() 235 return a
237 - def _default_params(self, extra_params = {}):
238 if not (self.artist and 239 raise InvalidParametersError("artist and album have to be provided.") 240 params = {'artist':, 'album':} 241 params.update(extra_params) 242 return params
243 244 @staticmethod
245 - def _fetch_data(api, 246 artist = None, 247 album = None, 248 mbid = None):
249 params = {'method': 'album.getInfo'} 250 if not ((artist and album) or mbid): 251 raise InvalidParametersError("either (artist and album) or mbid has to be given as argument.") 252 if artist and album: 253 params.update({'artist': artist, 'album': album}) 254 elif mbid: 255 params.update({'mbid': mbid}) 256 return api._fetch_data(params).find('album')
258 - def _fill_info(self):
259 data = Album._fetch_data(self._api,, 260 self._id = int(data.findtext('id')) 261 self._mbid = data.findtext('mbid') 262 self._url = data.findtext('url') 263 self._release_date = data.findtext('releasedate') and data.findtext('releasedate').strip() and \ 264 datetime(*(time.strptime(data.findtext('releasedate').strip(), '%d %b %Y, 00:00')[0:6])) 265 self._image = dict([(i.get('size'), i.text) for i in data.findall('image')]) 266 if not self._stats: 267 self._stats = Stats( 268 subject = self, 269 listeners = int(data.findtext('listeners')), 270 playcount = int(data.findtext('playcount')), 271 ) 272 self._top_tags = [ 273 Tag( 274 self._api, 275 subject = self, 276 name = t.findtext('name'), 277 url = t.findtext('url') 278 ) 279 for t in data.findall('toptags/tag') 280 ]
281 282 @staticmethod
283 - def _search_yield_func(api, album):
284 return Album( 285 api, 286 name = album.findtext('name'), 287 artist = Artist( 288 api, 289 name = album.findtext('artist') 290 ), 291 id = int(album.findtext('id')), 292 url = album.findtext('url'), 293 image = dict([(i.get('size'), i.text) for i in album.findall('image')]), 294 streamable = (album.findtext('streamable') == '1'), 295 )
296 297 @staticmethod
298 - def _hash_func(*args, **kwds):
299 try: 300 return hash("%s%s" % (kwds['name'], hash(kwds['artist']))) 301 except KeyError: 302 raise InvalidParametersError("name and artist have to be provided for hashing")
304 - def __hash__(self):
305 return self.__class__._hash_func(name =, artist = self.artist)
307 - def __eq__(self, other):
308 if and 309 return == 310 if self.mbid and other.mbid: 311 return self.mbid == other.mbid 312 if self.url and other.url: 313 return self.url == other.url 314 if ( and self.artist) and ( and other.artist): 315 return ( == and (self.artist == other.artist) 316 return super(Album, self).__eq__(other)
318 - def __lt__(self, other):
319 return <
321 - def __repr__(self):
322 return "<lastfm.Album: '%s' by %s>" % (,
323 324 325 from datetime import datetime 326 import time 327 328 from lastfm.api import Api 329 from lastfm.artist import Artist 330 from lastfm.error import InvalidParametersError 331 from lastfm.playlist import Playlist 332 from lastfm.stats import Stats 333 from lastfm.tag import Tag 334