Adds comments.

Abhinav Sarkar 2015-09-10 22:18:49 +05:30
parent 43ca446e33
commit 5a826db986
1 changed files with 19 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -92,31 +92,49 @@ runClient Server {..} client@Client {..} = do
handleMessage Quit clientAlive = killClient clientAlive
handleMessage (Join channelName) _ = atomically $ do
-- get user's channels
clientChannelMap <- readTVar clientChannelChans
-- if user has not already joined the channel
unless (Map.member channelName clientChannelMap) $ do
-- get server channels
channelMap <- readTVar serverChannels
channel@Channel {channelChan} <- case Map.lookup channelName channelMap of
Just (channel@Channel {channelUsers}) -> do
-- if the channel already exists on the server, add user to it
modifyTVar' channelUsers $ Set.insert clientUser
return channel
Nothing -> do
-- else create a new channel with this user in it
channel <- newChannel channelName $ Set.singleton clientUser
-- and add it to the server
modifyTVar' serverChannels $ Map.insert channelName channel
return channel
-- duplicate channel TChan for this user
clientChannelChan <- dupTChan channelChan
-- and add it to the users's channels
modifyTVar' clientChannelChans $ Map.insert channelName clientChannelChan
-- send a JOINED message to the channel for this user
tellMessage channel $ Joined channelName clientUser
handleMessage (Leave channelName) _ = atomically $ do
-- get server channels
channelMap <- readTVar serverChannels
case Map.lookup channelName channelMap of
-- if channel exists on the server
Just (channel@Channel {channelUsers}) -> do
-- remove this user from the channel
modifyTVar' channelUsers $ Set.delete clientUser
-- get users in the channel
users <- readTVar channelUsers
-- if there are no users in the channel
when (Set.null users) $
-- remove the channel from the server
modifyTVar' serverChannels $ Map.delete channelName
-- remove the channel from the user's channels
modifyTVar' clientChannelChans $ Map.delete channelName
-- send a LEFT message to the channel for this user
tellMessage channel $ Leaved channelName clientUser
-- nothing to do if the channel does not exist
Nothing -> return ()
handleMessage (Names channelName) _ = atomically $ do