Some refactoring

Abhinav Sarkar 2015-07-16 10:25:21 +05:30
parent 7ecb72ff04
commit 359f1b83c8
2 changed files with 40 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ executable hastron
unordered-containers >=0.2.5 && <0.3,
dlist >= 0.7 && <0.8,
mtl >= 2.2 && <2.3,
bifunctors >=5 && <6,
hashable >=1.2 && <1.3
hs-source-dirs: src
default-language: Haskell2010

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@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ import Control.Applicative (Applicative)
import Control.Monad.Identity (Identity, runIdentity)
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ask)
import Control.Monad.RWS (MonadRWS, RWST, execRWST)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, get, put)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, get, put, modify)
import Control.Monad.Writer (MonadWriter, tell)
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.DList (DList)
import qualified Data.DList as DList
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
@ -16,21 +17,6 @@ import Data.List (foldl')
import Hastron.Game.Types
import Prelude hiding (Left, Right)
leftTurn :: Direction -> Direction
leftTurn Left = Down
leftTurn Right = Up
leftTurn Up = Left
leftTurn Down = Right
rightTurn :: Direction -> Direction
rightTurn Left = Up
rightTurn Right = Down
rightTurn Up = Right
rightTurn Down = Left
noTurn :: Direction -> Direction
noTurn = id
newtype GameEngine a =
GameEngine { _runGameEngine :: RWST GameSettings (DList OutEvent) (GameMap, Player) Identity a }
deriving ( Functor
@ -54,22 +40,22 @@ move timeElapsed = do
settings <- ask
go settings state
go GameSettings{..}
(gameMap@GameMap{..}, player@Player{playerBoost = playerBoost@PlayerBoost{..}, ..})
go GameSettings{ .. } (gameMap@GameMap{ .. }, player@Player{ .. })
| playerState /= PlayerAlive || timeElapsed < 0 = return ()
| not boostActive || boostFuel >= timeElapsed = movePlayer
| not boostActive || boostFuel >= timeElapsed = move'
| otherwise =
move boostFuel >> move (timeElapsed - boostFuel)
(x, y) = playerPosition
(Velocity speed dir) = playerVelocity
PlayerBoost{ .. } = playerBoost
dist =
timeElapsed * speed * (if boostActive && boostFuel > 0 then gameBoostFactor else 1)
move' Left = tail [(x', y) | x' <- [x, x - 1 .. x - dist]]
move' Right = tail [(x', y) | x' <- [x .. x + dist]]
move' Up = tail [(x, y') | y' <- [y, y - 1 .. y - dist]]
move' Down = tail [(x, y') | y' <- [y .. y + dist]]
makeTrail Left = tail [(x', y) | x' <- [x, x - 1 .. x - dist]]
makeTrail Right = tail [(x', y) | x' <- [x .. x + dist]]
makeTrail Up = tail [(x, y') | y' <- [y, y - 1 .. y - dist]]
makeTrail Down = tail [(x, y') | y' <- [y .. y + dist]]
checkTrail trail =
let trail' = takeWhile (not . flip Set.member gameMapBlockedPoints) trail
@ -77,9 +63,9 @@ move timeElapsed = do
then (trail, PlayerAlive)
else (trail', PlayerDead)
movePlayer = do
move' = do
revTrail = move' dir
revTrail = makeTrail dir
(checkedTrail, playerState') = checkTrail revTrail
trail = reverse checkedTrail
pos' = if null trail then playerPosition else head trail
@ -97,25 +83,33 @@ move timeElapsed = do
put (gameMap', player')
tell $ DList.fromList outEvents
leftTurn :: Direction -> Direction
leftTurn Left = Down
leftTurn Right = Up
leftTurn Up = Left
leftTurn Down = Right
rightTurn :: Direction -> Direction
rightTurn Left = Up
rightTurn Right = Down
rightTurn Up = Right
rightTurn Down = Left
noTurn :: Direction -> Direction
noTurn = id
turn :: (Direction -> Direction) -> GameEngine ()
turn turnFn = get >>= go
go (gameMap, player@Player{playerVelocity = Velocity speed dir}) =
put ( gameMap, player { playerVelocity = Velocity speed $ turnFn dir })
turn turnFn = modify . second $ \player@Player{ playerVelocity = Velocity speed dir } ->
player { playerVelocity = Velocity speed $ turnFn dir }
changeBoost :: Bool -> GameEngine ()
changeBoost boostActive = get >>= go
go (gameMap, player@Player{..}) =
put (gameMap, player { playerBoost = playerBoost { boostActive = boostActive } })
changeBoost boostActive = modify . second $ \player@Player{ .. } ->
player { playerBoost = playerBoost { boostActive = boostActive } }
refillBoost :: Int -> GameEngine ()
refillBoost timeElapsed = do
state <- get
settings <- ask
go settings state
go GameSettings{..} (gameMap, player@Player{..}) = do
(gameMap, player@Player{ .. }) <- get
GameSettings{ .. } <- ask
let boostFuel' = floor (fromIntegral timeElapsed * gameBoostRefillFactor)
playerBoost' = playerBoost { boostFuel = boostFuel' }
put (gameMap, player { playerBoost = playerBoost' })
@ -134,7 +128,7 @@ stepGame game@Game{gameMap = gameMap@GameMap{..}, ..} time = stepGame'
if playerState /= PlayerAlive
then (game, [])
else let
timeElapsed = (time - playerLastEventTime)
timeElapsed = time - playerLastEventTime
fullStep = move timeElapsed >> step >> refillBoost timeElapsed
(gameMap', player'@Player{ playerPosition = pos'