A simple IRC bot written in Haskell
hask-irc-core | ||
hask-irc-handlers | ||
hask-irc-runner | ||
.gitignore | ||
.travis.yml | ||
init_sanbox.sh | ||
hircarra (plural hircarras)
(historical, India) A messenger, especially one who delivers a personal message.
Hircarra is a Haskell library to write IRC bots. It is meant to be very easy to use and completely extensible. It provides a core on which users can add support for their own IRC messages and replies and handlers. It also comes with a set of handlers (in the hircarra-handlers package) which provide a varied set of functionalities.
Example Usage
To start an IRC with no handlers:
$ cabal repl
*Network.IRC> let botConfig = newBotConfig "irc.freenode.net" 6667 "#hircarra" (Nick "hibot") 130 DEBUG
*Network.IRC> runBot botConfig
[2015-06-29 17:37:33] Network.IRC.Client DEBUG Connecting ...
[2015-06-29 17:37:33] Network.IRC.Client DEBUG Connected
[2015-06-29 17:37:33] Network.IRC.Client DEBUG Loading msg handler: help
[2015-06-29 17:37:33] Network.IRC.Client DEBUG Loading msg handler: pingpong
[2015-06-29 17:37:33] Network.IRC.Client DEBUG Running with config:
BotConfig {
server = "irc.freenode.net"
port = 6667
channel = "#hircarra"
nick = hibot
timeout = 130
handlers = ["help","pingpong"] }
[2015-06-29 17:37:33] Network.IRC.Bot INFO > NICK hibot
[2015-06-29 17:37:33] Network.IRC.Bot INFO > USER hibot 0 * :hibot
[2015-06-29 17:37:33] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :sinisalo.freenode.net NOTICE * :*** Looking up your hostname...
[2015-06-29 17:37:33] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :sinisalo.freenode.net NOTICE * :*** Checking Ident
[2015-06-29 17:37:33] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :sinisalo.freenode.net NOTICE * :*** Couldn't look up your hostname
[2015-06-29 17:37:39] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :sinisalo.freenode.net NOTICE * :*** No Ident response
[2015-06-29 17:37:39] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :sinisalo.freenode.net 001 hibot :Welcome to the freenode Internet Relay Chat Network hibot
[2015-06-29 17:37:39] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :hibot MODE hibot :+i
[2015-06-29 17:37:39] Network.IRC.Bot INFO > JOIN #hircarra
[2015-06-29 17:37:45] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :hibot!~hibot@ JOIN #hircarra
[2015-06-29 17:37:45] Network.IRC.Bot INFO Joined
[2015-06-29 17:37:45] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :sinisalo.freenode.net 353 hibot @ #hircarra :hibot @abh
[2015-06-29 17:37:45] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :sinisalo.freenode.net 366 hibot #hircarra :End of /NAMES list.
[2015-06-29 17:38:40] Network.IRC.Bot INFO > PING :1435599520
[2015-06-29 17:38:40] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :sinisalo.freenode.net PONG sinisalo.freenode.net :1435599520
[2015-06-29 17:39:46] Network.IRC.Bot INFO > PING :1435599586
[2015-06-29 17:39:47] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :sinisalo.freenode.net PONG sinisalo.freenode.net :1435599586
[2015-06-29 17:40:08] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :abh!~znc@ PRIVMSG #hircarra :hi hibot
^C[2015-06-29 17:40:13] Network.IRC.Client DEBUG User interrupt
[2015-06-29 17:40:13] Network.IRC.Client DEBUG Disconnecting ...
[2015-06-29 17:40:13] Network.IRC.Client DEBUG Stopping msg handler: pingpong
[2015-06-29 17:40:13] Network.IRC.Client DEBUG Stopping msg handler: help
[2015-06-29 17:40:13] Network.IRC.Bot INFO > QUIT
[2015-06-29 17:40:14] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :hibot!~hibot@ QUIT :Client Quit
[2015-06-29 17:40:14] Network.IRC.Client DEBUG Disconnected
Core features:
- Very simple interface. Just create a
and callrunBot
with it. - Automatically handles disconnetions and reconnections.
- Automatically changes nick if not available and recovers the original nick when it becomes available.
- Comes with standard IRC command support built in but users can extend it to add support for custom IRC commands.
- Users can add handlers which can react to IRC commands from channels and from private messages.
Writing Handlers
Let's write a simple echo handler:
$ ghci -package-db=./.cabal-sandbox/x86_64-osx-ghc-7.8.3-packages.conf.d
GHCi, version 7.8.3: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Prelude> :set prompt "λ: "
λ> :m +Data.Map
λ> :m +Network.IRC
λ> :set +m
λ> :set -XOverloadedStrings
λ> let echoHandler = MsgHandlerMaker "echo" $ \ _ _ -> return $ newMsgHandler {
λ| onMessage = \ Message { message = message } ->
λ| case fromMessage message of
λ| Just (ChannelMsg _ msg) -> do
λ| reply <- newMessage $ ChannelMsgReply msg
λ| return [reply]
λ| _ -> return []
λ| }
λ> let botConfig = newBotConfig "irc.freenode.net" 6667 "#hircarra" (Nick "hibot") 130 DEBUG
λ> let botConfigWithHandler = botConfig {
msgHandlerMakers = singleton "echo" echoHandler,
msgHandlerInfo = singleton "echo" empty }
λ> runBot botConfigWithHandler
[2015-06-29 18:28:43] Network.IRC.Client DEBUG Connecting ...
[2015-06-29 18:28:43] Network.IRC.Client DEBUG Connected
[2015-06-29 18:28:43] Network.IRC.Client DEBUG Loading msg handler: echo
[2015-06-29 18:28:43] Network.IRC.Client DEBUG Loading msg handler: help
[2015-06-29 18:28:43] Network.IRC.Client DEBUG Loading msg handler: pingpong
[2015-06-29 18:28:43] Network.IRC.Client DEBUG Running with config:
BotConfig {
server = "irc.freenode.net"
port = 6667
channel = "#hircarra"
nick = hibot
timeout = 130
handlers = ["echo","help","pingpong"] }
[2015-06-29 18:28:43] Network.IRC.Bot INFO > NICK hibot
[2015-06-29 18:28:43] Network.IRC.Bot INFO > USER hibot 0 * :hibot
[2015-06-29 18:28:44] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :wilhelm.freenode.net NOTICE * :*** Looking up your hostname...
[2015-06-29 18:28:44] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :wilhelm.freenode.net NOTICE * :*** Checking Ident
[2015-06-29 18:28:44] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :wilhelm.freenode.net NOTICE * :*** Couldn't look up your hostname
[2015-06-29 18:28:50] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :wilhelm.freenode.net NOTICE * :*** No Ident response
[2015-06-29 18:28:50] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :wilhelm.freenode.net 001 hibot :Welcome to the freenode Internet Relay Chat Network hibot
[2015-06-29 18:28:50] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :hibot MODE hibot :+i
[2015-06-29 18:28:50] Network.IRC.Bot INFO > JOIN #hircarra
[2015-06-29 18:28:56] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :hibot!~hibot@ JOIN #hircarra
[2015-06-29 18:28:56] Network.IRC.Bot INFO Joined
[2015-06-29 18:28:56] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :wilhelm.freenode.net 353 hibot @ #hircarra :hibot @abh
[2015-06-29 18:28:56] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :wilhelm.freenode.net 366 hibot #hircarra :End of /NAMES list.
[2015-06-29 18:29:00] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :abh!~znc@ PRIVMSG #hircarra :test test
[2015-06-29 18:29:00] Network.IRC.Bot INFO > PRIVMSG #hircarra :test test
[2015-06-29 18:29:06] Network.IRC.Bot INFO < :abh!~znc@ PRIVMSG #hircarra :repeater
[2015-06-29 18:29:06] Network.IRC.Bot INFO > PRIVMSG #hircarra :repeater
^C[2015-06-29 18:29:10] Network.IRC.Client DEBUG User interrupt
[2015-06-29 18:29:10] Network.IRC.Client DEBUG Disconnecting ...
[2015-06-29 18:29:10] Network.IRC.Client DEBUG Stopping msg handler: echo
[2015-06-29 18:29:10] Network.IRC.Client DEBUG Stopping msg handler: help
[2015-06-29 18:29:10] Network.IRC.Client DEBUG Stopping msg handler: pingpong
[2015-06-29 18:29:10] Network.IRC.Bot INFO > QUIT
[2015-06-29 18:29:11] Network.IRC.Client DEBUG Disconnected
Here is how the conversation looked in an IRC client:
[18:28:56] hibot (~hibot@ joined the channel
[18:28:59] <@abh> test test
[18:29:00] <hibot> test test
[18:29:05] <@abh> repeater
[18:29:06] <hibot> repeater
[18:29:11] hibot (~hibot@ left IRC (Client Quit)