package net.abhinavsarkar.spelhelper import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.scalatest.FlatSpec import org.scalatest.junit.ShouldMatchersForJUnit import java.util.{HashSet, Set => JSet, List => JList, ArrayList} @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) class ImplicitMethodsSpec extends FlatSpec with ShouldMatchersForJUnit { "Implicit Function 'distinct' on List" should "return distinct items in a list " in { val set: JSet[String] = new HashSet set add "a"; set add "b" new SpelHelper().evalExpression("#list('a','b','a').distinct()", new {}, classOf[JSet[String]]) should equal(set) } "Implicit Function 'sorted' on List" should "return a sorted list " in { val list: JList[String] = new ArrayList List("a", "b", "c") foreach { list add _ } new SpelHelper().evalExpression("#list('c','b','a').sorted()", new {}, classOf[JList[String]]) should equal(list) } "Implicit Function 'reversed' on List" should "return a reversed list " in { val list: JList[String] = new ArrayList List("a", "b", "c") foreach { list add _ } new SpelHelper().evalExpression("#list('c','b','a').reversed()", new {}, classOf[JList[String]]) should equal(list) } "Implicit Function 'take' on List" should "return a list containing first n items of a list " in { val list: JList[String] = new ArrayList List("a", "b", "c") foreach { list add _ } new SpelHelper().evalExpression("#list('a','b','c','d').take(3)", new {}, classOf[JList[String]]) should equal(list) } "Implicit Function 'drop' on List" should "return a list containing items after the first n items of a list " in { val list: JList[String] = new ArrayList List("c", "d") foreach { list add _ } new SpelHelper().evalExpression("#list('a','b','c','d').drop(2)", new {}, classOf[JList[String]]) should equal(list) } }