Renamed files and moved cleaner and grid codes in separate files

Abhinav Sarkar 2011-10-05 21:00:52 +05:30
parent 82361f606a
commit 7b7b4f4eca
5 changed files with 77 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, TemplateHaskell #-}
module AI.Vacuum where
module AI.Vacuum.Cleaner where
import AI.Vacuum.Grid
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad.State
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
@ -9,24 +10,11 @@ import Control.Category
import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing, fromJust)
import Data.Lens.Common
import Data.Lens.Template
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Debug.Trace (putTraceMsg)
trace :: String -> a -> a
trace string expr = unsafePerformIO $ do
putTraceMsg string
return expr
data Direction = North | East | South | West deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded)
data Percept = TouchSensor | PhotoSensor | InfraredSensor deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type Percepts = [Percept]
type PerceptsHistory = [Percepts]
data Action = GoForward | TurnRight | TurnLeft | SuckDirt | TurnOff deriving (Eq, Show)
data CellType = Empty | Furniture | Dirt | Home deriving (Eq, Show)
type Point = (Int, Int)
data Cell = Cell { _point :: Point, _cellType :: CellType } deriving (Eq, Show)
type Grid = M.Map Point Cell
data CleanerState = On | Off deriving (Eq, Show)
type Score = Int
@ -41,55 +29,7 @@ data Cleaner =
_score :: Score
} deriving (Show)
makeLenses [''Cell, ''Cleaner]
class (Enum a, Eq a, Bounded a) => WrappedBoundedEnum a where
next :: a -> a
prev :: a -> a
next x = if (maxBound == x) then minBound else succ x
prev x = if (minBound == x) then maxBound else pred x
instance WrappedBoundedEnum Direction
right :: Direction -> Direction
right = next
left :: Direction -> Direction
left = prev
forwardPoint :: Point -> Direction -> Point
forwardPoint (x, y) North = (x, y - 1)
forwardPoint (x, y) East = (x + 1, y)
forwardPoint (x, y) South = (x, y + 1)
forwardPoint (x, y) West = (x - 1, y)
rightPoint :: Point -> Direction -> Point
rightPoint (x, y) North = (x + 1, y)
rightPoint (x, y) East = (x, y + 1)
rightPoint (x, y) South = (x - 1, y)
rightPoint (x, y) West = (x, y - 1)
leftPoint :: Point -> Direction -> Point
leftPoint (x, y) North = (x -1, y)
leftPoint (x, y) East = (x, y - 1)
leftPoint (x, y) South = (x + 1, y)
leftPoint (x, y) West = (x, y + 1)
lookupCell :: Point -> Grid -> Maybe Cell
lookupCell = M.lookup
forwardCell :: Cell -> Direction -> Grid -> Maybe Cell
forwardCell (Cell point _) = lookupCell . (forwardPoint point)
rightCell :: Cell -> Direction -> Grid -> Maybe Cell
rightCell (Cell point _) = lookupCell . (rightPoint point)
leftCell :: Cell -> Direction -> Grid -> Maybe Cell
leftCell (Cell point _) = lookupCell . (leftPoint point)
gridFromCellList :: [Cell] -> Grid
gridFromCellList = foldl (\m cell@(Cell p _) -> M.insert p cell m) M.empty
makeLenses [''Cleaner]
createCleaner :: Cell -> Direction -> Cleaner
createCleaner cell dir = Cleaner On cell dir [cell^.point] [] [] 0

chapter2/grid.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module AI.Vacuum.Grid where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Lens.Template
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Debug.Trace (putTraceMsg)
trace :: String -> a -> a
trace string expr = unsafePerformIO $ do
putTraceMsg string
return expr
data Direction = North | East | South | West deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded)
data CellType = Empty | Furniture | Dirt | Home deriving (Eq, Show)
type Point = (Int, Int)
data Cell = Cell { _point :: Point, _cellType :: CellType } deriving (Eq, Show)
type Grid = M.Map Point Cell
makeLenses [''Cell]
class (Enum a, Eq a, Bounded a) => WrappedBoundedEnum a where
next :: a -> a
prev :: a -> a
next x = if (maxBound == x) then minBound else succ x
prev x = if (minBound == x) then maxBound else pred x
instance WrappedBoundedEnum Direction
right :: Direction -> Direction
right = next
left :: Direction -> Direction
left = prev
forwardPoint :: Point -> Direction -> Point
forwardPoint (x, y) North = (x, y - 1)
forwardPoint (x, y) East = (x + 1, y)
forwardPoint (x, y) South = (x, y + 1)
forwardPoint (x, y) West = (x - 1, y)
rightPoint :: Point -> Direction -> Point
rightPoint (x, y) North = (x + 1, y)
rightPoint (x, y) East = (x, y + 1)
rightPoint (x, y) South = (x - 1, y)
rightPoint (x, y) West = (x, y - 1)
leftPoint :: Point -> Direction -> Point
leftPoint (x, y) North = (x -1, y)
leftPoint (x, y) East = (x, y - 1)
leftPoint (x, y) South = (x + 1, y)
leftPoint (x, y) West = (x, y + 1)
lookupCell :: Point -> Grid -> Maybe Cell
lookupCell = M.lookup
forwardCell :: Cell -> Direction -> Grid -> Maybe Cell
forwardCell (Cell point _) = lookupCell . (forwardPoint point)
rightCell :: Cell -> Direction -> Grid -> Maybe Cell
rightCell (Cell point _) = lookupCell . (rightPoint point)
leftCell :: Cell -> Direction -> Grid -> Maybe Cell
leftCell (Cell point _) = lookupCell . (leftPoint point)
gridFromCellList :: [Cell] -> Grid
gridFromCellList = foldl (\m cell@(Cell p _) -> M.insert p cell m) M.empty

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module AI.Vacuum.RandomGrid where
import AI.Vacuum
import AI.Vacuum.Grid
import System.Random
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Map as M

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module AI.Vacuum.ReflexAgent where
import AI.Vacuum
import AI.Vacuum.Cleaner
import AI.Vacuum.Grid
import AI.Vacuum.RandomGrid
import Data.Lens.Common
import Control.Monad.State

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module AI.Vacuum.TableLookupAgent where
import AI.Vacuum
import AI.Vacuum.Cleaner
import AI.Vacuum.Grid
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Lens.Common
import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing, fromJust)