Solved problem 2.6

Abhinav Sarkar 2011-10-04 17:04:22 +05:30
commit 2b425ec62d
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chapter2/prob26.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
import AI.Vacuum
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing, fromJust)
-- Problem 2.6
possiblePerceptsHistories :: [PerceptsHistory]
possiblePerceptsHistories = takeWhile ((<= 9) . length) $
[[]] : [[PhotoSensor]] : concatMap (\s -> [[] : s, [PhotoSensor] : s]) possiblePerceptsHistories
-- 0 -> t
-- 1 -> s
-- t -> 0 -> m | 1 -> X
-- s -> 0 -> t | 1 -> X
-- m -> 0 -> t | 1 -> s
-- X -> X
chooseAction :: PerceptsHistory -> Maybe Action
chooseAction ph =
case ph of
[] -> Just GoForward
[[]] -> Just TurnRight
[[PhotoSensor]] -> Just SuckDirt
(p:ps) ->
case lookup ps perceptsHistoryToActionMap of
Just (Just prevAction) -> chooseAction' ph prevAction
_ -> Nothing
chooseAction' :: PerceptsHistory -> Action -> Maybe Action
chooseAction' ph prevAction
| prevAction == TurnRight || prevAction == TurnLeft =
case head ph of
[] -> Just GoForward
[PhotoSensor] -> Nothing
| prevAction == SuckDirt =
case head ph of
[] -> Just TurnRight
[PhotoSensor] -> Nothing
| prevAction == GoForward =
case head ph of
[] -> Just TurnRight
[PhotoSensor] -> Just SuckDirt
| prevAction == TurnOff = error "Cannot move after turnoff"
perceptsHistoryToActionMap :: [(PerceptsHistory, Maybe Action)]
perceptsHistoryToActionMap =
map (\ph -> (ph, chooseAction ph)) possiblePerceptsHistories
grid1 = gridFromCellList [
Cell (0, 0) Home, Cell (1, 0) Empty,
Cell (0, 1) Empty, Cell (1, 1) Empty
grid2 = gridFromCellList [
Cell (0, 0) Home, Cell (1, 0) Dirt,
Cell (0, 1) Empty, Cell (1, 1) Empty
grid3 = gridFromCellList [
Cell (0, 0) Home, Cell (1, 0) Empty,
Cell (0, 1) Dirt, Cell (1, 1) Empty
grid4 = gridFromCellList [
Cell (0, 0) Home, Cell (1, 0) Empty,
Cell (0, 1) Empty, Cell (1, 1) Dirt
grid5 = gridFromCellList [
Cell (0, 0) Home, Cell (1, 0) Dirt,
Cell (0, 1) Dirt, Cell (1, 1) Empty
grid6 = gridFromCellList [
Cell (0, 0) Home, Cell (1, 0) Empty,
Cell (0, 1) Dirt, Cell (1, 1) Dirt
grid7 = gridFromCellList [
Cell (0, 0) Home, Cell (1, 0) Dirt,
Cell (0, 1) Empty, Cell (1, 1) Dirt
runCleaner :: Cleaner -> State Grid Cleaner
runCleaner cleaner@(Cleaner _ _ _ ph _) = do
case chooseAction ph of
Just action -> do
cleaner <- doAction action cleaner
let ph = clPrcptsHist cleaner
if InfraredSensor `elem` (head ph)
then doAction TurnOff cleaner
else runCleaner cleaner
_ -> doAction TurnOff cleaner
simulateOnGrid :: Grid -> (Cleaner, Grid)
simulateOnGrid grid =
runState (runCleaner cleaner) grid
where cleaner = createCleaner (fromJust $ cell (0, 0) grid) East

chapter2/vacuum.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
module AI.Vacuum where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing, fromJust)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Debug.Trace (putTraceMsg)
trace :: String -> a -> a
trace string expr = unsafePerformIO $ do
putTraceMsg string
return expr
data Direction = North | East | South | West deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded)
data Percept = TouchSensor | PhotoSensor | InfraredSensor deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type Percepts = [Percept]
type PerceptsHistory = [Percepts]
data Action = GoForward | TurnRight | TurnLeft | SuckDirt | TurnOff deriving (Eq, Show)
data CellType = Empty | Furniture | Dirt | Home deriving (Eq, Show)
type Point = (Int, Int)
data Cell = Cell Point CellType deriving (Eq, Show)
type Grid = M.Map Point Cell
data CleanerState = On | Off deriving (Eq, Show)
type Score = Int
data Cleaner =
Cleaner {
clState :: CleanerState,
clCell :: Cell,
clDir :: Direction,
clPrcptsHist :: PerceptsHistory,
clScore :: Score
} deriving (Show)
class (Enum a, Eq a, Bounded a) => WrappedBoundedEnum a where
next :: a -> a
prev :: a -> a
next x = if (maxBound == x) then minBound else succ x
prev x = if (minBound == x) then maxBound else pred x
instance WrappedBoundedEnum Direction
right :: Direction -> Direction
right = next
left :: Direction -> Direction
left = prev
forwardPoint :: Point -> Direction -> Point
forwardPoint (x, y) North = (x, y - 1)
forwardPoint (x, y) East = (x + 1, y)
forwardPoint (x, y) South = (x, y + 1)
forwardPoint (x, y) West = (x - 1, y)
rightPoint :: Point -> Direction -> Point
rightPoint (x, y) North = (x + 1, y)
rightPoint (x, y) East = (x, y + 1)
rightPoint (x, y) South = (x - 1, y)
rightPoint (x, y) West = (x, y - 1)
leftPoint :: Point -> Direction -> Point
leftPoint (x, y) North = (x -1, y)
leftPoint (x, y) East = (x, y - 1)
leftPoint (x, y) South = (x + 1, y)
leftPoint (x, y) West = (x, y + 1)
cell :: Point -> Grid -> Maybe Cell
cell = M.lookup
forwardCell :: Cell -> Direction -> Grid -> Maybe Cell
forwardCell (Cell point _) dir grid = cell (forwardPoint point dir) grid
rightCell :: Cell -> Direction -> Grid -> Maybe Cell
rightCell (Cell point _) dir grid = cell (rightPoint point dir) grid
leftCell :: Cell -> Direction -> Grid -> Maybe Cell
leftCell (Cell point _) dir grid = cell (leftPoint point dir) grid
gridFromCellList :: [Cell] -> Grid
gridFromCellList = foldl (\m cell@(Cell p _) -> M.insert p cell m) M.empty
createCleaner :: Cell -> Direction -> Cleaner
createCleaner cell dir = Cleaner On cell dir [] 0
turnRight :: Cleaner -> State Grid Cleaner
turnRight (Cleaner state cell dir ph score) =
return $ Cleaner state cell (right dir) ([] : ph) score
turnLeft :: Cleaner -> State Grid Cleaner
turnLeft (Cleaner state cell dir ph score) =
return $ Cleaner state cell (left dir) ([] : ph) score
moveForward :: Cleaner -> State Grid Cleaner
moveForward cleaner@(Cleaner state cell@(Cell _ cellType) dir ph score) = do
grid <- get
return $
case forwardCell cell dir grid of
Nothing -> Cleaner state cell dir ([TouchSensor] : ph) score
Just nextCell@(Cell _ nextCellType) ->
case nextCellType of
Empty -> Cleaner state nextCell dir ([] : ph) score
Furniture -> Cleaner state cell dir ([TouchSensor] : ph) score
Dirt -> Cleaner state nextCell dir ([PhotoSensor] : ph) score
Home -> Cleaner state nextCell dir ([InfraredSensor] : ph) score
doAction :: Action -> Cleaner -> State Grid Cleaner
doAction action cleaner@(Cleaner state cell@(Cell point cellType) dir ph score) =
case action of
GoForward -> moveForward $ Cleaner state cell dir ph (score - 1)
TurnRight -> turnRight $ Cleaner state cell dir ph (score - 1)
TurnLeft -> turnLeft $ Cleaner state cell dir ph (score - 1)
SuckDirt ->
case cellType of
Dirt -> do
grid <- get
put $ M.insert point (Cell point Empty) grid
return $ Cleaner state cell dir ([] : ph) (score + 99)
otherwise -> return $ Cleaner state cell dir ([] : ph) (score - 1)
TurnOff ->
case cellType of
Home -> return $ Cleaner Off cell dir ([] : ph) score
otherwise -> return $ Cleaner state cell dir ([] : ph) (score - 1000)