{- A solution to rubyquiz 43 (http://rubyquiz.com/quiz43.html). A fast multi-threaded Sudoku solver using recursive depth-first backtracking for searching and constraint propagation for solving. Solves the 49191 puzzles at http://school.maths.uwa.edu.au/~gordon/sudoku17 in 32 seconds on a quad core machine with output switched off. Each puzzle should be formatted as a single line of 81 character, top to bottom, left to right, with digits 1 to 9 if the cell has a value else a dot (.). Example: 4.....8.5.3..........7......2.....6.....8.4......1....... Usage: cat sudoku17 | bin/SudokuSolver +RTS -N4 -H800m -K50m echo "4.....8.5.3..........7......2.....6.....8.4......1......." | bin/SudokuSolver Copyright 2012 Abhinav Sarkar -} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, RecordWildCards #-} module Sudoku.Solver (solveSudoku, main) where import qualified Data.Set as S import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar) import Control.Concurrent.Chan (newChan, writeChan, getChanContents) import Control.Monad (forM_, forM) import Data.Bits ((.&.), complement, bit) import Data.List.Split (chunksOf) import System.CPUTime (getCPUTime) import Text.Printf (printf) import Sudoku.Board -- Solves a Sudoku board using recursive backtracking DFS. solveSudoku :: Board -> Maybe Board solveSudoku board -- if solved, return the board | isBoardSolved board = Just board -- if no more unsolved cells left then return Nothing | S.null (ambCells board) = Nothing -- if the current cell has no possible values, solve with rest cells | val == 0 = solveSudoku $ board { ambCells = cs } | otherwise = let -- create two cells from current cell, one with only the smallest possible -- value and second with the rest fs = bit . firstSol $ val nextPos = Cell ix fs 1 restPos = Cell ix (val .&. complement fs) (vl - 1) boardR = updateBoard board restPos -- try to constrain with the current cell with only one value in case constrainBoard board nextPos of -- if failed, continue with the current cell with the rest values Nothing -> solveSudoku boardR -- if solved, return the board Just board' | isBoardSolved board' -> Just board' -- else try to recursively solve the board further | otherwise -> case solveSudoku board' of -- if solved, return the board Just board'' -> Just board'' -- else try to solve the board with the current cell -- with the rest values Nothing -> solveSudoku boardR where -- Finds the cell which has fewest possible values. (Cell ix val vl, cs) = S.deleteFindMin (ambCells board) -- Reads the puzzles from stdin and solves them main :: IO () main = do -- read the puzzles in chunks of 100 chunks <- fmap (chunksOf 100 . lines) getContents solChan <- newChan done <- newEmptyMVar -- print the solutions (or errors) and wait for all thread to finish forkIO $ do solutions <- getChanContents solChan printSolutions solutions (length chunks) putMVar done () -- spawn a thread for each chunk forM_ chunks $ \chunk -> forkIO $ do -- for each line in the chunk, read it as a Sudoku board and solve it -- return solution as a string represented by showBoard if solvable else "Unsolvable" -- return an error if invalid board forM_ chunk $ \line -> do start <- getCPUTime let sudoku = readBoard line case sudoku of Nothing -> writeChan solChan $ "Invalid input sudoku: " ++ line Just board -> do let !res = solveSudoku board end <- getCPUTime let diff = fromIntegral (end - start) / (10 ^ 9) :: Double let !sol = printf "%s -> %s [%0.3f ms]" line (maybe "Unsolvable" showBoard res) diff writeChan solChan sol writeChan solChan "DONE" takeMVar done where printSolutions _ 0 = return () printSolutions ("DONE":xs) l = printSolutions xs (l - 1) printSolutions (x:xs) l = putStrLn x >> printSolutions xs l