Added solution to rubyquiz 30
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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
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A solution to rubyquiz 30 (
Copyright 2012 Abhinav Sarkar <>
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows, NoMonomorphismRestriction, RecordWildCards #-}
module Main where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.FingerTree.PSQueue as Q
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import AStar
import Data.Char (toLower, isAlphaNum)
import Data.FingerTree.PSQueue (Binding(..))
import Data.List (foldl', maximumBy, partition, sortBy)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList, fromMaybe, isNothing, fromJust, catMaybes)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Control.Applicative ((<*>))
import Control.Monad (when)
import Options.Applicative
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.XML.HXT.Core hiding ((:->), when)
--- types ---
data Song = Song {
songArtist :: T.Text,
songId :: Int,
songName :: T.Text,
songDuration :: Int
instance Eq Song where
a == b = songId a == songId b
instance Ord Song where
compare = comparing songId
instance Show Song where
show (Song {..}) = printf "%s. %s - %s (%sms)"
(show songId) (T.unpack songArtist) (T.unpack songName) (show songDuration)
data SongLibrary = SongLibrary {
songIdMap :: M.Map Int Song,
fstCharMap :: M.Map Char [Song],
lstCharMap :: M.Map Char [Song]
} deriving (Show)
data Playlist = Playlist { playlistSongs :: [Song], playlistDuration :: Int }
deriving (Show)
--- XML parsing ---
atTag tag = deep (isElem >>> hasName tag)
getSong = atTag "Song" >>>
proc s -> do
sName <- (T.strip . T.pack) ^<< getAttrValue "name" -< s
sId <- read ^<< getAttrValue "id" -< s
sDuration <- read ^<< getAttrValue "duration" -< s
returnA -< (sId, sName, sDuration)
getSongs = atTag "Artist" >>>
proc a -> do
sArtist <- (T.strip . T.pack) ^<< getAttrValue "name" -< a
songs <- listA getSong -< a
returnA -< map (uncurry3 $ Song sArtist) songs
getSongsFromXml :: FilePath -> IO SongLibrary
getSongsFromXml file =
fmap (uncurry3 SongLibrary
. foldl' (\(mi, mf, ml) s ->
(M.insert (songId s) s mi,
M.insertWith (++) (fstChar . songName $ s) [s] mf,
M.insertWith (++) (lstChar. songName $ s) [s] ml))
(M.empty, M.empty, M.empty)
. concat)
$ runX (readDocument [withValidate no , withRemoveWS yes] file >>> getSongs)
--- playlist generation ---
cleanSongName =
T.dropAround (not . isAlphaNum) . head . dropWhile T.null . T.splitOn (T.pack "(")
fstChar = toLower . T.head . cleanSongName
lstChar = toLower . T.last . cleanSongName
nextSongs :: Song -> SongLibrary -> [Song]
nextSongs song = fromMaybe [] . M.lookup (lstChar . songName $ song) . fstCharMap
prevSongs :: Song -> SongLibrary -> [Song]
prevSongs song = fromMaybe [] . M.lookup (fstChar . songName $ song) . lstCharMap
playlist :: SongLibrary -> (Song -> [(Song, Int)]) -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Playlist
playlist library nextSong startId endId = do
start <- M.lookup startId $ songIdMap library
end <- M.lookup endId $ songIdMap library
let pl = concatMap snd . maybeToList . astar start end nextSong $ (\_ _ -> 0)
return $ Playlist pl (playlistTime pl)
shortestPlaylist, longestPlaylist, shortestTimePlaylist, longestTimePlaylist
:: SongLibrary -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Playlist
shortestPlaylist library =
playlist library (\song -> map (\s -> (s, 1)) . nextSongs song $ library)
longestPlaylist library =
playlist library (\song -> map (\s -> (s, -1)) . nextSongs song $ library)
shortestTimePlaylist library startId =
playlist library (\song ->
map (\s -> (s, songDuration . fromJust . M.lookup startId . songIdMap $ library))
. nextSongs song $ library) startId
longestTimePlaylist library startId =
playlist library (\song ->
map (\s -> (s, negate . songDuration . fromJust . M.lookup startId . songIdMap $ library))
. nextSongs song $ library) startId
playlistTime = sum . map songDuration
playlistTimes :: SongLibrary -> Int -> Int -> M.Map Int Int
playlistTimes library startId endId = let
songIds = zip (M.keys . songIdMap $ library) (repeat maxBound)
queue = Q.fromAscList . map (uncurry (:->)) $ songIds
distances = M.fromAscList songIds
endSongDuration = songDuration . fromJust . song $ endId
in (\n -> if n == maxBound then 0 else n)
$ loop (M.insert endId endSongDuration distances)
(Q.adjust (const endSongDuration) endId queue)
song sId = M.lookup sId . songIdMap $ library
loop distances queue = case Q.findMin queue of
Nothing -> distances
Just (sId :-> p) -> let
queue' = Q.deleteMin queue
in if p == maxBound
then distances
else let
prev = prevSongs (fromJust $ song sId) library
(distances', queue'') =
foldl (\(d, q) Song{..} -> let
alt = fromJust (M.lookup sId d) + songDuration
old = fromJust $ M.lookup songId d
in if alt < old
then (M.insert songId alt d, Q.adjust (const alt) songId q)
else (d, q))
(distances, queue') prev
in loop distances' queue''
timedPlaylist :: SongLibrary -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Playlist
timedPlaylist library time startId endId maxChild =
fst $ timedPlaylist_ library time startId endId S.empty M.empty
(playlistTimes library startId endId) maxChild
timedPlaylist_ library time startId endId seen rejected shortestTimeMap maxChild
| isNothing song = (Nothing, rejected)
| startId == endId = (Just $ Playlist [jSong] (songDuration jSong), rejected)
| fromMaybe 0 (M.lookup startId rejected) > time = (Nothing, rejected)
| fromMaybe 0 (M.lookup startId shortestTimeMap) > time =
(Nothing, M.insertWith max startId time rejected)
| songDuration jSong > time = (Nothing, rejected)
| otherwise = let
(rest, rejected', _) =
(\(pls, rej, count) sId -> if count >= maxChild
then (pls, rej, count)
else let
(pl, rej') = timedPlaylist_ library (time - songDuration jSong)
sId endId seen' rej shortestTimeMap maxChild
in case pl of
Nothing -> (pl : pls, rej', count)
Just _ -> (pl : pls, rej', count + 1))
([], rejected, 0) nextSongIds
rest' = catMaybes rest
in if null rest'
then if null nextSeen
then (Nothing, M.insertWith max startId time rejected')
else (Nothing, rejected')
else let Playlist plSongs plDur = maximumBy (comparing playlistDuration) rest'
in (Just $ Playlist (jSong : plSongs) (plDur + songDuration jSong), rejected')
song = M.lookup startId . songIdMap $ library
jSong = fromJust song
(nextSongIds, nextSeen) =
partition (not . flip S.member seen) . map songId
. sortBy (comparing (negate . songDuration)) . nextSongs jSong $ library
seen' = S.insert startId seen
--- command line parsing ---
data Command = Shortest Bool
| Longest Bool
| Timed Int Int
deriving (Show)
optParser = subparser $
command "shortest"
<*> ((\bt sl st et -> (sl, st, et, Shortest bt))
<$> byTimeP "Shortest" <*> songLibFileP <*> startIdP <*> endIdP))
(progDesc "Creates shortest playlist"))
& command "longest"
<*> ((\bt sl st et -> (sl, st, et, Longest bt))
<$> byTimeP "Longest" <*> songLibFileP <*> startIdP <*> endIdP))
(progDesc "Creates longest playlist"))
& command "timed"
<*> ((\sl tm mc st et -> (sl, st, et, Timed tm mc))
<$> songLibFileP <*> timeP <*> maxChildP <*> startIdP <*> endIdP))
(progDesc "Creates longest playlist with the maximum specified time"))
songLibFileP = argument str (metavar "song_library_xml_file")
byTimeP optimum = switch (short 't' & help (optimum ++ " by playlist time"))
startIdP = argument auto (metavar "start_song_id")
endIdP = argument auto (metavar "end_song_id")
timeP = argument auto (metavar "playlist_time")
maxChildP = argument auto (metavar "max_children")
opts = info (helper <*> optParser) $
progDesc "Creates \"Barrel of Monkey\" playlists starting and ending by given songs"
--- main ---
main = do
(songLibFile, startId, endId, command) <- execParser opts
library <- getSongsFromXml songLibFile
when (isNothing . M.lookup startId . songIdMap $ library)
(error "Start id not found in the library")
when (isNothing . M.lookup endId . songIdMap $ library)
(error "End id not found in the library")
case command of
Shortest byTime ->
if byTime
then printPlaylist $ shortestTimePlaylist library startId endId
else printPlaylist $ shortestPlaylist library startId endId
Longest byTime ->
if byTime
then printPlaylist $ longestTimePlaylist library startId endId
else printPlaylist $ longestPlaylist library startId endId
Timed time maxChild ->
printPlaylist $ timedPlaylist library time startId endId maxChild
printPlaylist playlist = case playlist of
Nothing -> putStrLn "No playlist found"
Just Playlist{..} -> do
putStrLn . unlines . map show $ playlistSongs
putStrLn ("Duration: " ++ show playlistDuration ++ " ms")
@ -59,4 +59,15 @@ executable SolataireCipher
build-depends : base == 4.*,
optparse-applicative == 0.1.*
main-is : SolataireCipher.hs
default-language : Haskell2010
executable BarrelOfMonkeys
build-depends : base == 4.*,
containers == 0.4.*,
hxt == 9.2.*,
pqueue == 1.2.*,
fingertree-psqueue == 0.3.*,
text == 0.11.*,
optparse-applicative == 0.1.*
main-is : BarrelOfMonkeys.hs
default-language : Haskell2010
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