Solution to rubyquiz 13
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Decrypts a cryptogram (a substitution cypher).
A solution to rubyquiz 13 (
Usage: ./Cryptograms dictionary_file encrypted_file
Copyright 2012 Abhinav Sarkar <>
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Cryptograms where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Data.Char (toLower, isAlpha)
import Data.List (foldl', find, sortBy)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust, mapMaybe, catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Text.Printf (printf)
-- import Debug.Trace (trace)
trace :: String -> a -> a
trace _ x = x
type Mapping = M.Map Char Char
type Dict = M.Map Int (S.Set String)
-- reads the dictionary from the given file. must contain one word per line.
readDict :: FilePath -> IO Dict
readDict filePath = do
!dictWords <- fmap (filter (all isAlpha) . map (map toLower) . lines)
$ readFile filePath
return $
foldl' (\dict w -> M.insertWith S.union (length w) (S.singleton w) dict)
M.empty dictWords
-- translates the token using the given mapping.
-- return Nothing if unable to translate.
translateToken :: Mapping -> String -> Maybe String
translateToken mapping = fmap reverse
. foldM (\acc char -> M.lookup char mapping >>= Just . (:acc)) ""
-- translates all tokens using the given mapping.
-- translates the token to '---' if unable to translate.
translateTokens :: Mapping -> [String] -> [String]
translateTokens mapping =
map (\token ->
fromMaybe (replicate (length token ) '-') . translateToken mapping $ token)
-- scores a mapping by counting the number of translated tokens that are
-- in the dictionary.
scoreMapping :: Dict -> Mapping -> [String] -> Int
scoreMapping dict mapping =
. filter (\w -> case M.lookup (length w) dict of
Nothing -> False
Just ws -> w `S.member` ws)
. mapMaybe (translateToken mapping)
-- finds the mappings which have best scores for the given tokens.
findBestMappings :: Dict -> [String] -> [Mapping]
findBestMappings dict tokens = let
mappings = reverse
. sortBy (comparing snd)
. map (\mapping -> (mapping, scoreMapping dict mapping tokens))
. S.toList
. foldl' (findMappingsForToken dict) S.empty
. reverse . sortBy (comparing length)
$ tokens
maxScore = if not (null mappings) then snd . head $ mappings else 0
in map fst . takeWhile ((== maxScore) . snd) $ mappings
-- finds the merged mappings for a token
findMappingsForToken :: Dict -> S.Set Mapping -> String -> S.Set Mapping
findMappingsForToken dict mappings token =
case find isJust . map (flip translateToken token)
. reverse . sortBy (comparing M.size)
. S.toList $ mappings of
-- the token is already translatable. return current mappings.
Just _ -> mappings
-- the token is not translatable yet. return current mappings merged
-- with the mappings for the token.
Nothing -> mergeMappingLists mappings (createMappingsForToken dict token)
-- merges mapping lists. discards conflicting mappings while merging.
mergeMappingLists :: S.Set Mapping -> S.Set Mapping -> S.Set Mapping
mergeMappingLists mappings1 mappings2
| mappings1 == S.empty = mappings2
| mappings2 == S.empty = mappings1
| otherwise =
trace (printf "Merging %s x %s mappings" (show . S.size $ mappings1) (show . S.size $ mappings2)) $
merged = S.fromList . catMaybes $
[mergeMappings m1 m2 | m1 <- S.toList mappings1, m2 <- S.toList mappings2]
in trace (printf "Merged to %s mappings" (show $ S.size merged)) merged
-- merges two mappings. returns Nothing if mappings conflict.
mergeMappings :: Mapping -> Mapping -> Maybe Mapping
mergeMappings mapping1 mapping2 =
(\acc (k, v) ->
if M.member k acc
then if (fromJust . M.lookup k $ acc) == v then Just acc else Nothing
else Just $ M.insert k v acc)
mapping1 $ M.toList mapping2
-- creates mappings for a token by finding words of same form from the dictionary.
createMappingsForToken :: Dict -> String -> S.Set Mapping
createMappingsForToken dict token =
case M.lookup (length token) dict of
Nothing -> S.empty
Just words -> let
tokenF = tokenForm token
matches = S.fromList . map (getMapping token)
. filter ((== tokenF) . tokenForm) . S.toList $ words
in trace (printf "%s -> %s matches" token (show . S.size $ matches)) matches
-- returns form of a token. for example, the form of "abc" is [1,2,3]
-- while the form of "aba" is [1,2,1].
tokenForm :: String -> [Int]
tokenForm token = let
(_, form, _) =
foldl' (\(formMap, form, lf) char ->
case M.lookup char formMap of
Nothing -> (M.insert char (lf + 1) formMap, (lf + 1) : form, lf + 1)
Just f -> (formMap, f : form, lf))
(M.empty, [], 0) token
in reverse form
-- creates the mapping between two strings of same length.
getMapping :: String -> String -> Mapping
getMapping t1 t2 = M.fromList $ zip t1 t2
-- returns text representation of a mapping.
showMapping :: Mapping -> String
showMapping mapping =
map snd . sortBy (comparing fst) . M.toList
. foldl' (\acc c -> M.insertWith (\_ l -> l) c '.' acc) mapping $ ['a'..'z']
main :: IO()
main = do
(dictFile : cryptTextFile : _) <- getArgs
-- read the dictionary
!dict <- readDict dictFile
-- read the encrypted tokens
!tokens <- fmap (map (map toLower) . lines) $ readFile cryptTextFile
let mappings = findBestMappings dict tokens
if not (null mappings)
then do
putStrLn $ show (length mappings) ++ " best mappings found with score " ++
show (scoreMapping dict (head mappings) tokens)
putStrLn . unlines $
map (\mapping -> printf "%s -> %s"
(showMapping mapping)
(unwords . translateTokens mapping $ tokens))
putStrLn "No mappings found"
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