Added solution to rubyquiz 43
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@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Main where
import qualified Data.Array as A
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Monad (foldM, forM_)
import Data.Char (digitToInt, intToDigit)
import Data.List (foldl', intersperse, (\\), sortBy, groupBy)
import Data.List.Split (splitEvery)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import System.CPUTime (getCPUTime)
import Text.Printf (printf)
countingSortBy f lo hi =
concatMap snd
. A.assocs . A.accumArray (\ e a -> a : e) [] (lo, hi) . map (\i -> (f i, i))
data Cell = Cell !Int ![Int] deriving (Eq, Ord)
type Board = M.Map Int Cell
instance Show Cell where
show cell@(Cell ix val) = "<" ++ show ix ++ " " ++ show val ++ ">"
emptyBoard =
foldl' (\m i -> M.insert i (Cell i [1..9]) m) M.empty [0..80]
constrainCell cell@(Cell ix val) board c@(Cell i pos) =
case () of _
| c == cell -> return board
| null pos' && length val == 1 -> Nothing
| null pos' -> return board
| length pos' == 1 && length pos > 1 -> constrainBoard board (Cell i pos')
| otherwise -> return $ M.insert i (Cell i pos') board
where pos' = pos \\ val
constrainCells :: Cell -> S.Set Cell -> Board -> [Cell] -> Maybe Board
constrainCells cell@(Cell ix val) seen board unit = do
board' <- foldM (constrainCell cell) board unit
let unit' = map (\(Cell ix _) -> fromJust $ M.lookup ix board') $ unit
foldM (\board'' cell' ->
constrainCells cell' (S.insert cell' seen) board'' unit')
board' (dups unit')
dups = filter (not . flip S.member seen) . map head
. filter (\xs@(Cell _ v : _) -> length xs == length v)
. groupBy (\(Cell _ v1) (Cell _ v2) -> v1 == v2)
. sortBy (comparing (\(Cell _ val) -> val))
. filter (\(Cell _ v) -> length v > 1 && length v < 4)
constrainBoard :: Board -> Cell -> Maybe Board
constrainBoard board cell@(Cell ix _) =
foldM (\board'' unitf ->
constrainCells cell (S.singleton cell) board'' (unitf cell board''))
(M.insert ix cell board) [row, column, box]
(rowIx, colIx) = ix `divMod` 9
(rowIx', colIx') = ((rowIx `div` 3) * 3, (colIx `div` 3) * 3)
cells board = map (fromJust . flip M.lookup board)
row (Cell ix _) board = cells board $ take 9 [rowIx * 9 ..]
column (Cell ix _) board = cells board $ take 9 [colIx, colIx + 9 ..]
box (Cell ix _) board =
cells board [r * 9 + c | r <- [rowIx' .. rowIx' + 2], c <- [colIx' .. colIx' + 2]]
readBoard :: String -> Maybe Board
readBoard str =
foldM constrainBoard emptyBoard
. map (\(ix, n) -> Cell ix [digitToInt n])
. filter ((/= '.') . snd)
. zip [0..] $ str
showBoard :: Board -> String
showBoard board =
zipWith (\(Cell _ val) dot ->
if length val == 1 then intToDigit (head val) else dot)
(map snd . M.toList $ board)
(repeat '.')
printBoard :: Board -> IO ()
printBoard board =
. (\t -> line ++ "\n" ++ t ++ line ++ "\n")
. unlines . concat . intersperse [line] . splitEvery 3
. map ((\r -> "| " ++ r ++ " |") . concat
. intersperse " | " . map (intersperse ' ') . splitEvery 3)
. splitEvery 9
. showBoard $ board
where line = "+-------+-------+-------+"
solveSudoku :: Board -> Maybe Board
solveSudoku = fst . flip solve S.empty
solve board invalid = go (cells board) board invalid
cells board =
-- countingSortBy (\(Cell _ val) -> length val) 2 9
sortBy (comparing (\(Cell _ val) -> length val))
. filter (\(Cell _ val) -> length val /= 1)
. map snd . M.toList $ board
isSolved = all (\(Cell _ val) -> length val == 1) . M.elems
go [] board invalid = (Nothing, S.insert board invalid)
go (Cell ix val : cs) board invalid
| S.member board invalid = (Nothing, invalid)
| null val = go cs board (S.insert board invalid)
| otherwise = let
nextPos = Cell ix [head val]
restPos = Cell ix (tail val)
board' = M.insert ix nextPos board
in case constrainBoard board nextPos of
Nothing -> go (restPos : cs) board (S.insert board' invalid)
Just board'' | isSolved board'' -> (Just board'', invalid)
| otherwise -> let
(mBoard', invalid') = solve board'' invalid
in case mBoard' of
Just board''' -> (Just board''', invalid')
Nothing ->
go (restPos : cs) board (S.insert board'' invalid')
main = do
lns <- fmap lines getContents
forM_ lns $ \line -> do
start <- getCPUTime
let sudoku = readBoard line
case sudoku of
Nothing -> putStrLn ("Invalid input sudoku: " ++ line)
Just board -> do
let !res = solveSudoku board
end <- getCPUTime
let diff = (fromIntegral (end - start)) / (10^12)
putStrLn (printf "%s -> %s [%0.3f sec]" line (maybe "Unsolvable" showBoard res) (diff :: Double))
--putStrLn (printf "Time taken: %0.3f sec" (diff :: Double))
--printBoard board
--case res of
-- Nothing -> putStrLn "Unsolvable"
-- Just board' -> printBoard board'
@ -78,4 +78,13 @@ executable AmazingMazes
random == 1.0.*,
pqueue == 1.2.*
main-is : AmazingMazes.hs
default-language : Haskell2010
executable SudokuSolver
build-depends : base == 4.*,
containers == 0.4.*,
mtl == 2.1.*,
split == 0.1.4.*,
array == 0.4.*
main-is : SudokuSolver.hs
default-language : Haskell2010
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