Solved RubyQuiz problem 1
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module SolataireCipher where
import Data.Char (toUpper, ord, chr)
import Data.List (unfoldr, splitAt, sort, elemIndex)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
data Card = RankCard Int | JokerA | JokerB deriving (Eq)
instance Show Card where
show (RankCard r) = show r
show JokerA = "A"
show JokerB = "B"
type Deck = [Card]
aJokerIdx = cardIndex JokerA
bJokerIdx = cardIndex JokerB
cardValue :: Card -> Int
cardValue (RankCard val) =
if val > 0 && val <= 52
then val
else error "Invalid card value"
cardValue JokerA = 53
cardValue JokerB = 53
cardIndex :: Card -> [Card] -> Int
cardIndex card = fromJust . elemIndex card
serialDeck :: Deck
serialDeck = map RankCard [1..52] ++ [JokerA, JokerB]
keyStream :: Deck -> Int -> [Char]
keyStream deck keyCount =
take keyCount $ unfoldr (Just . keyChar) deck
keyChar :: Deck -> (Char, Deck)
keyChar deck =
-- move down JokerA by 1
deck' = moveCard deck (aJokerIdx deck) 1
-- move donw JokerB by 2
deck'' = moveCard deck' (bJokerIdx deck') 2
-- triple cut around the jokers
[i, j] = sort [(aJokerIdx deck''), (bJokerIdx deck'')]
(top, rest) = splitAt i deck''
(mid, bottom) = splitAt (j + 1 - i) rest
cards' = bottom ++ mid ++ top
-- count cut using the value of the bottom card
c = cardValue (last cards')
(top', bottom') = splitAt c cards'
cards'' = (init bottom') ++ top' ++ [last cards']
-- output value
cV = cardValue (cards'' !! (cardValue . head $ cards''))
if cV == 53
then keyChar cards''
else (numToChar $ (if cV > 26 then cV - 26 else cV), cards'')
moveCard :: [a] -> Int -> Int -> [a]
moveCard lst idx move =
before ++ [lst !! idx] ++ after
(left, right) = let (l, r) = splitAt idx lst in (l, tail r)
(before, after) = splitAt (wrappedIdx (idx + move) (length lst)) (left ++ right)
wrappedIdx :: Int -> Int -> Int
wrappedIdx i len
| i < 0 = wrappedIdx (i + len) len
| i < len = i
| otherwise = (i + i `div` len) `mod` len
cleanupText :: String -> String
cleanupText text =
t = map toUpper text
l = length t
(q, r) = l `divMod` 5
if r == 0
then t
else take ((q + 1) * 5) $ t ++ repeat 'X'
charsToNums :: [Char] -> [Int]
charsToNums = map (\c -> ord c - 64)
numToChar :: Int -> Char
numToChar = chr . (+ 64)
numsToChars :: [Int] -> [Char]
numsToChars = map numToChar
addCharNums :: (Int, Int) -> Int
addCharNums (a, b) =
let s = a + b in
if s <= 26 then s else s - 26
subCharNums :: (Int, Int) -> Int
subCharNums (a, b) =
let m = a - b in
if m > 0 then m else m + 26
encrypt :: Deck -> String -> String
encrypt deck clearText =
numsToChars . map addCharNums $ zip textNums ksNums
text = cleanupText clearText
ks = keyStream deck (length text)
textNums = charsToNums text
ksNums = charsToNums ks
decrypt :: Deck -> String -> String
decrypt deck encText =
numsToChars . map subCharNums $ zip encTextNums ksNums
ks = keyStream deck (length encText)
encTextNums = charsToNums encText
ksNums = charsToNums ks
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