module Ringo.ArgParser (ProgArgs(..), parseArgs) where import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.List (intercalate) import Options.Applicative import Ringo.Types data ProgArgs = ProgArgs { progSettings :: Settings , progInputFile :: FilePath , progOutputDir :: FilePath } deriving (Eq, Show) settingsParser :: Parser Settings settingsParser = let Settings {..} = defSettings in Settings <$> (Text.pack <$> strOption (long "dim-prefix" <> short 'd' <> value (Text.unpack settingDimPrefix) <> showDefault <> help "Prefix for dimension tables")) <*> (Text.pack <$> strOption (long "fact-prefix" <> short 'f' <> value (Text.unpack settingFactPrefix) <> showDefault <> help "Prefix for fact tables")) <*> option auto (let timeunits = map show [Second ..] in long "timeunit" <> short 't' <> value settingTimeUnit <> showDefault <> completeWith timeunits <> help ("Time unit granularity for fact tables. Possible values: " ++ intercalate ", " timeunits)) <*> minorOption "avg-count-col-suffix" settingAvgCountColumSuffix "Suffix for average count columns" <*> minorOption "avg-sum-col-suffix" settingAvgSumColumnSuffix "Suffix for average sum columns" <*> minorOption "count-distinct-col-suffix" settingCountDistinctColumSuffix "Suffix for count distinct bucket columns" <*> minorOption "dim-id-col-name" settingDimTableIdColumnName "Name of dimension table id columns" <*> minorOption "dim-id-col-type" settingDimTableIdColumnType "Type of dimension table id columns" <*> minorOption "fact-count-col-type" settingFactCountColumnType "Type of fact table count columns" <*> minorOption "fact-infix" settingFactInfix "Infix for fact tables" <*> minorOption "dependencies-json-file" settingDependenciesJSONFileName "Name of the output dependencies json file" <*> minorOption "facts-json-file" settingFactsJSONFileName "Name of the output facts json file" <*> minorOption "dimensions-json-file" settingDimensionJSONFileName "Name of the output dimensions json file" where minorOption longDesc defValue helpTxt = Text.pack <$> strOption (long longDesc <> hidden <> value (Text.unpack defValue) <> showDefault <> help helpTxt) progArgsParser :: Parser ProgArgs progArgsParser = ProgArgs <$> settingsParser <*> argument str (metavar "INPUT" <> action "file" <> help "Input file") <*> argument str (metavar "OUTPUT" <> action "directory" <> help "Output directory") parseArgs :: IO ProgArgs parseArgs = execParser $ info (helper <*> progArgsParser) (fullDesc <> progDesc "Transforms OLTP database schemas to OLAP database star schemas" <> header "ringo - OLTP to OLAP schema transformer" <> footer "Source:")