Adds sql generation for count distinct fact columns population.

This commit is contained in:
Abhinav Sarkar 2015-12-22 19:46:37 +05:30
parent 2dcbe4efd7
commit ff4ca5e235
6 changed files with 142 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ writeFiles outputDir env@Env{..} = do
, table <- tabs
, table `notElem` envTables ]
factTablePopulateSQLs typ gen = [ (typ, tableName table, sqlStr $ gen env fact)
factTablePopulateSQLs typ gen = [ (typ, tableName table, unlines . map sqlStr $ gen env fact)
| (fact, table) <- factTables ]
sqls = concat [ dimTableDefnSQLs

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@ -49,6 +49,11 @@ settingsParser = let Settings {..} = defSettings
<*> minorOption "fact-count-col-type"
"Type of fact table count columns"
<*> option auto (long "fact-count-distinct-error-rate"
<> hidden
<> value settingFactCountDistinctErrorRate
<> showDefault
<> help "Error rate for count distinct calulations")
<*> minorOption "fact-infix"
"Infix for fact tables"

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ dimensionTablePopulateSQL :: TablePopulationMode -> Env -> Fact -> TableName ->
dimensionTablePopulateSQL popMode env fact =
flip runReader env . G.dimensionTablePopulateSQL popMode fact
factTablePopulateSQL :: TablePopulationMode -> Env -> Fact -> Text
factTablePopulateSQL :: TablePopulationMode -> Env -> Fact -> [Text]
factTablePopulateSQL popMode env =
flip runReader env . G.factTablePopulateSQL popMode

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@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ extractFactTable fact = do
[ Column (cName <> settingAvgCountColumSuffix) countColType NotNull
, Column (cName <> settingAvgSumColumnSuffix) (sourceColumnType scName) NotNull
FactCountDistinct _ cName -> [ Column cName (countColType <> "[]") NotNull ]
FactCountDistinct _ cName -> [ Column cName "json" NotNull ]
_ -> []
fks = for allDims $ \(fact', tab@Table {..}) ->

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, asks)
import Data.List (nub, find, subsequences, partition, sortBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, mapMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, mapMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -120,14 +120,23 @@ dimensionTablePopulateSQL popMode fact dimTableName = do
<> "\nWHERE " <> Text.intercalate " \nAND "
[ fullColName dimTableName c <> " IS NULL" | (c, _) <- colMapping ]
factTablePopulateSQL :: TablePopulationMode -> Fact -> Reader Env Text
data FactTablePopulateSelectSQL = FactTablePopulateSelectSQL
{ ftpsSelectCols :: ![(Text, Text)]
, ftpsSelectTable :: !Text
, ftpsJoinClauses :: ![Text]
, ftpsWhereClauses :: ![Text]
, ftpsGroupByCols :: ![Text]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
factTablePopulateSQL :: TablePopulationMode -> Fact -> Reader Env [Text]
factTablePopulateSQL popMode fact = do
Settings {..} <- asks envSettings
allDims <- extractAllDimensionTables fact
tables <- asks envTables
let fTableName = factTableName fact
table = fromJust . findTable fTableName $ tables
dimIdColName = settingDimTableIdColumnName
Settings {..} <- asks envSettings
allDims <- extractAllDimensionTables fact
tables <- asks envTables
let fTableName = factTableName fact
table = fromJust . findTable fTableName $ tables
dimIdColName = settingDimTableIdColumnName
tablePKColName = head [ cName | PrimaryKey cName <- tableConstraints table ]
timeUnitColumnInsertSQL cName =
let colName = timeUnitColumnName dimIdColName cName settingTimeUnit
@ -138,13 +147,13 @@ factTablePopulateSQL popMode fact = do
factColMap = concatFor (factColumns fact) $ \col -> case col of
DimTime cName -> [ timeUnitColumnInsertSQL cName ]
NoDimId cName -> [ (cName, fullColName fTableName cName, True) ]
FactCount scName cName ->
DimTime cName -> [ timeUnitColumnInsertSQL cName ]
NoDimId cName -> [ (cName, fullColName fTableName cName, True) ]
FactCount scName cName ->
[ (cName, "count(" <> maybe "*" (fullColName fTableName) scName <> ")", False) ]
FactSum scName cName ->
FactSum scName cName ->
[ (cName, "sum(" <> fullColName fTableName scName <> ")", False) ]
FactAverage scName cName ->
FactAverage scName cName ->
[ ( cName <> settingAvgCountColumSuffix
, "count(" <> fullColName fTableName scName <> ")"
, False
@ -154,6 +163,7 @@ factTablePopulateSQL popMode fact = do
, False
FactCountDistinct _ cName -> [ (cName, "'{}'::json", False)]
_ -> []
dimColMap = for allDims $ \(dimFact, factTable@Table {..}) ->
@ -169,31 +179,79 @@ factTablePopulateSQL popMode fact = do
<> Text.intercalate "\n AND " dimLookupWhereClauses
in (colName, insertSQL, True)
colMap = [ (cName, if addAs then asName cName sql else sql, addAs)
colMap = [ (cName, (sql, groupByColPrefix <> cName), addAs)
| (cName, sql, addAs) <- factColMap ++ dimColMap ]
joinClauses =
mapMaybe (\tName -> (\p -> "LEFT JOIN " <> tName <> " ON "<> p) <$> joinClausePreds table tName)
mapMaybe (\tName -> (\p -> "LEFT JOIN " <> tName <> "\nON "<> p) <$> joinClausePreds table tName)
. nub
. map (factTableName . fst)
$ allDims
timeCol = fullColName fTableName $ head [ cName | DimTime cName <- factColumns fact ]
return $ "INSERT INTO "
<> extractedFactTableName settingFactPrefix settingFactInfix (factName fact) settingTimeUnit
<> " (\n" <> unlineCols (map fst3 colMap) <> "\n)"
<> "\nSELECT \n" <> unlineCols (map snd3 colMap)
<> "\nFROM " <> fTableName <> "\n" <> Text.intercalate"\n" joinClauses
<> (if popMode == IncrementalPopulation
then "\nWHERE " <> timeCol <> " > ? AND " <> timeCol <> " <= ?"
else "")
<> "\nGROUP BY \n"
<> unlineCols (map ((groupByColPrefix <>) . fst3) . filter thd3 $ colMap)
extFactTableName =
extractedFactTableName settingFactPrefix settingFactInfix (factName fact) settingTimeUnit
insertIntoSelectSQL =
{ ftpsSelectCols = map snd3 colMap
, ftpsSelectTable = fTableName
, ftpsJoinClauses = joinClauses
, ftpsWhereClauses = if popMode == IncrementalPopulation
then [timeCol <> " > ?", timeCol <> " <= ?"]
else []
, ftpsGroupByCols = map ((groupByColPrefix <>) . fst3) . filter thd3 $ colMap
insertIntoInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO " <> extFactTableName
<> " (\n" <> Text.intercalate ",\n " (map fst3 colMap) <> "\n)"
countDistinctCols = [ col | col@(FactCountDistinct _ _) <- factColumns fact]
updateSQLs =
let origGroupByCols = ftpsGroupByCols insertIntoSelectSQL
origSelectCols = ftpsSelectCols insertIntoSelectSQL
in for countDistinctCols $ \(FactCountDistinct scName cName) ->
let unqCol = fullColName fTableName (fromMaybe tablePKColName scName) <> "::text"
bucketSelectCols =
[ ( "hashtext(" <> unqCol <> ") & "
<> Text.pack (show $ bucketCount settingFactCountDistinctErrorRate - 1)
, cName <> "_bnum")
, ( "31 - floor(log(2, min(hashtext(" <> unqCol <> ") & ~(1 << 31))))::int"
, cName <> "_bhash"
selectSQL = toSelectSQL $
{ ftpsSelectCols = filter ((`elem` origGroupByCols) . snd) origSelectCols ++ bucketSelectCols
, ftpsGroupByCols = origGroupByCols ++ [cName <> "_bnum"]
, ftpsWhereClauses = ftpsWhereClauses insertIntoSelectSQL ++ [ unqCol <> " IS NOT NULL" ]
aggSelectClause =
"json_object_agg(" <> cName <> "_bnum, " <> cName <> "_bhash) AS " <> cName
in "UPDATE " <> extFactTableName
<> "\nSET " <> cName <> " = " <> fullColName "xyz" cName
<> "\nFROM ("
<> "\nSELECT " <> Text.intercalate ",\n" (origGroupByCols ++ [aggSelectClause])
<> "\nFROM (\n" <> selectSQL <> "\n) zyx"
<> "\nGROUP BY \n" <> Text.intercalate ",\n" origGroupByCols
<> "\n) xyz"
<> "\n WHERE\n"
<> Text.intercalate "\nAND "
[ coalesceFKId (fullColName extFactTableName .fromJust . Text.stripPrefix groupByColPrefix $ col)
<> " = " <> coalesceFKId (fullColName "xyz" col)
| col <- origGroupByCols ]
return $ insertIntoInsertSQL <> "\n" <> toSelectSQL insertIntoSelectSQL :
if null countDistinctCols then [] else updateSQLs
groupByColPrefix = "xxff_"
asName cName sql = "(" <> sql <> ")" <> " as " <> groupByColPrefix <> cName
unlineCols = Text.intercalate ",\n "
groupByColPrefix = "xxff_"
joinClausePreds table oTableName =
fmap (\(ForeignKey _ colPairs) ->
@ -205,3 +263,25 @@ factTablePopulateSQL popMode fact = do
_ -> False)
. tableConstraints
$ table
toSelectSQL FactTablePopulateSelectSQL {..} =
"SELECT \n" <> Text.intercalate ",\n " (map (uncurry asName) ftpsSelectCols)
<> "\nFROM " <> ftpsSelectTable
<> (if not . null $ ftpsJoinClauses
then "\n" <> Text.intercalate"\n" ftpsJoinClauses
else "")
<> (if not . null $ ftpsWhereClauses
then "\nWHERE " <> Text.intercalate "\nAND " ftpsWhereClauses
else "")
<> "\nGROUP BY \n"
<> Text.intercalate ",\n " ftpsGroupByCols
asName sql alias = "(" <> sql <> ")" <> " as " <> alias
coalesceFKId col = "coalesce(" <> col <> ", -1)"
bucketCount :: Double -> Integer
bucketCount errorRate =
let power :: Double = fromIntegral (ceiling . logBase 2 $ (1.04 / errorRate) ** 2 :: Integer)
in ceiling $ 2 ** power

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@ -69,34 +69,36 @@ factColumnName (FactAverage cName _) = Just cName
factColumnName (FactCountDistinct cName _) = cName
data Settings = Settings
{ settingDimPrefix :: !Text
, settingFactPrefix :: !Text
, settingTimeUnit :: !TimeUnit
, settingAvgCountColumSuffix :: !Text
, settingAvgSumColumnSuffix :: !Text
, settingDimTableIdColumnName :: !Text
, settingDimTableIdColumnType :: !Text
, settingFactCountColumnType :: !Text
, settingFactInfix :: !Text
, settingDependenciesJSONFileName :: !Text
, settingFactsJSONFileName :: !Text
, settingDimensionJSONFileName :: !Text
{ settingDimPrefix :: !Text
, settingFactPrefix :: !Text
, settingTimeUnit :: !TimeUnit
, settingAvgCountColumSuffix :: !Text
, settingAvgSumColumnSuffix :: !Text
, settingDimTableIdColumnName :: !Text
, settingDimTableIdColumnType :: !Text
, settingFactCountColumnType :: !Text
, settingFactCountDistinctErrorRate :: !Double
, settingFactInfix :: !Text
, settingDependenciesJSONFileName :: !Text
, settingFactsJSONFileName :: !Text
, settingDimensionJSONFileName :: !Text
} deriving (Eq, Show)
defSettings :: Settings
defSettings = Settings
{ settingDimPrefix = "dim_"
, settingFactPrefix = "fact_"
, settingTimeUnit = Minute
, settingAvgCountColumSuffix = "_count"
, settingAvgSumColumnSuffix = "_sum"
, settingDimTableIdColumnName = "id"
, settingDimTableIdColumnType = "serial"
, settingFactCountColumnType = "integer"
, settingFactInfix = "_by_"
, settingDependenciesJSONFileName = "dependencies.json"
, settingFactsJSONFileName = "facts.json"
, settingDimensionJSONFileName = "dimensions.json"
{ settingDimPrefix = "dim_"
, settingFactPrefix = "fact_"
, settingTimeUnit = Minute
, settingAvgCountColumSuffix = "_count"
, settingAvgSumColumnSuffix = "_sum"
, settingDimTableIdColumnName = "id"
, settingDimTableIdColumnType = "serial"
, settingFactCountColumnType = "integer"
, settingFactCountDistinctErrorRate = 0.05
, settingFactInfix = "_by_"
, settingDependenciesJSONFileName = "dependencies.json"
, settingFactsJSONFileName = "facts.json"
, settingDimensionJSONFileName = "dimensions.json"
data ValidationError = MissingTable !TableName