Refactors ringo app to simplify the code.

This commit is contained in:
Abhinav Sarkar 2016-07-06 20:53:49 +05:30
parent 57e76321a1
commit d106a19d22
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 7C9166A6F5465AD5
4 changed files with 45 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module Distribution.CurrentPackageDescription
( currentPackageDescription
, getField
) where
import Prelude.Compat
import Distribution.PackageDescription
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse
import Distribution.Verbosity
@ -18,12 +21,10 @@ getField f = runIO currentPackageDescription >>= stringE . f
currentPackageDescription :: IO PackageDescription
currentPackageDescription = fmap packageDescription $ do
dir <- getCurrentDirectory
cs <- cabalFiles dir
cs <- cabalFiles dir
case cs of
(c:_) -> readPackageDescription silent c
[] -> error $ "Couldn't find a cabal file in the current working directory (" ++ dir ++ ")"
[] -> error $ "Couldn't find a cabal file in the current working directory (" ++ dir ++ ")"
cabalFiles :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
cabalFiles dir = do
files <- getDirectoryContents dir
return $ filter (".cabal" `isSuffixOf`) files
cabalFiles dir = filter (".cabal" `isSuffixOf`) <$> getDirectoryContents dir

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ writeFiles :: FilePath -> Env -> IO ()
writeFiles outputDir env = do
let Settings{..} = envSettings env
forM_ sqls $ \(sqlType, table, sql) -> do
forM_ (makeSQLs env dimTables factTables) $ \(sqlType, table, sql) -> do
let dirName = outputDir </> map toLower (show sqlType)
createDirectoryIfMissing True dirName
writeFile (dirName </> Text.unpack table <.> "sql") sql
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ writeFiles outputDir env = do
BS.writeFile (outputDir </> Text.unpack settingFactsJSONFileName) . encode $
[ tableName table | (_, table) <- factTables ]
facts = envFacts env
tables = envTables env
@ -58,13 +57,17 @@ writeFiles outputDir env = do
dimTables = [ (fact, extractDimensionTables env fact) | fact <- facts ]
factTables = [ (fact, extractFactTable env fact) | fact <- facts, factTablePersistent fact ]
dimTableDefinitionSQLs = [ (Create, tableName table, unlines . map sqlStr $ dimensionTableDefinitionSQL env table)
| (_, tabs) <- dimTables
, table <- tabs
, table `notElem` tables ]
makeSQLs :: Env -> [(Fact, [Table])] -> [(Fact, Table)] -> [(SQLType, TableName, String)]
makeSQLs env dimTables factTables = let
dimTableDefinitionSQLs =
[ (Create, tableName table, unlines . map sqlStr $ dimensionTableDefinitionSQL env table)
| (_, tabs) <- dimTables
, table <- tabs
, table `notElem` tables ]
factTableDefinitionSQLs = [ (Create , tableName table, unlines . map sqlStr $ factTableDefinitionSQL env fact table)
| (fact, table) <- factTables ]
factTableDefinitionSQLs =
[ (Create , tableName table, unlines . map sqlStr $ factTableDefinitionSQL env fact table)
| (fact, table) <- factTables ]
dimTablePopulationSQLs typ gen =
[ (typ , tableName table, sqlStr $ gen env fact (tableName table))
@ -74,13 +77,13 @@ writeFiles outputDir env = do
factTablePopulationSQLs typ gen = [ (typ, tableName table, unlines . map sqlStr $ gen env fact)
| (fact, table) <- factTables ]
sqls = concat [ dimTableDefinitionSQLs
, factTableDefinitionSQLs
, dimTablePopulationSQLs FullRefresh $ dimensionTablePopulationSQL FullPopulation
, dimTablePopulationSQLs IncRefresh $ dimensionTablePopulationSQL IncrementalPopulation
, factTablePopulationSQLs FullRefresh $ factTablePopulationSQL FullPopulation
, factTablePopulationSQLs IncRefresh $ factTablePopulationSQL IncrementalPopulation
in concat [ dimTableDefinitionSQLs
, factTableDefinitionSQLs
, dimTablePopulationSQLs FullRefresh $ dimensionTablePopulationSQL FullPopulation
, dimTablePopulationSQLs IncRefresh $ dimensionTablePopulationSQL IncrementalPopulation
, factTablePopulationSQLs FullRefresh $ factTablePopulationSQL FullPopulation
, factTablePopulationSQLs IncRefresh $ factTablePopulationSQL IncrementalPopulation
tables = envTables env
sqlStr = Text.unpack

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Ringo.ArgParser (ProgArgs(..), parseArgs) where
import qualified Data.Text as Text

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@ -21,14 +21,11 @@ instance FromJSON Nullable where
parseJSON o = fail $ "Cannot parse nullable: " ++ show o
instance FromJSON Column where
parseJSON (Array a) = if V.length a < 2
then fail "Column needs at least two elements: name and type"
else do
cName <- parseJSON $ a ! 0
cType <- parseJSON $ a ! 1
cNull <- parseJSON $ fromMaybe "null" (a !? 2)
return $ Column cName cType cNull
parseJSON (Array a)
| V.length a >= 2 = Column <$> parseJSON (a ! 0)
<*> parseJSON (a ! 1)
<*> parseJSON (fromMaybe "null" (a !? 2))
| otherwise = fail "Column needs at least two elements: name and type"
parseJSON o = fail $ "Cannot parse column: " ++ show o
instance FromJSON TableConstraint where
@ -47,19 +44,20 @@ instance FromJSON Table where
instance FromJSON FactColumn where
parseJSON (Object o) = do
cType <- o .: "type"
cType <- o .: "type"
let cName = o .: "column"
case cType of
"dimtime" -> FactColumn <$> o .: "column" <*> pure DimTime
"nodimid" -> FactColumn <$> o .: "column" <*> pure NoDimId
"tenantid" -> FactColumn <$> o .: "column" <*> pure TenantId
"dimid" -> FactColumn <$> o .: "column" <*> (DimId <$> o .: "table")
"dimval" -> FactColumn <$> o .: "column" <*> (DimVal <$> o .: "table")
"factcount" -> FactColumn <$> o .: "column" <*> (FactCount <$> o .:? "sourcecolumn")
"factcountdistinct" -> FactColumn <$> o .: "column" <*> (FactCountDistinct <$> o .:? "sourcecolumn")
"factsum" -> FactColumn <$> o .: "column" <*> (FactSum <$> o .: "sourcecolumn")
"factaverage" -> FactColumn <$> o .: "column" <*> (FactAverage <$> o .: "sourcecolumn")
"factmax" -> FactColumn <$> o .: "column" <*> (FactMax <$> o .: "sourcecolumn")
"factmin" -> FactColumn <$> o .: "column" <*> (FactMin <$> o .: "sourcecolumn")
"dimtime" -> FactColumn <$> cName <*> pure DimTime
"nodimid" -> FactColumn <$> cName <*> pure NoDimId
"tenantid" -> FactColumn <$> cName <*> pure TenantId
"dimid" -> FactColumn <$> cName <*> (DimId <$> o .: "table")
"dimval" -> FactColumn <$> cName <*> (DimVal <$> o .: "table")
"factcount" -> FactColumn <$> cName <*> (FactCount <$> o .:? "sourcecolumn")
"factcountdistinct" -> FactColumn <$> cName <*> (FactCountDistinct <$> o .:? "sourcecolumn")
"factsum" -> FactColumn <$> cName <*> (FactSum <$> o .: "sourcecolumn")
"factaverage" -> FactColumn <$> cName <*> (FactAverage <$> o .: "sourcecolumn")
"factmax" -> FactColumn <$> cName <*> (FactMax <$> o .: "sourcecolumn")
"factmin" -> FactColumn <$> cName <*> (FactMin <$> o .: "sourcecolumn")
_ -> fail $ "Invalid fact column type: " ++ cType
parseJSON o = fail $ "Cannot parse fact column: " ++ show o