Adds SQL generation for table definitions.

And moves dimension and fact extraction logic to Ringo.Extractor namespace.
This commit is contained in:
Abhinav Sarkar 2015-12-15 17:22:45 +05:30
parent 3d00a89062
commit 6d8e32950f
4 changed files with 211 additions and 159 deletions

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@ -1,155 +1,7 @@
module Ringo where
import Ringo.Types
import Ringo.Extractor
import Ringo.Generator
-- import qualified Ringo.Tables as Tables
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, asks)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe, fromJust)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.List (nub, find)
findTable :: TableName -> [Table] -> Maybe Table
findTable tName = find ((== tName) . tableName)
findFact :: TableName -> [Fact] -> Maybe Fact
findFact fName = find ((== fName) . factName)
findColumn :: ColumnName -> [Column] -> Maybe Column
findColumn cName = find ((== cName) . columnName)
checkTableForCol :: Table -> ColumnName -> [ValidationError]
checkTableForCol tab colName =
[ MissingColumn (tableName tab) colName |
not . any ((colName ==) . columnName) . tableColumns $ tab ]
validateTable :: Table -> Reader Env [ValidationError]
validateTable table = do
tables <- asks envTables
return . concatMap (checkConstraint tables) . tableConstraints $ table
checkConstraint _ (PrimaryKey colName) = checkTableForCol table colName
checkConstraint _ (UniqueKey columnNames) = checkTableForColRefs table columnNames
checkConstraint tables (ForeignKey oTableName columnNames) =
case findTable oTableName tables of
Just oTable -> checkTableForColRefs table (map fst columnNames)
++ checkTableForColRefs oTable (map snd columnNames)
Nothing -> [ MissingTable oTableName ]
checkTableForColRefs tab = concatMap (checkTableForCol tab)
validateFact :: Fact -> Reader Env [ValidationError]
validateFact Fact {..} = do
tables <- asks envTables
case findTable factTableName tables of
Nothing -> return [ MissingTable factTableName ]
Just table -> do
tableVs <- validateTable table
parentVs <- concat <$> mapM checkFactParents factParentNames
let colVs = concatMap (checkColumn table) factColumns
return $ tableVs ++ parentVs ++ colVs
checkFactParents fName = do
facts <- asks envFacts
case findFact fName facts of
Nothing -> return [ MissingFact fName ]
Just pFact -> validateFact pFact
checkColumn table = maybe [] (checkTableForCol table) . factColumnName
withFactValidation :: Fact -> (Table -> Reader Env a) -> Reader Env (Either [ValidationError] a)
withFactValidation fact func = do
tables <- asks envTables
errors <- validateFact fact
if not $ null errors
then return $ Left errors
else fmap Right . func . fromJust . findTable (factTableName fact) $ tables
extractDimensions' :: Fact -> Table -> Reader Env [Table]
extractDimensions' fact Table {..} = do
tables <- asks envTables
prefix <- settingDimPrefix <$> asks envSettings
return $ dimsFromIds tables ++ dimsFromVals prefix
dimsFromIds tables =
flip mapMaybe (factColumns fact) $ \fcol -> case fcol of
DimId d _ -> findTable d tables
_ -> Nothing
dimsFromVals prefix =
map (\(dim, cols) -> Table { tableName = prefix <> dim
, tableColumns = Column "id" "serial" NotNull : cols
, tableConstraints = [ PrimaryKey "id"
, UniqueKey (map columnName cols)
. Map.toList
. Map.mapWithKey (\dim -> map (cleanColumn dim) . nub)
. Map.fromListWith (flip (++))
. mapMaybe (\fcol -> do
DimVal d col <- fcol
column <- findColumn col tableColumns
return (d, [ column ]))
. map Just
. factColumns
$ fact
cleanColumn dim col@Column {..} =
col { columnName = fromMaybe columnName . Text.stripPrefix (dim <> "_") $ columnName }
extractDimensions :: Fact -> Reader Env (Either [ValidationError] [Table])
extractDimensions fact = withFactValidation fact $ extractDimensions' fact
extractAllDimensions' :: Fact -> Table -> Reader Env [Table]
extractAllDimensions' fact table = do
myDims <- extractDimensions' fact table
parentDims <- concat <$> mapM extract (factParentNames fact)
return . nub $ myDims ++ parentDims
extract fName = do
tables <- asks envTables
facts <- asks envFacts
let pFact = fromJust . findFact fName $ facts
pFactTable = fromJust . findTable (factTableName pFact) $ tables
extractAllDimensions' pFact pFactTable
extractFactTable :: Fact -> Reader Env (Either [ValidationError] Table)
extractFactTable fact =
withFactValidation fact $ \table -> do
Settings {..} <- asks envSettings
allDims <- extractAllDimensions' fact table
let intType = "integer"
sourceColumnType colName = columnType . fromJust . findColumn colName . tableColumns $ table
columns = flip concatMap (factColumns fact) $ \col -> case col of
DimTime cName -> [ Column (timeUnitColName cName settingTimeUnit) intType NotNull ]
NoDimId cName -> [ fromJust . findColumn cName . tableColumns $ table]
FactCount cName -> [ Column cName intType NotNull ]
FactSum scName cName -> [ Column cName (sourceColumnType scName) NotNull ]
FactAverage scName cName -> [ Column (cName <> "_count") intType NotNull
, Column (cName <> "_sum") (sourceColumnType scName) NotNull
FactCountDistinct cName -> [ Column (cName <> "_hll") (intType <> "[]") NotNull ]
_ -> []
fks = flip map allDims $ \Table { .. } ->
let colName = fromMaybe tableName (Text.stripPrefix settingDimPrefix tableName) <> "_id"
colNullable = if any ((== Null) . columnNullable) tableColumns then Null else NotNull
in (Column colName intType colNullable, ForeignKey tableName [(colName, "id")])
ukColNames =
(++ map (columnName . fst) fks)
. flip mapMaybe (factColumns fact) $ \col -> case col of
DimTime cName -> Just (timeUnitColName cName settingTimeUnit)
NoDimId cName -> Just cName
_ -> Nothing
return Table { tableName = settingFactPrefix <> factName fact
, tableColumns = columns ++ map fst fks
, tableConstraints = UniqueKey ukColNames : map snd fks
timeUnitColName colName timeUnit = colName <> "_" <> timeUnitName timeUnit <> "_id"

src/Ringo/Extractor.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
module Ringo.Extractor
( validateTable
, validateFact
, extractDimensions
, extractFactTable
) where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, asks)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe, fromJust)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.List (nub, find)
import Ringo.Types
findTable :: TableName -> [Table] -> Maybe Table
findTable tName = find ((== tName) . tableName)
findFact :: TableName -> [Fact] -> Maybe Fact
findFact fName = find ((== fName) . factName)
findColumn :: ColumnName -> [Column] -> Maybe Column
findColumn cName = find ((== cName) . columnName)
checkTableForCol :: Table -> ColumnName -> [ValidationError]
checkTableForCol tab colName =
[ MissingColumn (tableName tab) colName |
not . any ((colName ==) . columnName) . tableColumns $ tab ]
validateTable :: Table -> Reader ExtractorEnv [ValidationError]
validateTable table = do
tables <- asks eeTables
return . concatMap (checkConstraint tables) . tableConstraints $ table
checkConstraint _ (PrimaryKey colName) = checkTableForCol table colName
checkConstraint _ (UniqueKey columnNames) = checkTableForColRefs table columnNames
checkConstraint tables (ForeignKey oTableName columnNames) =
case findTable oTableName tables of
Just oTable -> checkTableForColRefs table (map fst columnNames)
++ checkTableForColRefs oTable (map snd columnNames)
Nothing -> [ MissingTable oTableName ]
checkTableForColRefs tab = concatMap (checkTableForCol tab)
validateFact :: Fact -> Reader ExtractorEnv [ValidationError]
validateFact Fact {..} = do
tables <- asks eeTables
case findTable factTableName tables of
Nothing -> return [ MissingTable factTableName ]
Just table -> do
tableVs <- validateTable table
parentVs <- concat <$> mapM checkFactParents factParentNames
let colVs = concatMap (checkColumn table) factColumns
return $ tableVs ++ parentVs ++ colVs
checkFactParents fName = do
facts <- asks eeFacts
case findFact fName facts of
Nothing -> return [ MissingFact fName ]
Just pFact -> validateFact pFact
checkColumn table = maybe [] (checkTableForCol table) . factColumnName
withFactValidation :: Fact -> (Table -> Reader ExtractorEnv a)
-> Reader ExtractorEnv (Either [ValidationError] a)
withFactValidation fact func = do
tables <- asks eeTables
errors <- validateFact fact
if not $ null errors
then return $ Left errors
else fmap Right . func . fromJust . findTable (factTableName fact) $ tables
extractDimensions' :: Fact -> Table -> Reader ExtractorEnv [Table]
extractDimensions' fact Table {..} = do
tables <- asks eeTables
prefix <- settingDimPrefix <$> asks eeSettings
return $ dimsFromIds tables ++ dimsFromVals prefix
dimsFromIds tables =
flip mapMaybe (factColumns fact) $ \fcol -> case fcol of
DimId d _ -> findTable d tables
_ -> Nothing
dimsFromVals prefix =
map (\(dim, cols) -> Table { tableName = prefix <> dim
, tableColumns = Column "id" "serial" NotNull : cols
, tableConstraints = [ PrimaryKey "id"
, UniqueKey (map columnName cols)
. Map.toList
. Map.mapWithKey (\dim -> map (cleanColumn dim) . nub)
. Map.fromListWith (flip (++))
. mapMaybe (\fcol -> do
DimVal d col <- fcol
column <- findColumn col tableColumns
return (d, [ column ]))
. map Just
. factColumns
$ fact
cleanColumn dim col@Column {..} =
col { columnName = fromMaybe columnName . Text.stripPrefix (dim <> "_") $ columnName }
extractDimensions :: Fact -> Reader ExtractorEnv (Either [ValidationError] [Table])
extractDimensions fact = withFactValidation fact $ extractDimensions' fact
extractAllDimensions' :: Fact -> Table -> Reader ExtractorEnv [Table]
extractAllDimensions' fact table = do
myDims <- extractDimensions' fact table
parentDims <- concat <$> mapM extract (factParentNames fact)
return . nub $ myDims ++ parentDims
extract fName = do
tables <- asks eeTables
facts <- asks eeFacts
let pFact = fromJust . findFact fName $ facts
pFactTable = fromJust . findTable (factTableName pFact) $ tables
extractAllDimensions' pFact pFactTable
extractFactTable :: Fact -> Reader ExtractorEnv (Either [ValidationError] Table)
extractFactTable fact =
withFactValidation fact $ \table -> do
Settings {..} <- asks eeSettings
allDims <- extractAllDimensions' fact table
let intType = "integer"
sourceColumnType colName = columnType . fromJust . findColumn colName . tableColumns $ table
columns = flip concatMap (factColumns fact) $ \col -> case col of
DimTime cName -> [ Column (timeUnitColName cName settingTimeUnit) intType NotNull ]
NoDimId cName -> [ fromJust . findColumn cName . tableColumns $ table]
FactCount cName -> [ Column cName intType NotNull ]
FactSum scName cName -> [ Column cName (sourceColumnType scName) NotNull ]
FactAverage scName cName -> [ Column (cName <> "_count") intType NotNull
, Column (cName <> "_sum") (sourceColumnType scName) NotNull
FactCountDistinct cName -> [ Column (cName <> "_hll") (intType <> "[]") NotNull ]
_ -> []
fks = flip map allDims $ \Table { .. } ->
let colName = fromMaybe tableName (Text.stripPrefix settingDimPrefix tableName) <> "_id"
colNullable = if any ((== Null) . columnNullable) tableColumns then Null else NotNull
in (Column colName intType colNullable, ForeignKey tableName [(colName, "id")])
ukColNames =
(++ map (columnName . fst) fks)
. flip mapMaybe (factColumns fact) $ \col -> case col of
DimTime cName -> Just (timeUnitColName cName settingTimeUnit)
NoDimId cName -> Just cName
_ -> Nothing
return Table { tableName = settingFactPrefix <> factName fact
, tableColumns = columns ++ map fst fks
, tableConstraints = UniqueKey ukColNames : map snd fks
timeUnitColName colName timeUnit = colName <> "_" <> timeUnitName timeUnit <> "_id"

src/Ringo/Generator.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
module Ringo.Generator
( tableDefnSQL
) where
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Ringo.Types
nullableDefnSQL :: Nullable -> Text
nullableDefnSQL Null = "NULL"
nullableDefnSQL NotNull = "NOT NULL"
columnDefnSQL :: Column -> Text
columnDefnSQL Column {..} =
columnName <> " " <> columnType <> " " <> nullableDefnSQL columnNullable
constraintDefnSQL :: TableName -> TableConstraint -> Text
constraintDefnSQL tableName constraint =
"ALTER TABLE ONLY " <> tableName <> " ADD "
<> case constraint of
PrimaryKey cName -> "PRIMARY KEY (" <> cName <> ")"
UniqueKey cNames -> "UNIQUE (" <> colNamesStr cNames <> ")"
ForeignKey oTableName cNamePairs ->
"FOREIGN KEY (" <> colNamesStr (map fst cNamePairs) <> ") REFERENCES "
<> oTableName <> " (" <> colNamesStr (map snd cNamePairs) <> ")"
colNamesStr cNames = Text.concat (intersperse ", " cNames)
tableDefnSQL :: Table -> [Text]
tableDefnSQL Table {..} =
tableSQL : map (constraintDefnSQL tableName) tableConstraints
tableSQL = "CREATE TABLE " <> tableName <> " (\n"
<> (Text.concat . intersperse ",\n" . map columnDefnSQL $ tableColumns)
<> "\n)"

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@ -15,15 +15,15 @@ data Column = Column
, columnNullable :: !Nullable
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data TableContraint = PrimaryKey !ColumnName
| UniqueKey ![ColumnName]
| ForeignKey !TableName ![(ColumnName, ColumnName)]
deriving (Eq, Show)
data TableConstraint = PrimaryKey !ColumnName
| UniqueKey ![ColumnName]
| ForeignKey !TableName ![(ColumnName, ColumnName)]
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Table = Table
{ tableName :: !TableName
, tableColumns :: ![Column]
, tableConstraints :: ![TableContraint]
, tableConstraints :: ![TableConstraint]
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data TimeUnit = Second | Minute | Hour | Day | Week | Month | Year
@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ data ValidationError = MissingTable TableName
| MissingColumn TableName ColumnName
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Env = Env { envTables :: [Table]
, envFacts :: [Fact]
, envSettings :: Settings
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data ExtractorEnv = ExtractorEnv
{ eeTables :: [Table]
, eeFacts :: [Fact]
, eeSettings :: Settings
} deriving (Eq, Show)