Adds support for generated table suffixes and time where clause on source table in full refresh mode.

This commit is contained in:
Abhinav Sarkar 2015-12-30 19:57:38 +05:30
parent 644acc7ee9
commit 4e4d13b94f
8 changed files with 78 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ writeFiles outputDir env@Env{..} = do
dimTables = [ (fact, extractDimensionTables env fact) | fact <- envFacts ]
factTables = [ (fact, extractFactTable env fact) | fact <- envFacts ]
dimTableDefnSQLs = [ (Create, tableName table, unlines . map sqlStr . tableDefnSQL $ table)
dimTableDefnSQLs = [ (Create, tableName table, unlines . map sqlStr $ tableDefnSQL env table)
| (_, tabs) <- dimTables
, table <- tabs
, table `notElem` envTables ]

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@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ settingsParser = let Settings {..} = defSettings
<> value settingForeignKeyIdCoalesceValue
<> showDefault
<> help "Value to coalease missing foriegn key ids to, in fact tables")
<*> minorOption "tablename-suffix-template"
"Suffix template for table names in SQL"
minorOption longDesc defValue helpTxt =
Text.pack <$> strOption (long longDesc

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Ringo
, extractFactTable
, extractDimensionTables
, extractDependencies
, G.tableDefnSQL
, tableDefnSQL
, factTableDefnSQL
, dimensionTablePopulateSQL
, factTablePopulateSQL
@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ extractDimensionTables env = flip runReader env . E.extractDimensionTables
extractDependencies :: Env -> Fact -> Dependencies
extractDependencies env = flip runReader env . E.extractDependencies
tableDefnSQL :: Env -> Table -> [Text]
tableDefnSQL env = flip runReader env . G.tableDefnSQL
factTableDefnSQL :: Env -> Fact -> Table -> [Text]
factTableDefnSQL env fact = flip runReader env . G.factTableDefnSQL fact

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@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
module Ringo.Generator.Create (tableDefnSQL, factTableDefnSQL) where
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, asks)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -9,29 +14,31 @@ import Ringo.Generator.Internal
import Ringo.Types
import Ringo.Utils
tableDefnSQL :: Table -> [Text]
tableDefnSQL Table {..} =
tableSQL : concatMap constraintDefnSQL tableConstraints
tableSQL = "CREATE TABLE " <> tableName <> " (\n"
<> (joinColumnNames . map columnDefnSQL $ tableColumns)
<> "\n)"
tableDefnSQL :: Table -> Reader Env [Text]
tableDefnSQL Table {..} = do
Settings {..} <- asks envSettings
let tabName = tableName <> settingTableNameSuffixTemplate
columnDefnSQL Column {..} =
columnName <> " " <> columnType <> " " <> nullableDefnSQL columnNullable
tableSQL = "CREATE TABLE " <> tabName <> " (\n"
<> (joinColumnNames . map columnDefnSQL $ tableColumns)
<> "\n)"
nullableDefnSQL Null = "NULL"
nullableDefnSQL NotNull = "NOT NULL"
columnDefnSQL Column {..} =
columnName <> " " <> columnType <> " " <> nullableDefnSQL columnNullable
constraintDefnSQL constraint =
let alterTableSQL = "ALTER TABLE ONLY " <> tableName <> " ADD "
in case constraint of
PrimaryKey cName -> [ alterTableSQL <> "PRIMARY KEY (" <> cName <> ")" ]
ForeignKey oTableName cNamePairs ->
[ alterTableSQL <> "FOREIGN KEY (" <> joinColumnNames (map fst cNamePairs) <> ") REFERENCES "
<> oTableName <> " (" <> joinColumnNames (map snd cNamePairs) <> ")" ]
UniqueKey cNames -> ["CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON " <> tableName <> " (" <> joinColumnNames cNames <> ")"]
nullableDefnSQL Null = "NULL"
nullableDefnSQL NotNull = "NOT NULL"
constraintDefnSQL constraint =
let alterTableSQL = "ALTER TABLE ONLY " <> tabName <> " ADD "
in case constraint of
PrimaryKey cName -> [ alterTableSQL <> "PRIMARY KEY (" <> cName <> ")" ]
ForeignKey oTableName cNamePairs ->
[ alterTableSQL <> "FOREIGN KEY (" <> joinColumnNames (map fst cNamePairs) <> ") REFERENCES "
<> oTableName <> " (" <> joinColumnNames (map snd cNamePairs) <> ")" ]
UniqueKey cNames -> ["CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON " <> tabName <> " (" <> joinColumnNames cNames <> ")"]
return $ tableSQL : concatMap constraintDefnSQL tableConstraints
factTableDefnSQL :: Fact -> Table -> Reader Env [Text]
factTableDefnSQL fact table = do
@ -46,7 +53,8 @@ factTableDefnSQL fact table = do
dimCols = [ factDimFKIdColumnName settingDimPrefix settingDimTableIdColumnName tableName
| (_, Table {..}) <- allDims ]
indexSQLs = [ "CREATE INDEX ON " <> tableName table <> " USING btree (" <> col <> ")"
indexSQLs = [ "CREATE INDEX ON " <> tableName table <> settingTableNameSuffixTemplate
<> " USING btree (" <> col <> ")"
| col <- factCols ++ dimCols ]
return $ tableDefnSQL table ++ indexSQLs
(++ indexSQLs) <$> tableDefnSQL table

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@ -35,3 +35,8 @@ coalesceColumn defaults tName Column{..} =
. find (\(k, _) -> k `Text.isPrefixOf` colType)
. Map.toList
$ defaults
suffixTableName :: TablePopulationMode -> Text -> TableName -> TableName
suffixTableName popMode suffix tableName = case popMode of
FullPopulation -> tableName <> suffix
IncrementalPopulation -> tableName

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@ -18,30 +18,35 @@ import Ringo.Types
dimensionTablePopulateSQL :: TablePopulationMode -> Fact -> TableName -> Reader Env Text
dimensionTablePopulateSQL popMode fact dimTableName = do
dimPrefix <- settingDimPrefix <$> asks envSettings
tables <- asks envTables
defaults <- asks envTypeDefaults
let factTable = fromJust $ findTable (factTableName fact) tables
colMapping = dimColumnMapping dimPrefix fact dimTableName
selectCols = [ coalesceColumn defaults (factTableName fact) col <> " AS " <> cName
| (_, cName) <- colMapping
, let col = fromJust . findColumn cName $ tableColumns factTable ]
baseSelectC = "SELECT DISTINCT\n" <> joinColumnNames selectCols
<> "\nFROM " <> factTableName fact
baseWhereC = "(\n"
<> Text.intercalate "\nOR " [ c <> " IS NOT NULL" | (_, c) <- colMapping ]
<> "\n)"
Settings {..} <- asks envSettings
tables <- asks envTables
defaults <- asks envTypeDefaults
let factTable = fromJust $ findTable (factTableName fact) tables
colMapping = dimColumnMapping settingDimPrefix fact dimTableName
selectCols = [ coalesceColumn defaults (factTableName fact) col <> " AS " <> cName
| (_, cName) <- colMapping
, let col = fromJust . findColumn cName $ tableColumns factTable ]
timeCol = head [ cName | DimTime cName <- factColumns fact ]
baseSelectC = "SELECT DISTINCT\n" <> joinColumnNames selectCols
<> "\nFROM " <> factTableName fact
baseWhereCs = [ "(\n"
<> Text.intercalate "\nOR " [ c <> " IS NOT NULL" | (_, c) <- colMapping ]
<> "\n)"
, timeCol <> " <= ?"
insertC selectC whereCs =
"INSERT INTO " <> dimTableName
<> suffixTableName popMode settingTableNameSuffixTemplate dimTableName
<> " (\n" <> joinColumnNames (map fst colMapping) <> "\n) "
<> "SELECT x.* FROM (\n"
<> selectC <> "\nWHERE " <> Text.intercalate " AND\n" whereCs
<> ") x"
timeCol = head [ cName | DimTime cName <- factColumns fact ]
return $ case popMode of
FullPopulation -> insertC baseSelectC [baseWhereC]
FullPopulation -> insertC baseSelectC baseWhereCs
IncrementalPopulation ->
insertC baseSelectC [baseWhereC, timeCol <> " > ?", timeCol <> " <= ?"]
insertC baseSelectC (baseWhereCs ++ [ timeCol <> " > ?" ])
<> "\nLEFT JOIN " <> dimTableName <> " ON\n"
<> Text.intercalate " \nAND "
[ fullColumnName dimTableName c1 <> " = " <> fullColumnName "x" c2

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@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ data FactTablePopulateSelectSQL = FactTablePopulateSelectSQL
, ftpsGroupByCols :: ![Text]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
factTableUpdateSQL :: Fact -> Text -> FactTablePopulateSelectSQL -> Reader Env [Text]
factTableUpdateSQL fact groupByColPrefix populateSelectSQL@FactTablePopulateSelectSQL {..} = do
factTableUpdateSQL :: TablePopulationMode -> Fact -> Text -> FactTablePopulateSelectSQL -> Reader Env [Text]
factTableUpdateSQL popMode fact groupByColPrefix populateSelectSQL@FactTablePopulateSelectSQL {..} = do
Settings {..} <- asks envSettings
tables <- asks envTables
let countDistinctCols = [ col | col@(FactCountDistinct _ _) <- factColumns fact]
@ -62,7 +62,8 @@ factTableUpdateSQL fact groupByColPrefix populateSelectSQL@FactTablePopulateSele
fTable = fromJust . findTable fTableName $ tables
tablePKColName = head [ cName | PrimaryKey cName <- tableConstraints fTable ]
extFactTableName =
extractedFactTableName settingFactPrefix settingFactInfix (factName fact) settingTimeUnit
suffixTableName popMode settingTableNameSuffixTemplate
$ extractedFactTableName settingFactPrefix settingFactInfix (factName fact) settingTimeUnit
return . (\xs -> if null xs then xs else ilog2FunctionString : xs)
$ for countDistinctCols $ \(FactCountDistinct scName cName) ->
@ -163,8 +164,9 @@ factTablePopulateSQL popMode fact = do
insertSQL = if factTable `elem` tables -- existing dimension table
then (if columnNullable dimFKIdColumn == Null then coalesceFKId else id)
$ fullColumnName factSourceTableName dimFKIdColName
else "SELECT " <> dimIdColName <> " FROM " <> tableName <> "\nWHERE "
<> Text.intercalate "\n AND " dimLookupWhereClauses
else "SELECT " <> dimIdColName <> " FROM "
<> suffixTableName popMode settingTableNameSuffixTemplate tableName <> " " <> tableName
<> "\nWHERE " <> Text.intercalate "\n AND " dimLookupWhereClauses
in (dimFKIdColName, coalesceFKId insertSQL, True)
colMap = [ (cName, (sql, groupByColPrefix <> cName), addToGroupBy)
@ -178,17 +180,16 @@ factTablePopulateSQL popMode fact = do
timeCol = fullColumnName fTableName $ head [ cName | DimTime cName <- factColumns fact ]
extFactTableName =
extractedFactTableName settingFactPrefix settingFactInfix (factName fact) settingTimeUnit
extFactTableName = suffixTableName popMode settingTableNameSuffixTemplate
$ extractedFactTableName settingFactPrefix settingFactInfix (factName fact) settingTimeUnit
populateSelectSQL =
{ ftpsSelectCols = map snd3 colMap
, ftpsSelectTable = fTableName
, ftpsJoinClauses = joinClauses
, ftpsWhereClauses = if popMode == IncrementalPopulation
then [ timeCol <> " > ?", timeCol <> " <= ?" ]
else []
, ftpsWhereClauses =
timeCol <> " <= ?" : [ timeCol <> " > ?" | popMode == IncrementalPopulation ]
, ftpsGroupByCols = map ((groupByColPrefix <>) . fst3) . filter thd3 $ colMap
@ -196,7 +197,7 @@ factTablePopulateSQL popMode fact = do
<> " (\n" <> Text.intercalate ",\n " (map fst3 colMap) <> "\n)\n"
<> toSelectSQL populateSelectSQL
updateSQLs <- factTableUpdateSQL fact groupByColPrefix populateSelectSQL
updateSQLs <- factTableUpdateSQL popMode fact groupByColPrefix populateSelectSQL
return $ insertIntoSQL : updateSQLs

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@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ data Settings = Settings
, settingFactsJSONFileName :: !Text
, settingDimensionJSONFileName :: !Text
, settingForeignKeyIdCoalesceValue :: !Int
, settingTableNameSuffixTemplate :: !Text
} deriving (Eq, Show)
defSettings :: Settings
@ -101,6 +102,7 @@ defSettings = Settings
, settingFactsJSONFileName = "facts.json"
, settingDimensionJSONFileName = "dimensions.json"
, settingForeignKeyIdCoalesceValue = -1
, settingTableNameSuffixTemplate = "{{suff}}"
data ValidationError = MissingTable !TableName