
101 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Ringo.Generator.Populate.Fact.CountDistinct (factCountDistinctUpdateStatements) where
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Prelude.Compat
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, asks)
import Database.HsSqlPpp.Syntax ( QueryExpr(..), ScalarExpr, Statement, makeSelect
, SelectList(..), SelectItem(..) )
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Ringo.Extractor.Internal
import Ringo.Generator.Internal
import Ringo.Generator.Sql
import Ringo.Types.Internal
2016-07-12 12:57:41 +05:30
factCountDistinctUpdateStatements :: TablePopulationMode -> Fact -> Text -> QueryExpr -> Reader Config [Statement]
factCountDistinctUpdateStatements popMode fact groupByColPrefix expr = case expr of
select@Select {..} -> do
2016-07-12 12:57:41 +05:30
Settings {..} <- asks configSettings
let extFactTableName =
suffixTableName popMode settingTableNameSuffixTemplate
$ extractedFactTableName settingFactPrefix settingFactInfix (factName fact) settingTimeUnit
fmap catMaybes $ forM (factColumns fact) $ \FactColumn {factColTargetColumn = cName, ..} ->
case factColType of
FactCountDistinct {factColMaybeSourceColumn = scName} -> do
let groupByCols = map ppScalarExpr selGroupBy
selectStmt <- queryExpr fact cName scName groupByCols select
let aggSelectClause =
sia (app "json_object_agg" [ ei (cName <> "_bnum"), ei (cName <> "_bhash") ]) (nmc cName)
return $ Just $ update extFactTableName
[ (cName, eqi "xyz" cName) ]
[ subtrefa "xyz"
{ selSelectList = sl $ map (si . ei) groupByCols ++ [ aggSelectClause ]
, selTref = [ subtrefa "zyx" selectStmt ]
, selGroupBy = selGroupBy
} ] $
foldBinop "and"
[ binop "=" (eqi extFactTableName . fromJust . Text.stripPrefix groupByColPrefix $ col)
(eqi "xyz" col)
| col <- groupByCols ]
_ -> return Nothing
_ -> return []
2016-07-12 12:57:41 +05:30
queryExpr :: Fact -> ColumnName -> Maybe ColumnName -> [ColumnName] -> QueryExpr -> Reader Config QueryExpr
queryExpr fact targetCol sourceCol groupByCols select = case select of
Select {selSelectList = SelectList _ origSelectItems, ..} -> do
2016-07-12 12:57:41 +05:30
Settings {..} <- asks configSettings
tables <- asks configTables
let fTableName = factTableName fact
fTable = fromJust . findTable fTableName $ tables
tablePKColName = head [ cName | PrimaryKey cName <- tableConstraints fTable ]
unqCol = cast (eqi fTableName (fromMaybe tablePKColName sourceCol)) "text"
selectList = [ i | i@(SelectItem _ _ a) <- origSelectItems , a `elem` map nmc groupByCols ]
bucketSelectList <- bucketSelectItems targetCol unqCol
return $ makeSelect
{ selSelectList = sl $ selectList ++ bucketSelectList
, selTref = selTref
, selWhere = binop "and" (postop "isnotnull" unqCol) <$> selWhere
, selGroupBy = selGroupBy ++ [ ei $ targetCol <> "_bnum" ]
_ -> error "Must be a Select"
2016-07-12 12:57:41 +05:30
bucketSelectItems :: ColumnName -> ScalarExpr -> Reader Config [SelectItem]
bucketSelectItems targetCol unqCol = do
2016-07-12 12:57:41 +05:30
Settings {..} <- asks configSettings
return [ sia (binop "&" (app "hashtext" [ unqCol ])
(num . Text.pack . show $ bucketCount settingFactCountDistinctErrorRate - 1))
(nmc $ targetCol <> "_bnum")
, sia (binop "-"
(num "31")
(app "ilog2"
[ app "min" [ binop "&"
(app "hashtext" [ unqCol ])
(prefop "~" (parens (binop "<<" (num "1") (num "31"))))]]))
(nmc $ targetCol <> "_bhash")
bucketCount :: Double -> Integer
bucketCount errorRate =
let power :: Double = fromIntegral (ceiling . logBase 2 $ (1.04 / errorRate) ** 2 :: Integer)
in ceiling $ 2 ** power