
186 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Module containting the decorators used in the package"""
__author__ = "Abhinav Sarkar <>"
__version__ = "0.2"
__license__ = "GNU Lesser General Public License"
__package__ = "lastfm"
from decorator import decorator
def top_property(list_property_name):
A decorator to return a property that returns the first value of list
attribute corresponding to the provided list property name.
For example, if the list property is top_albums, then the decorator returns
a property that returns the first (top most) album.
@param list_property_name: the name of the list property. Like 'top_albums'.
@type list_property_name: L{str}
@return: a property that returns the first value of list attribute
corresponding to the provided list property name
@rtype: L{property}
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(ob):
top_list = getattr(ob, list_property_name)
return (len(top_list) and top_list[0] or None)
return property(fget = wrapper, doc = func.__doc__)
return decorator
def cached_property(func):
A decorator to cache the atrribute of the object. When called for the first time,
the value of the attribute is retrived and saved in an instance variable. Later
calls return the copy of the cached value, so that the original cached value
cannot be modified.
@param func: the getter function of the attribute
@type func: C{function}
@return: a property that wraps the getter function of the attribute
@rtype: L{property}
func_name = func.func_code.co_name
attribute_name = "_%s" % func_name
def wrapper(ob):
cache_attribute = getattr(ob, attribute_name, None)
if cache_attribute is None:
cache_attribute = func(ob)
setattr(ob, attribute_name, cache_attribute)
cp = copy.copy(cache_attribute)
return cp
except LastfmError:
return cache_attribute
return property(fget = wrapper, doc = func.__doc__)
def authentication_required(func, *args, **kwargs):
A decorator to check if the current user is authenticated or not. Used only
on the functions that need authentication. If not authenticated then an
exception is raised.
@param func: a function that needs to be authentication, for being called
@type func: C{function}
@return: a function that wraps the original function
@rtype: C{function}
@raise AuthenticationFailedError: If the user is not authenticated, then an
exception is raised.
self = args[0]
from lastfm.user import User, Api
username = None
if isinstance(self, User):
username =
if self.authenticated:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
elif hasattr(self, 'user'):
username =
if self.user.authenticated:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
elif hasattr(self, '_subject') and isinstance(self._subject, User):
username =
if self._subject.authenticated:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
elif hasattr(self, '_api') and isinstance(self._api, Api):
user = self._api.get_authenticated_user()
username =
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except AuthenticationFailedError:
raise AuthenticationFailedError(
"user '%s' does not have permissions to access the service" % username)
def depaginate(func, *args, **kwargs):
A decorator to depaginate the search results.
@param func: a function that returns the first page of search results
@type func: C{function}
@return: a function that wraps the original function and returns
a L{lazylist} of all search results (all pages)
@rtype: C{function}
from lastfm.util import lazylist
def generator(lst):
gen = func(*args, **kwargs)
total_pages =
for e in gen:
yield e
for page in xrange(2, total_pages+1):
new_args = list(args)
new_args[-1] = page
new_args = tuple(new_args)
gen = func(*new_args, **kwargs)
if is None:
for e in gen:
yield e
return generator()
def async_callback(func, *args, **kwargs):
A decorator to convert a synchronous (blocking) function into
an asynchronous (non-blocking) function.
Pass a callback function as a keyword argument
(C{func(other argument... , callback = callback)}) or positional argument
(C{func(other argument... , callback)}) to the function to activate the
asynchronous behaviour. The callback function is called with the return value
of the original function when it returns. If an exception is raised in the
original function, then the callback function is called with that exception.
If the callback function is not given then the original function is called
synchronously (it blocks the caller function) and its return value is returned.
All the functions on which this decorator is applied get the signature:
C{func(self, *args, **kwargs)}. Refer to the documentation or source code of
the original function for the correct function signature.
@param func: a synchronous (blocking) function
@type func: C{function}
@return: an asynchronous (non-blocking) function that wraps the
original synchronous (blocking) function
@rtype: C{function}
from threading import Thread
callback = None
for a in args:
if hasattr(a, '__call__'):
callback = a
args = list(args)
args = tuple(args)
if 'callback' in kwargs:
callback = kwargs['callback']
del kwargs['callback']
if callback is not None and hasattr(callback, '__call__'):
def async_call():
result = None
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception, e:
result = e
thread = Thread(target = async_call)
return func(*args, **kwargs)
import copy
from lastfm.error import LastfmError, AuthenticationFailedError