141 lines
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141 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
__author__ = "Abhinav Sarkar <abhinav@abhinavsarkar.net>"
__version__ = "0.2"
__license__ = "GNU Lesser General Public License"
from lastfm.base import LastfmBase
from lastfm.mixins import Cacheable, Searchable
from lastfm.lazylist import lazylist
class Venue(LastfmBase, Cacheable, Searchable):
"""A class representing a venue of an event"""
def init(self,
id = None,
name = None,
location = None,
url = None):
if not isinstance(api, Api):
raise InvalidParametersError("api reference must be supplied as an argument")
self._api = api
self._id = id
self._name = name
self._location = location
self._url = url
def id(self):
"""id of the venue"""
return self._id
def name(self):
"""name of the venue"""
return self._name
def location(self):
"""location of the event"""
return self._location
def url(self):
"""url of the event's page"""
return self._url
def events(self):
params = self._default_params({'method': 'venue.getEvents'})
data = self._api._fetch_data(params).find('events')
return [
Event.create_from_data(self._api, e)
for e in data.findall('event')
def get_past_events(self,
limit = None):
params = self._default_params({'method': 'venue.getPastEvents'})
if limit is not None:
params.update({'limit': limit})
def gen(lst):
data = self._api._fetch_data(params).find('events')
total_pages = int(data.attrib['totalPages'])
def gen2(lst, data):
for e in data.findall('event'):
yield Event.create_from_data(self._api, e)
for e in gen2(data):
yield e
for page in xrange(2, total_pages+1):
params.update({'page': page})
data = self._api._fetch_data(params).find('events')
for e in gen2(data):
yield e
return gen()
def past_events(self):
return self.get_past_events()
def _default_params(self, extra_params = {}):
if not self.id:
raise InvalidParametersError("venue id has to be provided.")
params = {'venue': self.id}
return params
def _search_yield_func(api, venue):
return Venue(
id = int(venue.findtext('id')),
name = venue.findtext('name'),
location = Location(
city = venue.findtext('location/city'),
country = Country(
name = venue.findtext('location/country')
street = venue.findtext('location/street'),
postal_code = venue.findtext('location/postalcode'),
latitude = float(venue.findtext(
'location/{%s}point/{%s}lat' % ((Location.XMLNS,)*2)
longitude = float(venue.findtext(
'location/{%s}point/{%s}long' % ((Location.XMLNS,)*2)
url = venue.findtext('url')
def _hash_func(*args, **kwds):
return hash(kwds['url'])
except KeyError:
raise InvalidParametersError("url has to be provided for hashing")
def __hash__(self):
return self.__class__._hash_func(url = self.url)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.url == other.url
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.name < other.name
def __repr__(self):
return "<lastfm.geo.Venue: %s, %s>" % (self.name, self.location.city)
from lastfm.api import Api
from lastfm.event import Event
from lastfm.geo import Location, Country
from lastfm.error import InvalidParametersError |