
249 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Module for calling Group related web services API methods"""
__author__ = "Abhinav Sarkar <>"
__version__ = "0.2"
__license__ = "GNU Lesser General Public License"
__package__ = "lastfm"
from lastfm.base import LastfmBase
from lastfm.mixins import Cacheable
from lastfm.lazylist import lazylist
from lastfm.decorators import cached_property, depaginate
class Group(LastfmBase, Cacheable):
"""A class representing a group on"""
def init(self, api, name = None, **kwargs):
Create a Group object by providing all the data related to it.
@param api: an instance of L{Api}
@type api: L{Api}
@param name: name of the group on
@type name: L{str}
@raise InvalidParametersError: If an instance of L{Api} is not provided as the first
parameter then an Exception is raised.
if not isinstance(api, Api):
raise InvalidParametersError("api reference must be supplied as an argument")
self._api = api
self._name = name
def name(self):
name of the group
@rtype: L{str}
return self._name
def weekly_chart_list(self):
a list of available weekly charts for this group
@rtype: L{list} of L{WeeklyChart}
params = self._default_params({'method': 'group.getWeeklyChartList'})
data = self._api._fetch_data(params).find('weeklychartlist')
return [
WeeklyChart.create_from_data(self._api, self, c)
for c in data.findall('chart')
def get_weekly_album_chart(self, start = None, end = None):
Get an album chart for the group, for a given date range.
If no date range is supplied, it will return the most
recent album chart for the group.
@param start: the date at which the chart should start from (optional)
@type start: C{datetime.datetime}
@param end: the date at which the chart should end on (optional)
@type end: C{datetime.datetime}
@return: an album chart for the group
@rtype: L{WeeklyAlbumChart}
@raise InvalidParametersError: Both start and end parameter have to be either
provided or not provided. Providing only one of
them will raise an exception.
params = self._default_params({'method': 'group.getWeeklyAlbumChart'})
params = WeeklyChart._check_weekly_chart_params(params, start, end)
data = self._api._fetch_data(params).find('weeklyalbumchart')
return WeeklyAlbumChart.create_from_data(self._api, self, data)
def recent_weekly_album_chart(self):
most recent album chart for the group
@rtype: L{WeeklyAlbumChart}
return self.get_weekly_album_chart()
def weekly_album_chart_list(self):
a list of all album charts for this group in reverse-chronological
order. (that means 0th chart is the most recent chart)
@rtype: L{lazylist} of L{WeeklyAlbumChart}
wcl = list(self.weekly_chart_list)
def gen(lst):
for wc in wcl:
yield self.get_weekly_album_chart(wc.start, wc.end)
return gen()
def get_weekly_artist_chart(self,
start = None,
end = None):
Get an artist chart for the group, for a given date range.
If no date range is supplied, it will return the most
recent artist chart for the group.
@param start: the date at which the chart should start from (optional)
@type start: C{datetime.datetime}
@param end: the date at which the chart should end on (optional)
@type end: C{datetime.datetime}
@return: an artist chart for the group
@rtype: L{WeeklyArtistChart}
@raise InvalidParametersError: Both start and end parameter have to be either
provided or not provided. Providing only one of
them will raise an exception.
params = self._default_params({'method': 'group.getWeeklyArtistChart'})
params = WeeklyChart._check_weekly_chart_params(params, start, end)
data = self._api._fetch_data(params).find('weeklyartistchart')
return WeeklyArtistChart.create_from_data(self._api, self, data)
def recent_weekly_artist_chart(self):
most recent artist chart for the group
@rtype: L{WeeklyArtistChart}
return self.get_weekly_artist_chart()
def weekly_artist_chart_list(self):
a list of all artist charts for this group in reverse-chronological
order. (that means 0th chart is the most recent chart)
@rtype: L{lazylist} of L{WeeklyArtistChart}
wcl = list(self.weekly_chart_list)
def gen(lst):
for wc in wcl:
yield self.get_weekly_artist_chart(wc.start, wc.end)
return gen()
def get_weekly_track_chart(self,
start = None,
end = None):
Get a track chart for the group, for a given date range.
If no date range is supplied, it will return the most
recent artist chart for the group.
@param start: the date at which the chart should start from (optional)
@type start: C{datetime.datetime}
@param end: the date at which the chart should end on (optional)
@type end: C{datetime.datetime}
@return: a track chart for the group
@rtype: L{WeeklyTrackChart}
@raise InvalidParametersError: Both start and end parameter have to be either
provided or not provided. Providing only one of
them will raise an exception.
params = self._default_params({'method': 'group.getWeeklyTrackChart'})
params = WeeklyChart._check_weekly_chart_params(params, start, end)
data = self._api._fetch_data(params).find('weeklytrackchart')
return WeeklyTrackChart.create_from_data(self._api, self, data)
def recent_weekly_track_chart(self):
most recent track chart for the group
@rtype: L{WeeklyTrackChart}
return self.get_weekly_track_chart()
def weekly_track_chart_list(self):
a list of all track charts for this group in reverse-chronological
order. (that means 0th chart is the most recent chart)
@rtype: L{lazylist} of L{WeeklyTrackChart}
wcl = list(self.weekly_chart_list)
def gen(lst):
for wc in wcl:
yield self.get_weekly_track_chart(wc.start, wc.end)
return gen()
def members(self, page = None):
members of the group
@rtype: L{lazylist} of L{User}
params = self._default_params({'method': 'group.getMembers'})
if page is not None:
params.update({'page': page})
data = self._api._fetch_data(params).find('members')
total_pages = int(data.attrib['totalPages'])
yield total_pages
for u in data.findall('user'):
yield User(
name = u.findtext('name'),
real_name = u.findtext('realname'),
image = dict([(i.get('size'), i.text) for i in u.findall('image')]),
url = u.findtext('url')
def _default_params(self, extra_params = None):
if not
raise InvalidParametersError("group has to be provided.")
params = {'group':}
if extra_params is not None:
return params
def _hash_func(*args, **kwds):
return hash(kwds['name'])
except KeyError:
raise InvalidParametersError("name has to be provided for hashing")
def __hash__(self):
return self.__class__._hash_func(name =
def __eq__(self, other):
return ==
def __lt__(self, other):
return <
def __repr__(self):
return "<lastfm.Group: %s>" %
from lastfm.api import Api
from lastfm.error import InvalidParametersError
from lastfm.user import User
from lastfm.weeklychart import WeeklyChart, WeeklyAlbumChart, WeeklyArtistChart, WeeklyTrackChart