
95 lines
3.1 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
__author__ = "Abhinav Sarkar"
__version__ = "0.1"
__license__ = "GNU Lesser General Public License"
from base import LastfmBase
class SearchResult(LastfmBase):
"""A class to represent a search result"""
xmlns = ""
def init(self,
type = None,
searchTerms = None,
startPage = None,
totalResults = None,
startIndex = None,
itemsPerPage = None,
matches = None):
self.__type = type
self.__searchTerms = searchTerms
self.__startPage = startPage
self.__totalResults = totalResults
self.__startIndex = startIndex
self.__itemsPerPage = itemsPerPage
self.__matches = matches
def getType(self):
return self.__type
def getSearchTerms(self):
return self.__searchTerms
def getStartPage(self):
return self.__startPage
def getTotalResults(self):
return self.__totalResults
def getStartIndex(self):
return self.__startIndex
def getItemsPerPage(self):
return self.__itemsPerPage
def getMatches(self):
return self.__matches
type = property(getType, None, None, "Type's Docstring")
searchTerms = property(getSearchTerms, None, None, "SearchTerm's Docstring")
startPage = property(getStartPage, None, None, "StartPage's Docstring")
totalResults = property(getTotalResults, None, None, "TotalResults's Docstring")
startIndex = property(getStartIndex, None, None, "StartIndex's Docstring")
itemsPerPage = property(getItemsPerPage, None, None, "ItemsPerPage's Docstring")
matches = property(getMatches, None, None, "Matches's Docstring")
topMatch = property(lambda self: len(self.matches) and self.matches[0],
None, None, "docstring")
def hashFunc(*args, **kwds):
return hash("%s%s%s" % (kwds['searchTerms'], kwds['type'], kwds['startPage']))
except KeyError:
raise LastfmError("searchTerms, type and startPage have to be provided for hashing")
def __hash__(self):
return self.__class__.hashFunc(
searchTerms = self.searchTerms,
type = self.type,
startPage = self.startPage
def __eq__(self, other):
return (
self.searchTerms == other.searchTerms and
self.type == other.type and
self.startIndex == other.startIndex
def __lt__(self, other):
if self.searchTerms != other.searchTerms:
return self.searchTerms < other.searchTerms
return self.startIndex < other.startIndex
def __repr__(self):
return "<lastfm.SearchResult: for %s '%s'>" % (self.type, self.searchTerms)
from error import LastfmError