#!/usr/bin/env python """ A python interface to the last.fm web services API at U{http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0}. See U{the official documentation} of the web service API methods for more information. """ __author__ = "Abhinav Sarkar " __version__ = "0.2" __license__ = "GNU Lesser General Public License" __package__ = "lastfm" import sys import os sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) from lastfm.album import Album from lastfm.api import Api from lastfm.artist import Artist from lastfm.error import LastfmError from lastfm.event import Event from lastfm.geo import Location, Country from lastfm.group import Group from lastfm.playlist import Playlist from lastfm.objectcache import ObjectCache from lastfm.tag import Tag from lastfm.tasteometer import Tasteometer from lastfm.track import Track from lastfm.user import User from lastfm.venue import Venue from lastfm.shout import Shout __all__ = ['LastfmError', 'Api', 'Album', 'Artist', 'Event', 'Location', 'Country', 'Group', 'Playlist', 'Tag', 'Tasteometer', 'Track', 'User', 'Venue', 'ObjectCache']