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2008-07-10 22:25:05 +05:30
#!/usr/bin/env python
__author__ = "Abhinav Sarkar <>"
__version__ = "0.2"
2008-07-10 22:25:05 +05:30
__license__ = "GNU Lesser General Public License"
2008-07-15 00:38:39 +05:30
from base import LastfmBase
from lazylist import lazylist
2008-07-15 00:38:39 +05:30
class Track(LastfmBase):
2008-07-10 22:25:05 +05:30
"""A class representing a track."""
2008-07-15 00:38:39 +05:30
def init(self,
2008-07-14 15:50:18 +05:30
2008-07-10 22:25:05 +05:30
name = None,
mbid = None,
url = None,
streamable = None,
artist = None,
album = None,
2008-07-10 22:25:05 +05:30
image = None,
stats = None,
2008-08-18 21:42:46 +05:30
fullTrack = None,
playedOn = None,
lovedOn = None):
2008-07-16 18:36:42 +05:30
if not isinstance(api, Api):
raise LastfmInvalidParametersError("api reference must be supplied as an argument")
2008-07-14 15:50:18 +05:30
self.__api = api
2008-07-10 22:25:05 +05:30
self.__name = name
self.__mbid = mbid
self.__url = url
self.__streamable = streamable
self.__artist = artist
self.__album = album
2008-07-10 22:25:05 +05:30
self.__image = image
self.__stats = stats and Stats(
subject = self,
match = stats.match,
playcount = stats.playcount,
rank = stats.rank,
listeners = stats.listeners,
2008-07-17 02:18:16 +05:30
self.__fullTrack = fullTrack
2008-08-18 21:42:46 +05:30
self.__playedOn = playedOn
self.__lovedOn = lovedOn
def name(self):
"""name of the track"""
2008-07-10 22:25:05 +05:30
return self.__name
def mbid(self):
"""mbid of the track"""
2008-07-10 22:25:05 +05:30
return self.__mbid
def url(self):
"""url of the tracks's page"""
2008-07-10 22:25:05 +05:30
return self.__url
def streamable(self):
"""is the track streamable"""
2008-07-10 22:25:05 +05:30
return self.__streamable
def artist(self):
"""artist of the track"""
2008-07-10 22:25:05 +05:30
return self.__artist
def album(self):
"""artist of the track"""
return self.__album
def image(self):
"""image of the track's album cover"""
2008-07-10 22:25:05 +05:30
return self.__image
def stats(self):
"""stats of the track"""
return self.__stats
2008-08-18 21:42:46 +05:30
def fullTrack(self):
"""is the full track streamable"""
2008-07-17 02:18:16 +05:30
return self.__fullTrack
2008-08-18 21:42:46 +05:30
def playedOn(self):
"""datetime the track was last played"""
return self.__playedOn
def lovedOn(self):
"""datetime the track was marked 'loved'"""
return self.__lovedOn
2008-07-14 15:50:18 +05:30
def __checkParams(self,
artist = None,
track = None,
mbid = None):
if not ((artist and track) or mbid):
raise LastfmInvalidParametersError("either (artist and track) or mbid has to be given as argument.")
2008-08-18 21:42:46 +05:30
2008-07-16 18:36:42 +05:30
if artist and track:
2008-07-14 15:50:18 +05:30
params.update({'artist': artist, 'track': track})
elif mbid:
params.update({'mbid': mbid})
return params
2008-08-18 21:42:46 +05:30
def similar(self):
"""tracks similar to this track"""
params = self.__checkParams(
{'method': 'track.getsimilar'},,,
data = self.__api._fetchData(params).find('similartracks')
return [
subject = self,
name = t.findtext('name'),
artist = Artist(
subject = self,
name = t.findtext('artist/name'),
mbid = t.findtext('artist/mbid'),
url = t.findtext('artist/url')
mbid = t.findtext('mbid'),
stats = Stats(
subject = t.findtext('name'),
match = float(t.findtext('match'))
streamable = (t.findtext('streamable') == '1'),
fullTrack = (t.find('streamable').attrib['fulltrack'] == '1'),
image = dict([(i.get('size'), i.text) for i in t.findall('image')]),
for t in data.findall('track')
2008-08-18 21:42:46 +05:30
def mostSimilar(self):
"""track most similar to this track"""
2008-08-18 21:42:46 +05:30
def topFans(self):
"""top fans of the track"""
params = self.__checkParams(
{'method': 'track.gettopfans'},,,
data = self.__api._fetchData(params).find('topfans')
return [
subject = self,
name = u.findtext('name'),
url = u.findtext('url'),
image = dict([(i.get('size'), i.text) for i in u.findall('image')]),
stats = Stats(
subject = u.findtext('name'),
weight = int(u.findtext('weight'))
for u in data.findall('user')
2008-08-18 21:42:46 +05:30
def topFan(self):
"""topmost fan of the track"""
2008-08-18 21:42:46 +05:30
def topTags(self):
"""top tags for the track"""
params = self.__checkParams(
{'method': 'track.gettoptags'},,,
data = self.__api._fetchData(params).find('toptags')
return [
subject = self,
name = t.findtext('name'),
url = t.findtext('url'),
stats = Stats(
subject = t.findtext('name'),
count = int(t.findtext('count')),
for t in data.findall('tag')
2008-08-18 21:42:46 +05:30
def topTag(self):
"""topmost tag for the track"""
2008-08-18 21:42:46 +05:30
2008-07-14 15:50:18 +05:30
def search(api,
artist = None,
limit = None):
params = {'method': '', 'track': track}
if artist is not None:
params.update({'artist': artist})
if limit is not None:
params.update({'limit': limit})
def gen(lst):
data = api._fetchData(params).find('results')
totalPages = int(data.findtext("{%s}totalResults" % Api.SEARCH_XMLNS))/ \
int(data.findtext("{%s}itemsPerPage" % Api.SEARCH_XMLNS)) + 1
def gen2(lst, data):
for t in data.findall('trackmatches/track'):
yield Track(
name = t.findtext('name'),
artist = Artist(
name = t.findtext('artist')
url = t.findtext('url'),
stats = Stats(
subject = t.findtext('name'),
listeners = int(t.findtext('listeners'))
streamable = (t.findtext('streamable') == '1'),
fullTrack = (t.find('streamable').attrib['fulltrack'] == '1'),
image = dict([(i.get('size'), i.text) for i in t.findall('image')]),
for t in gen2(data):
yield t
for page in xrange(2, totalPages+1):
params.update({'page': page})
data = api._fetchData(params).find('results')
for t in gen2(data):
yield t
return gen()
2008-08-18 21:42:46 +05:30
2008-07-15 00:38:39 +05:30
def hashFunc(*args, **kwds):
return hash("%s%s" % (kwds['name'], hash(kwds['artist'])))
except KeyError:
raise LastfmInvalidParametersError("name and artist have to be provided for hashing")
2008-08-18 21:42:46 +05:30
2008-07-15 00:38:39 +05:30
def __hash__(self):
return self.__class__.hashFunc(name =, artist = self.artist)
2008-08-18 21:42:46 +05:30
2008-07-15 00:38:39 +05:30
def __eq__(self, other):
if self.mbid and other.mbid:
return self.mbid == other.mbid
if self.url and other.url:
return self.url == other.url
if ( and self.artist) and ( and other.artist):
return ( == and (self.artist == other.artist)
return super(Track, self).__eq__(other)
2008-08-18 21:42:46 +05:30
2008-07-15 00:38:39 +05:30
def __lt__(self, other):
return <
2008-08-18 21:42:46 +05:30
2008-07-15 00:38:39 +05:30
def __repr__(self):
2008-07-16 18:36:42 +05:30
return "<lastfm.Track: '%s' by %s>" % (,
from api import Api
from artist import Artist
from error import LastfmInvalidParametersError
from stats import Stats
from tag import Tag
2008-08-18 21:42:46 +05:30
from user import User