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#!/usr/bin/env python
__author__ = "Abhinav Sarkar"
__version__ = "0.1"
__license__ = "GNU Lesser General Public License"
class Artist(object):
"""A class representing an artist."""
def __init__(self,
name = None,
mbid = None,
url = None,
image = None,
streamable = None,
stats = None,
similar = None,
tags = None,
bio = None):
self.__api = api
self.__name = name
self.__mbid = mbid
self.___url = url
self.__image = image
self.__streamable = streamable
self.__stats = stats
self.__similar = similar
self.__tags = tags
self.__bio = bio
def getName(self):
return self.__name
def getMbid(self):
return self.__mbid
def getImage(self):
return self.__image
def getStreamable(self):
return self.__streamable
def getStats(self):
return self.__stats
def getSimilar(self):
if self.__similar:
return self.__similar
def getTags(self):
return self.__tags
def getBio(self):
return self.__bio
name = property(getName, None, None, "Name's Docstring")
mbid = property(getMbid, None, None, "Mbid's Docstring")
image = property(getImage, None, None, "Image's Docstring")
streamable = property(getStreamable, None, None, "Streamable's Docstring")
stats = property(getStats, None, None, "Stats's Docstring")
similar = property(getSimilar, None, None, "Similar's Docstring")
tags = property(getTags, None, None, "Tags's Docstring")
bio = property(getBio, None, None, "Bio's Docstring")
def getInfo(api,
artist = None,
mbid = None):
class Stats(object):
"""A class representing the stats of an artist."""
def __init__(self,
listeners = None,
plays = None):
self.__artist = artist
self.__listeners = listeners
self.__plays = plays
def getArtist(self):
return self.__artist
def getListeners(self):
return self.__listeners
def getPlays(self):
return self.__plays
listeners = property(getListeners, None, None, "Listeners's Docstring")
plays = property(getPlays, None, None, "Plays's Docstring")
artist = property(getArtist, None, None, "Artist's Docstring")
class Bio(object):
"""A class representing the biography of an artist."""
def __init__(self,
published = None,
summary = None,
content = None):
self.__artist = artist
self.__published = published
self.__summary = summary
self.__content = content
def getArtist(self):
return self.__artist
def getPublished(self):
return self.__published
def getSummary(self):
return self.__summary
def getContent(self):
return self.__content
published = property(getPublished, None, None, "Published's Docstring")
summary = property(getSummary, None, None, "Summary's Docstring")
content = property(getContent, None, None, "Content's Docstring")
artist = property(getArtist, None, None, "Artist's Docstring")