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Module Node.AMQP


connect :: forall eff. String -> ConnectOptions -> AffAMQP eff Connection

Connects to an AMQP server given an AMQP URL and [connection options]. Returns the connection in Aff monad. See amqplib docs for details.


close :: forall eff. Connection -> AffAMQP eff Unit

Closes the given AMQP connection. See amqplib docs for details.


createChannel :: forall eff. Connection -> AffAMQP eff Channel

Creates an open channel and returns it. See amqplib docs for details.


closeChannel :: forall eff. Channel -> AffAMQP eff Unit

Closes the given channel. See amqplib docs for details.


assertQueue :: forall eff. Channel -> QueueName -> QueueOptions -> AffAMQP eff AssertQueueOK

Asserts a queue into existence with the given name and options. See amqplib docs for details.


checkQueue :: forall eff. Channel -> QueueName -> AffAMQP eff AssertQueueOK

Checks that a queue exists with the given queue name. See amqplib docs for details.


deleteQueue :: forall eff. Channel -> QueueName -> DeleteQueueOptions -> AffAMQP eff DeleteQueueOK

Deletes the queue by the given name. See amqplib docs for details.


purgeQueue :: forall eff. Channel -> QueueName -> AffAMQP eff PurgeQueueOK

Purges the messages from the queue by the given name. See amqplib docs for details.


bindQueue :: forall eff. Channel -> QueueName -> ExchangeName -> RoutingKey -> StrMap Foreign -> AffAMQP eff Unit

Asserts a routing path from an exchange to a queue: the given exchange will relay messages to the given queue, according to the type of the exchange and the given routing key. See amqplib docs details.


unbindQueue :: forall eff. Channel -> QueueName -> ExchangeName -> RoutingKey -> StrMap Foreign -> AffAMQP eff Unit

Removes the routing path between the given queue and the given exchange with the given routing key and arguments. See amqplib docs for details.


assertExchange :: forall eff. Channel -> ExchangeName -> ExchangeType -> ExchangeOptions -> AffAMQP eff Unit

Asserts an exchange into existence with the given exchange name, type and options. See amqplib docs for details.


checkExchange :: forall eff. Channel -> ExchangeName -> AffAMQP eff Unit

Checks that the exchange exists by the given name. See amqplib docs for details.


deleteExchange :: forall eff. Channel -> ExchangeName -> DeleteExchangeOptions -> AffAMQP eff Unit

Deletes the exchange by the given name. See amqplib docs for details.


bindExchange :: forall eff. Channel -> ExchangeName -> ExchangeName -> RoutingKey -> StrMap Foreign -> AffAMQP eff Unit

Binds an exchange to another exchange. The exchange named by destExchange will receive messages from the exchange named by sourceExchange, according to the type of the source and the given routing key. See amqplib docs for details.


unbindExchange :: forall eff. Channel -> ExchangeName -> ExchangeName -> RoutingKey -> StrMap Foreign -> AffAMQP eff Unit

Removes a binding from an exchange to another exchange. See amqplib docs for details.


publish :: forall eff. Channel -> ExchangeName -> RoutingKey -> Buffer -> PublishOptions -> AffAMQP eff Unit

Publish a single message to the given exchange with the given routing key, and the given publish options. The message content is given as a Buffer. See amqplib docs for details.


sendToQueue :: forall eff. Channel -> QueueName -> Buffer -> PublishOptions -> AffAMQP eff Unit

Sends a single message with the content given as a Buffer to the given queue, bypassing routing. See amqplib docs for details.


consume :: forall eff. Channel -> QueueName -> ConsumeOptions -> (Maybe Message -> EffAMQP eff Unit) -> AffAMQP eff ConsumeOK

Sets up a consumer for the given queue and consume options, with a callback to be invoked with each message. The callback receives Nothing if the consumer is cancelled by the broker. Returns the consumer tag. See amqplib docs for details.


cancel :: forall eff. Channel -> String -> AffAMQP eff Unit

Cancels the consumer identified by the given consumer tag. See amqplib docs for details.


get :: forall eff. Channel -> QueueName -> GetOptions -> AffAMQP eff (Maybe Message)

Gets a message from the given queue. If there are no messages in the queue, returns Nothing. See amqplib docs for details.


ack :: forall eff. Channel -> String -> EffAMQP eff Unit

Acknowledges a message given its delivery tag. See amqplib docs for details.


ackAllUpTo :: forall eff. Channel -> String -> EffAMQP eff Unit

Acknowledges all messages up to the message with the given delivery tag. See amqplib docs for details.


ackAll :: forall eff. Channel -> EffAMQP eff Unit

Acknowledges all outstanding messages on the channel. See amqplib docs for details.


nack :: forall eff. Channel -> String -> Boolean -> EffAMQP eff Unit

Rejects a message given its delivery tag. If the boolean param is true, the server requeues the message, else it drops it. See amqplib docs for details.


nackAllUpTo :: forall eff. Channel -> String -> Boolean -> EffAMQP eff Unit

Rejects all messages up to the message with the given delivery tag. If the boolean param is true, the server requeues the messages, else it drops them. See amqplib docs for details.


nackAll :: forall eff. Channel -> Boolean -> EffAMQP eff Unit

Rejects all outstanding messages on the channel. If the boolean param is true, the server requeues the messages, else it drops them. See amqplib docs for details.


prefetch :: forall eff. Channel -> Int -> AffAMQP eff Unit

Sets the prefetch count for this channel. See amqplib docs for details.


recover :: forall eff. Channel -> AffAMQP eff Unit

Requeues unacknowledged messages on this channel. See amqplib docs for details.


onConnectionClose :: forall eff. Connection -> (Maybe Error -> EffAMQP eff Unit) -> EffAMQP eff Unit

Registers an event handler to the connection which is triggered when the connection closes. If the connection closes because of an error, the handler is called with Just error, else with Nothing. See amqplib docs for details.


onConnectionError :: forall eff. Connection -> (Error -> EffAMQP eff Unit) -> EffAMQP eff Unit

Registers an event handler to the connection which is triggered when the connection errors out. The handler is called with the error.


onConnectionBlocked :: forall eff. Connection -> (String -> EffAMQP eff Unit) -> EffAMQP eff Unit

Registers an event handler to the connection which is triggered when the RabbitMQ server decides to block the connection. The handler is called with the reason for blocking.


onConnectionUnblocked :: forall eff. Connection -> EffAMQP eff Unit -> EffAMQP eff Unit

Registers an event handler to the connection which is triggered when the RabbitMQ server decides to unblock the connection. The handler is called with no arguments.


onChannelClose :: forall eff. Channel -> EffAMQP eff Unit -> EffAMQP eff Unit

Registers an event handler to the channel which is triggered when the channel closes. The handler is called with no arguments. See amqplib docs for details.


onChannelError :: forall eff. Channel -> (Error -> EffAMQP eff Unit) -> EffAMQP eff Unit

Registers an event handler to the channel which is triggered when the channel errors out. The handler is called with the error.


onChannelReturn :: forall eff. Channel -> (Message -> EffAMQP eff Unit) -> EffAMQP eff Unit

Registers an event handler to the channel which is triggered when a message published with the mandatory flag cannot be routed and is returned to the sending channel. The handler is called with the returned message.


onChannelDrain :: forall eff. Channel -> EffAMQP eff Unit -> EffAMQP eff Unit

Registers an event handler to the channel which is triggered when the channel's write buffer is emptied. The handler is called with no arguments.


withChannel :: forall eff a. Connection -> (Channel -> AffAMQP eff a) -> AffAMQP eff a

A convenience function for creating a channel, doing some action with it, and then automatically closing it, even in case of errors.

Re-exported from Node.AMQP.FFI:


type EffAMQP e a = Eff (amqp :: AMQP | e) a


type AffAMQP e a = Aff (amqp :: AMQP | e) a

Re-exported from Node.AMQP.Types:


type RoutingKey = String

An AMQP routing key.


type QueueOptions = { exclusive :: Maybe Boolean, durable :: Maybe Boolean, autoDelete :: Maybe Boolean, arguments :: StrMap Foreign, messageTTL :: Maybe Milliseconds, expires :: Maybe Milliseconds, deadLetterExchange :: Maybe String, deadLetterRoutingKey :: Maybe RoutingKey, maxLength :: Maybe Int, maxPriority :: Maybe Int }

Options used to create a queue:

  • exclusive: if true, the queue is used by only one connection and is deleted when that connection closes.
  • durable: if true, the queue survives broker restarts.
  • autoDelete: if true, the queue is deleted when there is no consumers for it.
  • messageTTL: if specified, expires messages arriving in the queue after n milliseconds.
  • expires: if specified, the queue is destroyed after n milliseconds of disuse, where "use" means having consumers, being asserted or checked, or being polled.
  • deadLetterExchange: if specified, an exchange to which messages discarded from the queue are resent to.
  • deadLetterRoutingKey: if specified, set as the routing key for the discarded messages.
  • maxLength: if specified, the maximum number of messages the queue holds.
  • maxPriority: if specified, makes the queue a priority queue.
  • arguments: additional arguments.

See http://www.squaremobius.net/amqp.node/channel_api.html#channel_assertQueue for details.


type QueueName = String

An AMQP queue name.


type PurgeQueueOK = { messageCount :: Int }

Reply from the server for purging a queue. Contains the count of the mssages purged from the queue.


type PublishOptions = { expiration :: Maybe Milliseconds, userId :: Maybe String, cc :: Array RoutingKey, bcc :: Array RoutingKey, priority :: Maybe Int, persistent :: Maybe Boolean, mandatory :: Maybe Boolean, contentType :: Maybe String, contentEncoding :: Maybe String, headers :: StrMap Foreign, correlationId :: Maybe String, replyTo :: Maybe QueueName, messageId :: Maybe String, timestamp :: Maybe Instant, "type" :: Maybe String, appId :: Maybe String }

Options to publish a message:

  • expiration: if specified, the message is discarded from a queue once it has been there longer than the given number of milliseconds.
  • userId: if specified, RabbitMQ compares it to the username supplied when opening the connection, and rejects the messages for which it does not match.
  • cc: an array of routing keys; messages are routed to these routing keys in addition to the given routing key.
  • bcc: like cc, except that the value is not sent in the message headers to consumers.
  • priority: if specified, a priority for the message.
  • persistent: if true, the message survives broker restarts provided it is in a queue that also survives restarts.
  • mandatory: if true, the message is returned if it is not routed to a queue.
  • contentType: a MIME type for the message content.
  • contentEncoding: a MIME encoding for the message content.
  • headers: application specific headers to be carried along with the message content.
  • correlationId: usually used to match replies to requests, or similar.
  • replyTo: often used to name a queue to which the receiving application must send replies, in an RPC scenario.
  • messageId: arbitrary application-specific identifier for the message.
  • timestamp: a timestamp for the message.
  • type: an arbitrary application-specific type for the message.
  • appId: an arbitrary identifier for the originating application.

See http://www.squaremobius.net/amqp.node/channel_api.html#channel_publish for details.


type MessageProperties = { expiration :: Maybe Milliseconds, userId :: Maybe String, priority :: Maybe Int, persistent :: Maybe Boolean, contentType :: Maybe String, contentEncoding :: Maybe String, headers :: StrMap Foreign, correlationId :: Maybe String, replyTo :: Maybe QueueName, messageId :: Maybe String, timestamp :: Maybe Instant, "type" :: Maybe String, appId :: Maybe String }

Properties of a message received by a consumer. A subset of the PublishOptions fields.


type MessageFields = { deliveryTag :: String, consumerTag :: String, exchange :: ExchangeName, routingKey :: RoutingKey, redelivered :: Boolean }

Fields of a message received by a consumer:

  • deliveryTag: a serial number for the message.
  • consumerTag: an identifier for the consumer for which the message is destined.
  • exchange: the exchange to which the message was published.
  • routingKey: the routing key with which the message was published.
  • redelivered: if true, indicates that this message has been delivered before and has been handed back to the server.


type Message = { content :: Buffer, fields :: MessageFields, properties :: MessageProperties }

A message received by a consumer:

  • content: the content of the message a buffer.
  • fields: the message fields.
  • properties: the message properties.


type GetOptions = { noAck :: Maybe Boolean }

Options used to get a message from a queue:

  • noAck: if true, the broker does expect an acknowledgement of the messages delivered to this consumer. It dequeues messages as soon as they've been sent down the wire.


data ExchangeType
  = Direct
  | Topic
  | Headers
  | Fanout

Types of AMQP exchanges. See https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/amqp-concepts.html for details.

Generic ExchangeType _
Show ExchangeType
Eq ExchangeType


type ExchangeOptions = { durable :: Maybe Boolean, internal :: Maybe Boolean, autoDelete :: Maybe Boolean, alternateExchange :: Maybe String, arguments :: StrMap Foreign }

Options to create an exchange:

  • durable: if true, the exchange survives broker restarts.
  • internal: if true, messages cannot be published directly to the exchange.
  • autoDelete: if true, the exchange is destroyed once it has no bindings.
  • alternateExchange: if specified, an exchange to send messages to if this exchange can't route them to any queues.
  • arguments: additional arguments.

See http://www.squaremobius.net/amqp.node/channel_api.html#channel_assertExchange for details.


type ExchangeName = String

An AMQP exchange name.


type DeleteQueueOptions = { ifUnused :: Maybe Boolean, ifEmpty :: Maybe Boolean }

Options used to delete a queue:

  • ifUnused: if true and the queue has consumers, it is not deleted and the channel is closed.
  • ifEmpty: if true and the queue contains messages, the queue is not deleted and the channel is closed.

See http://www.squaremobius.net/amqp.node/channel_api.html#channel_deleteQueue for details.


type DeleteQueueOK = { messageCount :: Int }

Reply from the server for deleting a queue. Contains the count of the mssages in the queue.


type DeleteExchangeOptions = { ifUnused :: Maybe Boolean }

Options to delete an exchange:

  • ifUnused: if true and the exchange has bindings, it is not deleted and the channel is closed.

See http://www.squaremobius.net/amqp.node/channel_api.html#channel_deleteExchange for details.


type ConsumeOptions = { consumerTag :: Maybe String, noLocal :: Maybe Boolean, noAck :: Maybe Boolean, exclusive :: Maybe Boolean, priority :: Maybe Int, arguments :: StrMap Foreign }

Options used to consume message from a queue:

  • consumerTag: an identifier for this consumer, must not be already in use on the channel.
  • noLocal: if true, the broker does not deliver messages to the consumer if they were also published on this connection. RabbitMQ doesn't implement it, and will ignore it.
  • noAck: if true, the broker does expect an acknowledgement of the messages delivered to this consumer. It dequeues messages as soon as they've been sent down the wire.
  • exclusive: if true, the broker does not let anyone else consume from this queue.
  • priority: gives a priority to the consumer. Higher priority consumers get messages in preference to lower priority consumers.
  • arguments: additional arguments.

See http://www.squaremobius.net/amqp.node/channel_api.html#channel_consume for details.


type ConsumeOK = { consumerTag :: String }

Reply from the server for setting up a consumer. Contains the consumer tag which is the unique identifier for this consumer.


data Connection :: Type

An AMQP connection.


type ConnectOptions = { frameMax :: Int, channelMax :: Int, heartbeat :: Seconds }

Options used to connect to the AMQP server. See http://www.squaremobius.net/amqp.node/channel_api.html#connect for details.


data Channel :: Type

An AMQP Channel.


type AssertQueueOK = { queue :: String, messageCount :: Int, consumerCount :: Int }

Reply from the server for asserting a queue. Contains the name of queue asserted, the count of the messages in the queue, and the count of the consumers of the queue.


data AMQP :: Effect

The effect for computations which talk to an AMQP server.


defaultQueueOptions :: QueueOptions

Default options to create a queue. Every field is set to Nothing or empty.


defaultPublishOptions :: PublishOptions

Default options to publish a message. Every field is set to Nothing.


defaultGetOptions :: GetOptions

Default options to get a message from a queue. Every field is set to Nothing.


defaultExchangeOptions :: ExchangeOptions

Default options to create an exchange. Every field is set to Nothing or empty.


defaultDeleteQueueOptions :: DeleteQueueOptions

Default options to delete a queue. Every field is set to Nothing.


defaultDeleteExchangeOptions :: DeleteExchangeOptions

Default options to delete an exchange. Every field is set to Nothing.


defaultConsumeOptions :: ConsumeOptions

Default options to consume messages from a queue. Every field is set to Nothing or empty.


defaultConnectOptions :: ConnectOptions

Default connection options.