# Jekyll sitemap page generator. # http://recursive-design.com/projects/jekyll-plugins/ # # Version: 0.1.3 (201101061053) # # Copyright (c) 2010 Dave Perrett, http://recursive-design.com/ # Licensed under the MIT license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) # # A generator that creates a sitemap.xml page for jekyll sites, suitable for submission to # google etc. # # To use it, simply drop this script into the _plugins directory of your Jekyll site. # # When you compile your jekyll site, this plugin will loop through the list of pages in your # site, and generate an entry in sitemap.xml for each one. require 'pathname' module Jekyll # Monkey-patch an accessor for a page's containing folder, since # we need it to generate the sitemap. class Page def subfolder @dir end end # Sub-class Jekyll::StaticFile to allow recovery from unimportant exception # when writing the sitemap file. class StaticSitemapFile < StaticFile def write(dest) super(dest) rescue ArgumentError true end end # Generates a sitemap.xml file containing URLs of all pages and posts. class SitemapGenerator < Generator safe true priority :low # Domain that you are generating the sitemap for - update this to match your site. # Generates the sitemap.xml file. # # +site+ is the global Site object. def generate(site) # Create the destination folder if necessary. site_folder = site.config['destination'] unless File.directory?(site_folder) p = Pathname.new(site_folder) p.mkdir end # Write the contents of sitemap.xml. File.open(File.join(site_folder, 'sitemap.xml'), 'w') do |f| f.write(generate_header()) f.write(generate_content(site)) f.write(generate_footer()) f.close end # Add a static file entry for the zip file, otherwise Site::cleanup will remove it. site.static_files << Jekyll::StaticSitemapFile.new(site, site.dest, '/', 'sitemap.xml') end private # Returns the XML header. def generate_header "\n" end # Returns a string containing the the XML entries. # # +site+ is the global Site object. def generate_content(site) result = '' base_url = site.config['url'] # First, try to find any stand-alone pages. site.pages.each{ |page| path = page.subfolder + '/' + page.name mod_date = File.mtime(site.source + path) # Remove the trailing 'index.html' if there is one, and just output the folder name. if path=~/index.html$/ path = path[0..-11] end unless path =~/error/ result += entry(base_url, path, mod_date) end } # Next, find all the posts. posts = site.site_payload['site']['posts'] for post in posts do result += entry(base_url, post.id, post.date) end result end # Returns the XML footer. def generate_footer "\n" end # Creates an XML entry from the given path and date. # # +path+ is the URL path to the page. # +date+ is the date the file was modified (in the case of regular pages), or published (for blog posts). def entry(base_url, path, date) # Force extensions to .html from markdown, textile. path = path.gsub(/\.(markdown|textile)$/i, '.html') " #{base_url}#{path} #{date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")} " end end end