#custom filters for Octopress module OctopressFilters # Used on the blog index to split posts on the marker def exerpt(input) if input.index(//i) input.split(//i)[0] else input end end # Summary is used on the Archive pages to return the first block of content from a post. def summary(input) if input.index(/\n\n/) input.split(/\n\n/)[0] else input end end # Replaces relative urls with full urls def full_urls(input, url='') url ||= '' input.gsub /(\s+(href|src)\s*=\s*["|']{1})(\/[^\"'>]+)/ do $1+url+$3 end end # Returns a url without the http:// for use in as a search modifier eg. 'search terms site:website.com' def search_url(input) input.gsub /(https?:\/\/)(\S+)/ do $2 end end # replaces primes with smartquotes using RubyPants def smart_quotes(input) require 'rubypants' RubyPants.new(input).to_html end # Returns a title cased string based on John Gruber's title case http://daringfireball.net/2008/08/title_case_update def titlecase(input) input.titlecase end # Returns a datetime if the input is a string def datetime(date) if date.class == String date = Time.parse(date) end date end # Returns an ordidinal date eg July 22 2007 -> July 22nd 2007 def ordinalize(date) date = datetime(date) "#{date.strftime('%b')} #{ordinal(date.strftime('%e').to_i)}, #{date.strftime('%Y')}" end # Returns an ordinal number. 13 -> 13th, 21 -> 21st etc. def ordinal(number) if (11..13).include?(number.to_i % 100) "#{number}th" else case number.to_i % 10 when 1; "#{number}st" when 2; "#{number}nd" when 3; "#{number}rd" else "#{number}th" end end end end Liquid::Template.register_filter OctopressFilters