JyWrapper.0="{0}" is not a Python Function JyWrapper.1=Cannot convert Python object: {0} to a Java object of class {1} JyWrapper.2=Cannot convert Python Type {0} to Java Class {1} JyWrapper.3=Cannot not instantiate the Python type: {0} JyWrapper.4=Python module {0} can be instantiated statically only JyWrapper.5={0} is not a Python Type, Class or Module JyWrapper.6=parameter "{0}" is null JyWrapper.7=No Python import name annotated on the Java Class {0} JyWrapper.8={0} is not an Interface JyWrapper.9=Cannot instantiate a non Python Type or Class JyWrapper.10=Instance method "{0}" called on a Python Type JyWrapper.11=No comparison methods found in the backing Python object JyWrapper.12=Trying to get instance attribute "{0}" from a Python Type JyWrapper.13=Can''t set attribute: {0} JyWrapper.14=Trying to set instance attribute "{0}" in a python class JyWrapper.15=No {0} named "{1}" in the backing Python Type {2} PyImportLoader.1=Python Import "{0}" not found in pythonpath