Changes tests to add whitespaces in generated JSON string
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
module Main where
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Monad (unless, forM)
import Data.Char (isControl)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import System.Exit
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Test (isSuccess)
@ -10,33 +11,56 @@ import JSONParser
main :: IO ()
main = do
result <- quickCheckResult $ \j -> parseJSON (show j) == Just j
result <- quickCheckResult checkJSON
unless (isSuccess result) exitFailure
checkJSON :: JValue -> Gen Property
checkJSON value = do
json <- stringify value
return . counterexample (show json) . (== Just value) . parseJSON $ json
stringify :: JValue -> Gen String
stringify = pad . go
surround l r j = l ++ j ++ r
pad gen = surround <$> jsonWhitespaceGen <*> jsonWhitespaceGen <*> gen
commaSeparated = pad . pure . intercalate ","
go value = case value of
JArray elements ->
mapM (pad . stringify) elements >>= fmap (surround "[" "]") . commaSeparated
JObject kvs ->
mapM stringifyKV kvs >>= fmap (surround "{" "}") . commaSeparated
_ -> return $ show value
stringifyKV (k, v) = surround <$> pad (pure $ show k) <*> stringify v <*> pure ":"
instance Arbitrary JValue where
shrink = genericShrink
arbitrary = sized go
go 0 = oneof scalarGens
go n = frequency [(2, oneof scalarGens), (3, oneof (compositeGens n))]
go n | n < 5 = frequency [(4, oneof scalarGens), (1, oneof (compositeGens n))]
go n = frequency [(1, oneof scalarGens), (4, oneof (compositeGens n))]
scalarGens = [ pure JNull
, JBool <$> arbitrary
, JString <$> arbitraryJSONString
, JNumber <$> arbitrary <*> oneof [choose (-5, 0), arbitrary]
, JString <$> jsonStringGen
, JNumber <$> arbitrary <*> listOf digits <*> arbitrary
compositeGens n = [ fmap JArray . scaledListOf . go $ n `div` 2
, fmap JObject . scaledListOf . objKV $ n `div` 2
objKV n = (,) <$> arbitraryJSONString <*> go n
objKV n = (,) <$> jsonStringGen <*> go n
scaledListOf = scale (\n -> n * 2 `div` 3) . listOf
scaledListOf = scale (`div` 2) . listOf
arbitraryJSONString :: Gen String
arbitraryJSONString = listOf arbitraryJSONChar
digits = choose (0, 9)
jsonStringGen :: Gen String
jsonStringGen = listOf arbitraryJSONChar
arbitraryJSONChar' =
frequency [(9, arbitraryASCIIChar), (0, choose ('\128', '\65535'))]
@ -46,3 +70,10 @@ arbitraryJSONString = listOf arbitraryJSONChar
(99, arbitraryJSONChar')
, (1, elements ['"' , '\\' , '\b' , '\f' , '\n' , '\r' , '\t'])
jsonWhitespaceGen :: Gen String
jsonWhitespaceGen =
scale (round . sqrt . fromIntegral)
. listOf
. elements
$ [' ' , '\n' , '\r' , '\t']
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