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@ -3,55 +3,48 @@
module Hastron.Game.Engine where
import Control.Applicative (Applicative)
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Control.Monad.Identity (Identity, runIdentity)
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ask)
import Control.Monad.RWS (MonadRWS, RWST, execRWST)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, get, modify, put)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, get, put, modify)
import Control.Monad.Writer (MonadWriter, tell)
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.DList (DList)
import qualified Data.DList as DList
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import Data.List (foldl', sortBy)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, isJust, listToMaybe)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Hastron.Game.Types
import Prelude hiding (Left, Right)
import Data.Foldable (msum)
type Projection = ((Point, Timestamp), (Point, Timestamp))
newtype GameEngine a =
GameEngine { _runGameEngine :: RWST (GameSettings, GameMap) (DList Projection) Player Identity a }
GameEngine { _runGameEngine :: RWST GameSettings (DList OutEvent) (GameMap, Player) Identity a }
deriving ( Functor
, Applicative
, Monad
, MonadReader (GameSettings, GameMap)
, MonadWriter (DList Projection)
, MonadState Player
, MonadRWS (GameSettings, GameMap) (DList (Projection)) Player)
, MonadReader GameSettings
, MonadWriter (DList OutEvent)
, MonadState (GameMap, Player)
, MonadRWS GameSettings (DList OutEvent) (GameMap, Player))
stepGameEngine :: GameSettings -> GameMap -> Player -> GameEngine () -> (Player, [Projection])
stepGameEngine :: GameSettings -> GameMap -> Player -> GameEngine () -> (GameMap, Player, [OutEvent])
stepGameEngine gameSettings gameMap player =
(\(player', outEvents) -> (player', DList.toList outEvents))
(\((gameMap', player'), outEvents) -> (gameMap', player', DList.toList outEvents))
. runIdentity
. (\rwst -> execRWST rwst (gameSettings, gameMap) player)
. (\rwst -> execRWST rwst gameSettings (gameMap, player))
. _runGameEngine
movePlayer :: Timestamp -> Timestamp -> GameEngine ()
movePlayer startTime endTime = do
move :: TimeInterval -> GameEngine ()
move timeElapsed = do
state <- get
settings <- ask
go settings state
go (GameSettings{ .. }, GameMap{ .. }) player@Player{ .. }
go GameSettings{ .. } (gameMap@GameMap{ .. }, player@Player{ .. })
| playerState /= PlayerAlive || timeElapsed < 0 = return ()
| not boostActive || boostFuel >= timeElapsed = movePlayer'
| not boostActive || boostFuel >= timeElapsed = move'
| otherwise =
movePlayer startTime (startTime + boostFuel) >>
movePlayer (startTime + boostFuel) endTime
move boostFuel >> move (timeElapsed - boostFuel)
(x, y) = playerPosition
(Velocity speed dir) = playerVelocity
@ -67,14 +60,13 @@ movePlayer startTime endTime = do
checkTrail trail =
let trail' = takeWhile (not . flip Set.member gameMapBlockedPoints) trail
in if trail' == trail
then (trail, PlayerAlive, endTime)
-- NOTE: we lose some precision in endTime since we're not using Doubles
else (trail', PlayerStopped, startTime + length trail' `div` speed)
then (trail, PlayerAlive)
else (trail', PlayerDead)
movePlayer' = do
move' = do
revTrail = makeTrail dir
(checkedTrail, playerState', endTime') = checkTrail revTrail
(checkedTrail, playerState') = checkTrail revTrail
trail = reverse checkedTrail
pos' = if null trail then playerPosition else head trail
boostFuel' = if boostActive then boostFuel - timeElapsed else boostFuel
@ -84,15 +76,12 @@ movePlayer startTime endTime = do
, playerTrail = trail ++ playerTrail
, playerBoost = playerBoost { boostFuel = boostFuel' }
-- gameMap' = gameMap { gameMapBlockedPoints =
-- foldl' (flip Set.insert) gameMapBlockedPoints trail }
-- outEvents = [OutPlayerStateChange playerId playerState' | playerState /= playerState']
gameMap' = gameMap { gameMapBlockedPoints =
foldl' (flip Set.insert) gameMapBlockedPoints trail }
outEvents = [OutPlayerStateChange playerId playerState' | playerState /= playerState']
put player'
-- tell $ DList.fromList outEvents
tell $ DList.fromList [((playerPosition, startTime), (pos', endTime'))]
timeElapsed = endTime - startTime
put (gameMap', player')
tell $ DList.fromList outEvents
leftTurn :: Direction -> Direction
leftTurn Left = Down
@ -107,165 +96,53 @@ rightTurn Up = Right
rightTurn Down = Left
turn :: (Direction -> Direction) -> GameEngine ()
turn turnFn = modify $ \player@Player{ playerVelocity = Velocity speed dir } ->
turn turnFn = modify . second $ \player@Player{ playerVelocity = Velocity speed dir } ->
player { playerVelocity = Velocity speed $ turnFn dir }
changeBoost :: Bool -> GameEngine ()
changeBoost boostActive = modify $ \player@Player{ .. } ->
changeBoost boostActive = modify . second $ \player@Player{ .. } ->
player { playerBoost = playerBoost { boostActive = boostActive } }
refillBoost :: TimeInterval -> GameEngine ()
refillBoost :: Timestamp -> GameEngine ()
refillBoost timeElapsed = do
player@Player{ .. } <- get
(GameSettings{ .. }, _) <- ask
(gameMap, player@Player{ .. }) <- get
GameSettings{ .. } <- ask
let boostFuel' = floor (fromIntegral timeElapsed * gameBoostRefillFactor)
playerBoost' = playerBoost { boostFuel = boostFuel playerBoost + boostFuel' }
put player { playerBoost = playerBoost' }
-- tell $ DList.fromList [OutPlayerBoostChange playerId playerBoost' | playerBoost /= playerBoost']
put (gameMap, player { playerBoost = playerBoost' })
tell $ DList.fromList [OutPlayerBoostChange playerId playerBoost' | playerBoost /= playerBoost']
stepPlayer :: (Timestamp, InEvent) -> GameEngine ()
stepPlayer (time, inEvent) = do
player@Player { .. } <- get
let timeElapsed =time - playerLastEventTime
movePlayer time timeElapsed >> eventStep inEvent >> refillBoost timeElapsed
put $ player { playerLastEventTime = time }
stepGame :: Game -> Timestamp -> InEvent -> (Game, [OutEvent])
stepGame game@Game{ gameMap = gameMap@GameMap{ .. }, .. } time = stepGame'
eventStep :: InEvent -> GameEngine ()
eventStep (InPlayerTurnLeft _) = turn leftTurn
eventStep (InPlayerTurnRight _) = turn rightTurn
eventStep (InPlayerIdle _) = return ()
eventStep (InPlayerBoostChange _ boostActive) = changeBoost boostActive
stepGame' (InPlayerTurnLeft playerId) = stepEvent playerId $ turn leftTurn
stepGame' (InPlayerTurnRight playerId) = stepEvent playerId $ turn rightTurn
stepGame' (InPlayerIdle playerId) = stepEvent playerId $ return ()
stepGame' (InPlayerBoostChange playerId boostActive) = stepEvent playerId $ changeBoost boostActive
getPlayerId :: InEvent -> Maybe PlayerId
getPlayerId (InPlayerTurnLeft playerId) = Just playerId
getPlayerId (InPlayerTurnRight playerId) = Just playerId
getPlayerId (InPlayerIdle playerId) = Just playerId
getPlayerId (InPlayerBoostChange playerId _) = Just playerId
getPlayerId _ = Nothing
stepEvent pId step =
flip (maybe (game, [])) (Map.lookup pId gamePlayers) $ \player@Player{ .. } ->
if playerState /= PlayerAlive
then (game, [])
else let
timeElapsed = time - playerLastEventTime
fullStep = move timeElapsed >> step >> refillBoost timeElapsed
-- stepGame :: Game -> (Timestamp, InEvent) -> (Game, [OutEvent])
-- stepGame game@Game{ gameMap = gameMap@GameMap{ .. }, .. } (time, inEvent) =
(gameMap', player'@Player{ playerPosition = pos'
, playerVelocity = Velocity _ dir' }, outEvents) =
stepGameEngine gameSettings gameMap player fullStep
-- where
-- stepGame' (InPlayerTurnLeft playerId) = stepEvent playerId $ turn leftTurn
-- stepGame' (InPlayerTurnRight playerId) = stepEvent playerId $ turn rightTurn
-- stepGame' (InPlayerIdle playerId) = stepEvent playerId $ return ()
-- stepGame' (InPlayerBoostChange playerId boostActive) = stepEvent playerId $ changeBoost boostActive
player'' = player' { playerScore = playerScore + score playerPosition pos'
, playerLastEventTime = time }
game' = game { gamePlayers = Map.insert playerId player'' gamePlayers
, gameMap = gameMap' }
outEvents' = outEvents ++ [OutPlayerPosition playerId pos' dir']
in (game', outEvents')
-- stepEvent pId step =
-- flip (maybe (game, [])) (Map.lookup pId gamePlayers) $ \player@Player{ .. } ->
-- if playerState /= PlayerAlive
-- then (game, [])
-- else let
-- timeElapsed = time - playerLastEventTime
-- fullStep = movePlayer timeElapsed >> step >> refillBoost timeElapsed
score (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = abs (x1 - x2) + abs (y1 - y2)
-- (gameMap', player'@Player{ playerPosition = pos'
-- , playerVelocity = Velocity _ dir' }, outEvents) =
-- stepGameEngine gameSettings gameMap player fullStep
-- player'' = player' { playerScore = playerScore + score playerPosition pos'
-- , playerLastEventTime = time }
-- game' = game { gamePlayers = Map.insert playerId player'' gamePlayers
-- , gameMap = gameMap' }
-- outEvents' = outEvents ++ [OutPlayerPosition playerId pos' dir']
-- in (game', outEvents')
-- score (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = abs (x1 - x2) + abs (y1 - y2)
data Slope = Inf | Zero deriving (Eq)
intersectProjections :: Projection -> Projection -> Maybe (Point, Double)
intersectProjections (((xs1, ys1), ts1), ((xe1, ye1), te1)) (((xs2, ys2), ts2), ((xe2, ye2), te2))
-- Head on collision on x-axis
| m1 == m2 && m1 == Zero && ys1 == ys2 && signum (xs1 - xs2) /= signum (xe1 - xe2) =
let (x, t) = headOnCollisionPointAndTime xs1 xe1 xs2 xe2 in Just ((x, ys1), t)
-- Tail on collition on x-axis
| m1 == m2 && m1 == Zero && ys1 == ys2 && signum (xs1 - xs2) /= signum (xe1 - xs2) =
Just ((xs2, ys1), tailOnCollisionTime xs1 xe1 xs2)
-- Head on collision on y-axis
| m1 == m2 && m1 == Inf && xs1 == xs2 && signum (ys1 - ys2) /= signum (ye1 - ye2) =
let (y, t) = headOnCollisionPointAndTime ys1 ye1 ys2 ye2 in Just ((xs1, y), t)
-- Tail on collition on y-axis
| m1 == m2 && m1 == Inf && xs1 == xs2 && signum (ys1 - ys2) /= signum (ye1 - ys2) =
Just ((xs1, ys2), tailOnCollisionTime ys1 ye1 ys2)
-- Parallel projections, no collision
| m1 == m2 = Nothing
-- Orthogonal collision x and y axis
| m1 == Zero = let myTime = timeAtCollision ts1 te1 xs1 xs2
otherTime = timeAtCollision ts2 te2 ys1 ys2
in guard (myTime >= otherTime - tolerance) >> return ((xs2, ys1), myTime)
-- Orthogonal collision y and x axis
| otherwise = let myTime = timeAtCollision ts1 te1 ys1 ys2
otherTime = timeAtCollision ts2 te2 xs1 xs2
in guard (myTime >= otherTime - tolerance) >> return ((xs1, ys2), myTime)
fromI = fromIntegral
m1 = if (xs1 == xe1) then Inf else Zero
m2 = if (xs2 == xe2) then Inf else Zero
headOnCollisionPointAndTime s1 e1 s2 e2 = let
v1 = fromI (e1 - s1) / fromI (te1 - ts1)
v2 = fromI (e2 - s2) / fromI (te2 - ts2)
t = (fromI s1 - v1 * fromI ts1 - fromI s2 + v2 * fromI ts2) / (v2 - v1)
in (s1 + floor (v1 * (t - fromI ts1)), t)
tailOnCollisionTime s1 e1 s2 = let
v1 = fromI (e1 - s1) / fromI (te1 - ts1)
in fromIntegral (s2 - s1) / v1
tolerance = 0.1
timeAtCollision ts te s1 s2 =
fromI ts + (fromI (te - ts) / fromI (abs (s2 - s1)))
intersectPlayers :: (Player, [Projection]) -> (Player, [Projection]) -> Maybe (Point, Double)
intersectPlayers (player1, projections1) (player2, projections2) = listToMaybe $ do
projection1 <- projections1
projection2 <- projections2
let intersection = projection1 `intersectProjections` projection2
guard (isJust intersection)
return $ fromJust intersection
tickGame :: Game -> Timestamp -> [(Timestamp, InEvent)] -> (Game, [OutEvent])
tickGame game@Game{ .. } tickTime inEvents = let
events = sortBy (comparing fst) $ inEvents ++ idleEvents
playerEvents = flip (`foldl` Map.empty) events $ \m (ts, event) ->
case getPlayerId event of
Nothing -> m
Just playerId -> Map.insertWith (++) playerId [(ts, event)] m
playerProjections :: Map.HashMap PlayerId (Player, [Projection])
playerProjections = flip Map.mapWithKey playerEvents $ \playerId events ->
stepGameEngine gameSettings gameMap (fromJust $ Map.lookup playerId gamePlayers) $
sequence_ $ map stepPlayer events
collisions :: [(Player, Player, Point, Double)]
collisions = sortBy (comparing $ \(_, _, _, time) -> time)
. catMaybes $ [
fmap (\(point, time) -> (fst p1, fst p2, point, time)) $ p1 `intersectPlayers` p2
| p1 <- Map.elems playerProjections
, p2 <- Map.elems playerProjections
, fst p1 /= fst p2 ]
deadPlayers :: Map.HashMap PlayerId (PlayerState, Point, Timestamp)
deadPlayers = flip (`foldl` Map.empty) collisions $ \m (p1, p2, position, time) ->
let pId1 = playerId p1
pId2 = playerId p2
in case Map.lookup pId2 m of
Nothing -> case Map.lookup pId1 m of
Nothing -> Map.insert pId1 (PlayerDead, position, floor time) m
_ -> m
_ -> m
allTheDeadPlayers = flip (`foldl` deadPlayers) (Map.elems playerProjections) $ \m (Player{..}, projections) ->
if playerState == PlayerStopped && not (playerId `Map.member` m)
then let
(position, timestamp) = snd . last $ projections
in Map.insert playerId (PlayerDead, position, timestamp) m
else m
in undefined
idleEvents = map (\pId -> (tickTime, InPlayerIdle pId)) $ Map.keys gamePlayers
runGame :: Game -> [(Timestamp, InEvent)] -> (Game, [OutEvent])
runGame initialGame =
foldl (\(game, outEvents) (time, inEvent) ->
fmap (outEvents ++) $ stepGame game time inEvent)
(initialGame, [])

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@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ data PlayerState = PlayerAlive
| PlayerDead
| PlayerDisconnected
| PlayerLeft
| PlayerStopped
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
type PlayerTrail = [Point]