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3 Commits
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Author SHA1 Message Date
Abhinav Sarkar 8631d00bcc Fixes boostfuel refill calculation. 2015-07-22 19:44:01 +05:30
Abhinav Sarkar 359f1b83c8 Some refactoring 2015-07-16 10:25:21 +05:30
Abhinav Sarkar 7ecb72ff04 Major refactoring to use Monads for the game engine.
Also adds support for boost change and refill.
2015-07-16 02:33:19 +05:30
3 changed files with 193 additions and 117 deletions

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@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ executable hastron
build-depends: base >=4.7 && <4.9,
text >=1.2 && <1.3,
unordered-containers >=0.2.5 && <0.3,
dlist >= 0.7 && <0.8,
mtl >= 2.2 && <2.3,
bifunctors >=5 && <6,
hashable >=1.2 && <1.3
hs-source-dirs: src
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall

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@ -1,11 +1,87 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Hastron.Game.Engine where
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import Data.List (foldl')
import Control.Applicative (Applicative)
import Control.Monad.Identity (Identity, runIdentity)
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ask)
import Control.Monad.RWS (MonadRWS, RWST, execRWST)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, get, put, modify)
import Control.Monad.Writer (MonadWriter, tell)
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.DList (DList)
import qualified Data.DList as DList
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import Data.List (foldl')
import Hastron.Game.Types
import Prelude hiding (Left, Right)
import Prelude hiding (Left, Right)
newtype GameEngine a =
GameEngine { _runGameEngine :: RWST GameSettings (DList OutEvent) (GameMap, Player) Identity a }
deriving ( Functor
, Applicative
, Monad
, MonadReader GameSettings
, MonadWriter (DList OutEvent)
, MonadState (GameMap, Player)
, MonadRWS GameSettings (DList OutEvent) (GameMap, Player))
stepGameEngine :: GameSettings -> GameMap -> Player -> GameEngine () -> (GameMap, Player, [OutEvent])
stepGameEngine gameSettings gameMap player =
(\((gameMap', player'), outEvents) -> (gameMap', player', DList.toList outEvents))
. runIdentity
. (\rwst -> execRWST rwst gameSettings (gameMap, player))
. _runGameEngine
move :: TimeInterval -> GameEngine ()
move timeElapsed = do
state <- get
settings <- ask
go settings state
go GameSettings{ .. } (gameMap@GameMap{ .. }, player@Player{ .. })
| playerState /= PlayerAlive || timeElapsed < 0 = return ()
| not boostActive || boostFuel >= timeElapsed = move'
| otherwise =
move boostFuel >> move (timeElapsed - boostFuel)
(x, y) = playerPosition
(Velocity speed dir) = playerVelocity
PlayerBoost{ .. } = playerBoost
dist =
timeElapsed * speed * (if boostActive && boostFuel > 0 then gameBoostFactor else 1)
makeTrail Left = tail [(x', y) | x' <- [x, x - 1 .. x - dist]]
makeTrail Right = tail [(x', y) | x' <- [x .. x + dist]]
makeTrail Up = tail [(x, y') | y' <- [y, y - 1 .. y - dist]]
makeTrail Down = tail [(x, y') | y' <- [y .. y + dist]]
checkTrail trail =
let trail' = takeWhile (not . flip Set.member gameMapBlockedPoints) trail
in if trail' == trail
then (trail, PlayerAlive)
else (trail', PlayerDead)
move' = do
revTrail = makeTrail dir
(checkedTrail, playerState') = checkTrail revTrail
trail = reverse checkedTrail
pos' = if null trail then playerPosition else head trail
boostFuel' = if boostActive then boostFuel - timeElapsed else boostFuel
player' = player { playerState = playerState'
, playerPosition = pos'
, playerTrail = trail ++ playerTrail
, playerBoost = playerBoost { boostFuel = boostFuel' }
gameMap' = gameMap { gameMapBlockedPoints =
foldl' (flip Set.insert) gameMapBlockedPoints trail }
outEvents = [OutPlayerStateChange playerId playerState' | playerState /= playerState']
put (gameMap', player')
tell $ DList.fromList outEvents
leftTurn :: Direction -> Direction
leftTurn Left = Down
@ -19,72 +95,54 @@ rightTurn Right = Down
rightTurn Up = Right
rightTurn Down = Left
noTurn :: Direction -> Direction
noTurn = id
turn :: (Direction -> Direction) -> GameEngine ()
turn turnFn = modify . second $ \player@Player{ playerVelocity = Velocity speed dir } ->
player { playerVelocity = Velocity speed $ turnFn dir }
move :: Int -> Point -> Velocity -> PlayerTrail
move timeElapsed (x, y) (Velocity speed dir) = move' dir
changeBoost :: Bool -> GameEngine ()
changeBoost boostActive = modify . second $ \player@Player{ .. } ->
player { playerBoost = playerBoost { boostActive = boostActive } }
refillBoost :: Timestamp -> GameEngine ()
refillBoost timeElapsed = do
(gameMap, player@Player{ .. }) <- get
GameSettings{ .. } <- ask
let boostFuel' = floor (fromIntegral timeElapsed * gameBoostRefillFactor)
playerBoost' = playerBoost { boostFuel = boostFuel playerBoost + boostFuel' }
put (gameMap, player { playerBoost = playerBoost' })
tell $ DList.fromList [OutPlayerBoostChange playerId playerBoost' | playerBoost /= playerBoost']
stepGame :: Game -> Timestamp -> InEvent -> (Game, [OutEvent])
stepGame game@Game{ gameMap = gameMap@GameMap{ .. }, .. } time = stepGame'
dist = timeElapsed * speed
stepGame' (InPlayerTurnLeft playerId) = stepEvent playerId $ turn leftTurn
stepGame' (InPlayerTurnRight playerId) = stepEvent playerId $ turn rightTurn
stepGame' (InPlayerIdle playerId) = stepEvent playerId $ return ()
stepGame' (InPlayerBoostChange playerId boostActive) = stepEvent playerId $ changeBoost boostActive
move' Left = tail [(x', y) | x' <- [x, x - 1 .. x - dist]]
move' Right = tail [(x', y) | x' <- [x .. x + dist]]
move' Up = tail [(x, y') | y' <- [y, y - 1 .. y - dist]]
move' Down = tail [(x, y') | y' <- [y .. y + dist]]
turn :: (Direction -> Direction) -> Velocity -> Velocity
turn turnFn (Velocity speed dir) =
Velocity speed $ turnFn dir
moveAndTurn :: (Direction -> Direction) -> Int -> Point -> Velocity -> (PlayerTrail, Velocity)
moveAndTurn turnFn timeElapsed point vel =
(move timeElapsed point vel, turn turnFn vel)
checkTrail :: GameMap -> PlayerTrail -> (PlayerTrail, PlayerState)
checkTrail GameMap{..} trail =
let trail' = takeWhile (not . flip Set.member gameMapBlockedPoints) trail
in if trail' == trail
then (trail, PlayerAlive)
else (trail', PlayerDead)
stepGame :: Game -> Int -> InEvent -> (Game, [OutEvent])
stepGame game@Game{gameMap = gameMap@GameMap{..}, ..} time = stepGame'
stepGame' (InPlayerTurnLeft playerId) =
stepTurnEvent playerId $ moveAndTurn leftTurn
stepGame' (InPlayerTurnRight playerId) =
stepTurnEvent playerId $ moveAndTurn rightTurn
stepGame' (InPlayerIdle playerId) =
stepTurnEvent playerId $ moveAndTurn noTurn
stepTurnEvent pId moveFn =
flip (maybe (game, [])) (Map.lookup pId gamePlayers) $ \player@Player{..} ->
stepEvent pId step =
flip (maybe (game, [])) (Map.lookup pId gamePlayers) $ \player@Player{ .. } ->
if playerState /= PlayerAlive
then (game, [])
else let
(revTrail, vel'@(Velocity _ dir')) = moveFn (time - playerLastEvent) playerPosition playerVelocity
(checkedTrail, playerState') = checkTrail gameMap revTrail
trail = reverse checkedTrail
pos' = if null trail then playerPosition else head trail
player' = player { playerState = playerState'
, playerPosition = pos'
, playerVelocity = vel'
, playerTrail = trail ++ playerTrail
, playerScore = playerScore + score playerPosition pos'
, playerLastEvent = time
gameMap' = gameMap { gameMapBlockedPoints =
foldl' (flip Set.insert) gameMapBlockedPoints trail }
game' = game { gamePlayers = Map.insert playerId player' gamePlayers
, gameMap = gameMap' }
outEvents = OutPlayerPosition playerId pos' dir' :
[OutPlayerStateChange playerId playerState' | playerState /= playerState']
in (game', outEvents)
timeElapsed = time - playerLastEventTime
fullStep = move timeElapsed >> step >> refillBoost timeElapsed
(gameMap', player'@Player{ playerPosition = pos'
, playerVelocity = Velocity _ dir' }, outEvents) =
stepGameEngine gameSettings gameMap player fullStep
player'' = player' { playerScore = playerScore + score playerPosition pos'
, playerLastEventTime = time }
game' = game { gamePlayers = Map.insert playerId player'' gamePlayers
, gameMap = gameMap' }
outEvents' = outEvents ++ [OutPlayerPosition playerId pos' dir']
in (game', outEvents')
score (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = abs (x1 - x2) + abs (y1 - y2)
runGame :: Game -> [(Int, InEvent)] -> (Game, [OutEvent])
runGame initialGame inEvents =
runGame :: Game -> [(Timestamp, InEvent)] -> (Game, [OutEvent])
runGame initialGame =
foldl (\(game, outEvents) (time, inEvent) ->
fmap (outEvents ++) $ stepGame game time inEvent)
(initialGame, []) inEvents
(initialGame, [])

View File

@ -7,83 +7,97 @@ import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import Data.Tuple (swap)
type Point = (Int, Int)
type Point = (Int, Int)
data Direction = Left | Right | Up | Down deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
type Timestamp = Int
data Velocity = Velocity Int Direction deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type TimeInterval = Int
type PlayerId = Int
data Direction = Left | Right | Up | Down deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
data PlayerState = PlayerAlive
| PlayerDead
| PlayerDisconnected
| PlayerLeft
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
data Velocity = Velocity Int Direction deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type PlayerTrail = [Point]
type PlayerId = Int
data PlayerBoost = PlayerBoost { boostActive :: Bool
, boostFuel :: Double
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data PlayerState = PlayerAlive
| PlayerDead
| PlayerDisconnected
| PlayerLeft
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
type PlayerScore = Int
type PlayerTrail = [Point]
data Player = Player { playerId :: PlayerId
, playerState :: PlayerState
, playerPosition :: Point
, playerVelocity :: Velocity
, playerTrail :: PlayerTrail
, playerBoost :: PlayerBoost
, playerScore :: PlayerScore
, playerLastEvent :: Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data PlayerBoost = PlayerBoost { boostActive :: Bool
, boostFuel :: Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type PlayerScore = Int
data Player = Player { playerId :: PlayerId
, playerState :: PlayerState
, playerPosition :: Point
, playerVelocity :: Velocity
, playerTrail :: PlayerTrail
, playerBoost :: PlayerBoost
, playerScore :: PlayerScore
, playerLastEventTime :: Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data PlayerEndState = PlayerWinner | PlayerLoser | PlayerDropped
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
data GameState = GameStarted | GameInit | GameFinished
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
data GameState = GameStarted | GameInit | GameFinished
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
data GameMap = GameMap { size :: Int
, gameMapBlockedPoints :: HashSet Point }
deriving (Show, Eq)
data GameMap = GameMap { size :: Int
, gameMapBlockedPoints :: HashSet Point
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data Game = Game { gamePlayers :: HashMap PlayerId Player
, gameState :: GameState
, gameMap :: GameMap
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data GameSettings = GameSettings { gameBoostFactor :: Int
, gameBoostRefillFactor :: Double
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type GameResult = HashMap PlayerId (PlayerScore, PlayerEndState)
data Game = Game { gamePlayers :: HashMap PlayerId Player
, gameState :: GameState
, gameSettings :: GameSettings
, gameMap :: GameMap
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data InEvent = InPlayerTurnLeft PlayerId
| InPlayerTurnRight PlayerId
| InPlayerBoostActivate PlayerId
| InPlayerBoostDeactivate PlayerId
| InPlayerStateChange PlayerId PlayerState
| InPlayerIdle PlayerId
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type GameResult = HashMap PlayerId (PlayerScore, PlayerEndState)
data OutEvent = OutPlayerPosition PlayerId Point Direction
| OutPlayerStateChange PlayerId PlayerState
| OutGameStateChange GameState
| OutGameOver GameResult
deriving (Show, Eq)
data InEvent = InPlayerTurnLeft PlayerId
| InPlayerTurnRight PlayerId
| InPlayerBoostChange PlayerId Bool
| InPlayerStateChange PlayerId PlayerState
| InPlayerIdle PlayerId
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
emptyGameMap :: Int -> GameMap
emptyGameMap size = GameMap size $ Set.fromList borderPoints
data OutEvent = OutPlayerPosition PlayerId Point Direction
| OutPlayerStateChange PlayerId PlayerState
| OutPlayerBoostChange PlayerId PlayerBoost
| OutGameStateChange GameState
| OutGameOver GameResult
deriving (Show, Eq)
newGameMap :: Int -> GameMap
newGameMap size = GameMap size $ Set.fromList borderPoints
borderPoints = let xs = [(x, y) | x <- [-1, size], y <- [0 .. size - 1]]
in xs ++ map swap xs
emptyGame :: Int -> Game
emptyGame size = Game Map.empty GameInit $ emptyGameMap size
newGame :: Int -> GameSettings -> Game
newGame size gameSettings = Game { gamePlayers = Map.empty
, gameState = GameInit
, gameSettings = gameSettings
, gameMap = newGameMap size
newPlayer :: Int -> Point -> Velocity -> Double -> Player
newPlayer pId pos velocity boost = Player pId PlayerAlive pos velocity [pos] (PlayerBoost False boost) 0 0
newPlayer :: Int -> Point -> Velocity -> Int -> Player
newPlayer pId pos velocity boost =
Player pId PlayerAlive pos velocity [pos] (PlayerBoost False boost) 0 0
addPlayer :: Game -> Player -> Game
addPlayer game@Game{gameMap = gameMap@GameMap{..}, ..} player@Player{..} =
addPlayer game@Game{ gameMap = gameMap@GameMap{ .. }, .. } player@Player{ .. } =
game { gamePlayers = Map.insert playerId player gamePlayers
, gameMap = gameMap { gameMapBlockedPoints =
Set.insert playerPosition gameMapBlockedPoints }}
, gameMap = gameMap { gameMapBlockedPoints =
Set.insert playerPosition gameMapBlockedPoints } }