- Form for signup http://goo.gl/forms/kuAESOIqob - Slack http://learn.nilenso.com - Welcome - Me: abhinav at nilenso dot com - Course Plan - Setup - Stack http://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/ - tools ```stack install ghc-mod hlint hoogle hasktags stylish-haskell``` - edit PATH: add ~/.local/bin to PATH - Atom ```apm install language-haskell haskell-ghc-mod ide-haskell-cabal ide-haskell autocomplete-haskell haskell-hoogle ide-haskell-hasktags ide-haskell-repl``` - Haskell - GHC: Glasgow haskell compiler - https://github.com/bitemyapp/learnhaskell - Basics - Root in academics - Strongly + statically typed + type inference - functional: functions are first class - immutable (by default) - lazy - pure - Play with ghci - numbers - simple operators - basic functions - basic lists and functions - tuples - rot13 cipher? - Hoogle for searching