
52 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables, NoImplicitPrelude, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Network.IRC.Handlers.SongSearch (getMsgHandler) where
import qualified Data.Configurator as CF
import ClassyPrelude hiding (try)
import Control.Exception.Lifted
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (emptyArray)
import Data.Text (strip)
import Network.Curl.Aeson
import Network.HTTP.Base
import Network.IRC.Types
getMsgHandler :: MsgHandlerName -> Maybe MsgHandler
getMsgHandler "songsearch" = Just $ newMsgHandler { msgHandlerRun = songSearch }
getMsgHandler _ = Nothing
data Song = NoSong | Song { url :: Text, name :: Text, artist :: Text }
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance FromJSON Song where
parseJSON (Object o) = Song <$> o .: "Url" <*> o .: "SongName" <*> o .: "ArtistName"
parseJSON a | a == emptyArray = return NoSong
parseJSON _ = mempty
songSearch :: MonadMsgHandler m => Message -> m (Maybe Command)
songSearch ChannelMsg { .. } = if "!m " `isPrefixOf` msg
then do
BotConfig { .. } <- ask
liftIO $ do
let query = strip . drop 3 $ msg
mApiKey <- CF.lookup config "songsearch.tinysong_apikey"
map (Just . ChannelMsgReply) $ case mApiKey of
Nothing -> -- do log "tinysong api key not found in config"
return $ "Error while searching for " ++ query
Just apiKey -> do
let apiUrl = "http://tinysong.com/b/" ++ urlEncode (unpack query)
++ "?format=json&key=" ++ apiKey
result <- try $ curlAesonGet apiUrl >>= evaluate
return $ case result of
Left (_ :: CurlAesonException) -> "Error while searching for " ++ query
Right song -> case song of
Song { .. } -> "Listen to " ++ artist ++ " - " ++ name ++ " at " ++ url
NoSong -> "No song found for: " ++ query
else return Nothing
songSearch _ = return Nothing