
187 line
7.7 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, TemplateHaskell #-}
module Network.IRC.Bot
( In
, sendCommandLoop
, readMessageLoop
, messageProcessLoop )
import qualified Data.Text.Format as TF
import qualified System.Log.Logger as HSL
import ClassyPrelude
import Control.Concurrent.Lifted (threadDelay)
import Control.Exception.Lifted (evaluate)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (get, put, evalStateT)
import Data.Time (addUTCTime)
import System.IO (hIsEOF)
import System.Timeout (timeout)
import System.Log.Logger.TH (deriveLoggers)
import qualified Network.IRC.Configuration as CF
import Network.IRC.MessageBus
import Network.IRC.Internal.Types
import Network.IRC.Protocol
import Network.IRC.Types
import Network.IRC.Util
$(deriveLoggers "HSL" [HSL.INFO, HSL.ERROR])
data RawIn = Line !UTCTime !Text | EOS deriving (Show, Eq)
data In = Timeout | EOD | Msg !Message deriving (Show, Eq)
formatCommand :: (Exception e) => BotConfig -> Message -> IO ([e], [Text])
formatCommand botConfig@BotConfig { .. } message =
map (second catMaybes . partitionEithers)
. forM (defaultCommandFormatter : cmdFormatters) $ \formatter ->
try . evaluate $ formatter botConfig message
parseLine :: (Exception e)
=> BotConfig -> UTCTime -> Text -> Map MessageParserId [MessagePart]
-> IO ([e], [Message], Map MessageParserId [MessagePart])
parseLine botConfig@BotConfig { .. } time line msgParts =
map mconcat . forM parsers $ \MessageParser { .. } -> do
let parserMsgParts = concat . maybeToList $ lookup msgParserId msgParts
let parserMsgPartsMap = singletonMap msgParserId parserMsgParts
eresult <- try . evaluate $ msgParser botConfig time line parserMsgParts
return $ case eresult of
Left e -> ([e], [] , parserMsgPartsMap)
Right ParseReject -> ([] , [] , parserMsgPartsMap)
Right (ParsePartial msgParts') -> ([] , [] , singletonMap msgParserId msgParts')
Right (ParseDone message msgParts') -> ([] , [message], singletonMap msgParserId msgParts')
parsers = defaultParsers ++ msgParsers
sendCommandLoop :: MessageChannel Message -> Bot -> IO ()
sendCommandLoop commandChan bot@Bot { .. } = do
msg@(Message _ _ cmd) <- receiveMessage commandChan
(exs, lines_) <- formatCommand botConfig msg
forM_ exs $ \(ex :: SomeException) ->
errorM ("Error while formatting command: " ++ show cmd ++ "\nError: " ++ show ex)
unless (null lines_) $
handle (\(e :: SomeException) -> do
errorM ("Error while writing to connection: " ++ show e)
closeMessageChannel commandChan) $
forM_ lines_ $ \line -> do
TF.hprint botSocket "{}\r\n" $ TF.Only line
infoM . unpack $ "> " ++ line
commandChanClosed <- isClosedMessageChannel commandChan
unless commandChanClosed $
case fromMessage cmd of
Just QuitCmd -> closeMessageChannel commandChan
_ -> sendCommandLoop commandChan bot
readMessageLoop :: MVar BotStatus -> MessageChannel In -> Bot -> Int -> IO ()
readMessageLoop mvBotStatus inChan Bot { .. } timeoutDelay = evalStateT loop mempty
msgPartTimeout = 10
loop = do
msgParts <- get
botStatus <- readMVar mvBotStatus
case botStatus of
Disconnected -> io $ closeMessageChannel inChan
_ -> do
msgParts' <- io $ do
mLine <- try $ timeout timeoutDelay readLine
case mLine of
Left (e :: SomeException) -> do
errorM $ "Error while reading from connection: " ++ show e
sendMessage inChan EOD >> return msgParts
Right Nothing -> sendMessage inChan Timeout >> return msgParts
Right (Just (Line time line)) -> do
(exs, msgs, msgParts') <- parseLine botConfig time line msgParts
forM_ exs $ \(ex :: SomeException) ->
errorM ("Error while parsing line: " ++ unpack line ++ "\nError: " ++ show ex)
forM_ msgs $ sendMessage inChan . Msg
return msgParts'
Right (Just EOS) -> sendMessage inChan EOD >> return msgParts
limit <- io $ map (addUTCTime (- msgPartTimeout)) getCurrentTime
put $ validMsgParts limit msgParts'
validMsgParts limit =
foldl' (\m (k, v) -> insertWith (++) k [v] m) mempty
. concat
. filter ((> limit) . msgPartTime . snd . headEx . sortBy (flip $ comparing (msgPartTime . snd)))
. groupAllOn (fst &&& msgPartTarget . snd)
. asList . concatMap (uncurry (map . (,))) . mapToList
readLine = do
eof <- hIsEOF botSocket
if eof
then return EOS
else mask $ \unmask -> do
line <- map initEx . unmask $ hGetLine botSocket
infoM . unpack $ "< " ++ line
now <- getCurrentTime
return $ Line now line
messageProcessLoop :: MessageChannel In -> MessageChannel Message -> IRC ()
messageProcessLoop inChan messageChan = loop 0
loop !idleFor = do
status <- get
Bot { .. } <- ask
let nick = botNick botConfig
let origNick = botOrigNick botConfig
let mpass = CF.lookup "password" (config botConfig)
nStatus <- io . mask_ $
if idleFor >= (oneSec * botTimeout botConfig)
then infoM "Timeout" >> return Disconnected
else do
when (status == Kicked) $
threadDelay (5 * oneSec) >> newMessage JoinCmd >>= sendMessage messageChan
mIn <- receiveMessage inChan
case mIn of
Timeout -> do
idleMsg <- newMessage IdleMsg
sendMessage messageChan idleMsg
sendWhoisMessage nick origNick
return Idle
EOD -> infoM "Connection closed" >> return Disconnected
Msg (msg@Message { .. }) -> do
nStatus <- handleMsg nick origNick message mpass
sendMessage messageChan msg
return nStatus
put nStatus
case nStatus of
Idle -> loop (idleFor + oneSec)
Disconnected -> return ()
NickNotAvailable -> return ()
NickAvailable -> return ()
_ -> loop 0
sendWhoisMessage nick origNick =
when (nick /= origNick && idleFor /= 0 && idleFor `mod` (10 * oneSec) == 0) $
(newMessage . WhoisCmd . nickToText $ origNick) >>= sendMessage messageChan
handleMsg nick origNick message mpass
| Just (JoinMsg user) <- fromMessage message, userNick user == nick =
infoM "Joined" >> return Joined
| Just (KickMsg { .. }) <- fromMessage message, kickedNick == nick =
infoM "Kicked" >> return Kicked
| Just NickInUseMsg <- fromMessage message =
infoM "Nick already in use" >> return NickNotAvailable
| Just (ModeMsg { .. }) <- fromMessage message, modeUser == Self = do
whenJust mpass $ \pass -> do
msg <- newMessage $ PrivMsgReply (User (Nick "NickServ") "") $ "IDENTIFY " ++ pass
sendMessage messageChan msg
newMessage JoinCmd >>= sendMessage messageChan
return Connected
| Just (WhoisNoSuchNick n) <- fromMessage message, n == origNick =
infoM "Original nick available" >> return NickAvailable
| otherwise =
return Connected