
95 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Network.IRC.Handlers (coreMsgHandlerNames, mkMsgHandler) where
import qualified Network.IRC.Handlers.MessageLogger as Logger
import qualified Network.IRC.Handlers.SongSearch as SongSearch
import qualified Network.IRC.Handlers.Auth as Auth
import ClassyPrelude
import Control.Concurrent.Lifted (Chan)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
import Data.Convertible (convert)
import Data.Text (strip)
import Data.Time (addUTCTime)
import Network.IRC.Types
import Network.IRC.Util
clean :: Text -> Text
clean = toLower . strip
coreMsgHandlerNames :: [Text]
coreMsgHandlerNames = ["pingpong", "messagelogger", "help"]
mkMsgHandler :: BotConfig -> Chan SomeEvent -> MsgHandlerName -> IO (Maybe MsgHandler)
mkMsgHandler _ _ "greeter" = return . Just $ newMsgHandler { onMessage = greeter }
mkMsgHandler _ _ "welcomer" = return . Just $ newMsgHandler { onMessage = welcomer }
mkMsgHandler _ _ "pingpong" = do
state <- getCurrentTime >>= newIORef
return . Just $ newMsgHandler { onMessage = pingPong state }
mkMsgHandler _ _ "help" =
return . Just $ newMsgHandler { onMessage = help, onHelp = return $ singletonMap "!help" helpMsg}
helpMsg = "Get help. !help or !help <command>"
mkMsgHandler botConfig eventChan name =
flip (`foldM` Nothing) [Logger.mkMsgHandler, SongSearch.mkMsgHandler, Auth.mkMsgHandler] $ \acc h ->
case acc of
Just _ -> return acc
Nothing -> h botConfig eventChan name
pingPong :: MonadMsgHandler m => IORef UTCTime -> Message -> m (Maybe Command)
pingPong state PingMsg { .. } = do
liftIO $ atomicWriteIORef state msgTime
return . Just $ PongCmd msg
pingPong state PongMsg { .. } = do
liftIO $ atomicWriteIORef state msgTime
return Nothing
pingPong state IdleMsg { .. } | even (convert msgTime :: Int) = do
BotConfig { .. } <- ask
let limit = fromIntegral $ botTimeout `div` 2
liftIO $ do
lastComm <- readIORef state
if addUTCTime limit lastComm < msgTime
then return . Just . PingCmd . pack . formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%s" $ msgTime
else return Nothing
pingPong _ _ = return Nothing
greeter :: MonadMsgHandler m => Message -> m (Maybe Command)
greeter ChannelMsg { .. } = case find (== clean msg) greetings of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just greeting -> return . Just . ChannelMsgReply $ greeting ++ " " ++ userNick user
greetings = ["hi", "hello", "hey", "sup", "bye"
, "good morning", "good evening", "good night"
, "ohayo", "oyasumi"]
greeter _ = return Nothing
welcomer :: MonadMsgHandler m => Message -> m (Maybe Command)
welcomer JoinMsg { .. } = do
BotConfig { .. } <- ask
if userNick user /= botNick
then return . Just . ChannelMsgReply $ "welcome back " ++ userNick user
else return Nothing
welcomer _ = return Nothing
help :: MonadMsgHandler m => Message -> m (Maybe Command)
help ChannelMsg { .. }
| "!help" == clean msg = do
BotConfig { .. } <- ask
let commands = concatMap mapKeys . mapValues $ msgHandlerInfo
return . Just . ChannelMsgReply $ "I know these commands: " ++ unwords commands
| "!help" `isPrefixOf` msg = do
BotConfig { .. } <- ask
let command = clean . unwords . drop 1 . words $ msg
let mHelp = find ((== command) . fst) . concatMap mapToList . mapValues $ msgHandlerInfo
return . Just . ChannelMsgReply $ maybe ("No such command found: " ++ command) snd mHelp
help _ = return Nothing