
214 lines
7.5 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Network.IRC.Client (run) where
import qualified Data.Text.Format as TF
import qualified Data.Text.Format.Params as TF
import ClassyPrelude
import Control.Exception.Lifted
import Control.Concurrent.Lifted
import Control.Monad.Reader hiding (forM_, foldM)
import Control.Monad.State hiding (forM_, foldM)
import Network
import System.IO (hIsEOF, hSetBuffering, BufferMode(..))
import System.Timeout
import Network.IRC.Handlers
import Network.IRC.Protocol
import Network.IRC.Types
oneSec :: Int
oneSec = 1000000
debug :: Text -> IO ()
debug msg = do
time <- getCurrentTime
TF.print "[{}] {}\n" $ TF.buildParams (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F %T" time, msg)
type Latch = MVar ()
latchIt :: Latch -> IO ()
latchIt latch = putMVar latch ()
awaitLatch :: Latch -> IO ()
awaitLatch latch = void $ takeMVar latch
type EChannel a = (Chan a, Latch)
data Cmd = CmdQuit | Cmd !Command deriving (Show, Eq)
data Line = Timeout | EOF | Line !Message deriving (Show, Eq)
sendCommandLoop :: EChannel Cmd -> Bot -> IO ()
sendCommandLoop (commandChan, latch) bot@Bot { .. } = do
cmd <- readChan commandChan
case cmd of
CmdQuit -> latchIt latch
Cmd command -> do
time <- getCurrentTime
let line = lineFromCommand botConfig command
TF.hprint socket "{}\r\n" $ TF.Only line
TF.print "[{}] > {}\n" $ TF.buildParams (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F %T" time, line)
sendCommandLoop (commandChan, latch) bot
sendCommand :: Chan Cmd -> Cmd -> IO ()
sendCommand = writeChan
readLineLoop :: MVar BotStatus -> EChannel Line -> Bot -> Int -> IO ()
readLineLoop mvBotStatus (lineChan, latch) bot@Bot { .. } timeoutDelay = do
botStatus <- readMVar mvBotStatus
case botStatus of
Disconnected -> latchIt latch
_ -> do
mLine <- timeout timeoutDelay readLine'
case mLine of
Nothing -> writeChan lineChan Timeout
Just line -> writeChan lineChan line
readLineLoop mvBotStatus (lineChan, latch) bot timeoutDelay
readLine' = do
eof <- hIsEOF socket
if eof
then return EOF
else do
line <- map initEx $ hGetLine socket
debug $ "< " ++ line
now <- getCurrentTime
return . Line $ msgFromLine botConfig now line
readLine :: Chan Line -> IO Line
readLine = readChan
sendMessage :: Chan Line -> Message -> IO ()
sendMessage = (. Line) . writeChan
listenerLoop :: Chan Line -> Chan Cmd -> Int -> IRC ()
listenerLoop lineChan commandChan idleFor = do
status <- get
bot@Bot { .. } <- ask
let nick = botNick botConfig
nStatus <- liftIO $
if idleFor >= (oneSec * botTimeout botConfig)
then return Disconnected
else do
when (status == Kicked) $
threadDelay (5 * oneSec) >> sendCommand commandChan (Cmd JoinCmd)
mLine <- readLine lineChan
case mLine of
Timeout -> dispatchHandlers bot IdleMsg >> return Idle
EOF -> return Disconnected
Line message -> do
nStatus <- case message of
JoinMsg { .. } | userNick user == nick -> debug "Joined" >> return Joined
KickMsg { .. } | kickedNick == nick -> debug "Kicked" >> return Kicked
ModeMsg { user = Self, .. } ->
sendCommand commandChan (Cmd JoinCmd) >> return Connected
_ -> return Connected
dispatchHandlers bot message
return nStatus
put nStatus
case nStatus of
Idle -> listenerLoop lineChan commandChan (idleFor + oneSec)
Disconnected -> return ()
_ -> listenerLoop lineChan commandChan 0
dispatchHandlers Bot { .. } message =
forM_ (mapToList msgHandlers) $ \(_, msgHandler) -> fork $
handle (\(e :: SomeException) -> debug $ "Exception! " ++ pack (show e)) $ do
mCmd <- runMsgHandler msgHandler botConfig message
case mCmd of
Nothing -> return ()
Just cmd -> case cmd of
MessageCmd msg -> sendMessage lineChan msg
_ -> sendCommand commandChan (Cmd cmd)
loadMsgHandlers :: BotConfig -> IO (Map MsgHandlerName MsgHandler)
loadMsgHandlers botConfig@BotConfig { .. } =
flip (`foldM` mempty) msgHandlerNames $ \hMap msgHandlerName -> do
debug $ "Loading msg handler: " ++ msgHandlerName
mMsgHandler <- mkMsgHandler botConfig msgHandlerName
case mMsgHandler of
Nothing -> debug ("No msg handler found with name: " ++ msgHandlerName) >> return hMap
Just msgHandler -> return $ insertMap msgHandlerName msgHandler hMap
unloadMsgHandlers :: Bot -> IO ()
unloadMsgHandlers Bot { .. } =
forM_ (mapToList msgHandlers) $ \(msgHandlerName, msgHandler) -> do
debug $ "Unloading msg handler: " ++ msgHandlerName
stopMsgHandler msgHandler botConfig
connect :: BotConfig -> IO (Bot, MVar BotStatus, EChannel Line, EChannel Cmd)
connect botConfig@BotConfig { .. } = do
debug "Connecting ..."
socket <- connectToWithRetry
hSetBuffering socket LineBuffering
msgHandlers <- loadMsgHandlers botConfig
debug "Connected"
lineChan <- newChan
commandChan <- newChan
sendLatch <- newEmptyMVar
readLatch <- newEmptyMVar
mvBotStatus <- newMVar Connected
return (Bot botConfig socket msgHandlers, mvBotStatus, (lineChan, readLatch), (commandChan, sendLatch))
connectToWithRetry = connectTo (unpack server) (PortNumber (fromIntegral port))
`catch` (\(e :: SomeException) -> do
debug ("Error while connecting: " ++ pack (show e) ++ ". Waiting.")
threadDelay (5 * oneSec)
disconnect :: (Bot, MVar BotStatus, EChannel Line, EChannel Cmd) -> IO ()
disconnect (bot@Bot { .. }, mvBotStatus, (_, readLatch), (commandChan, sendLatch)) = do
debug "Disconnecting ..."
sendCommand commandChan CmdQuit
awaitLatch sendLatch
swapMVar mvBotStatus Disconnected
awaitLatch readLatch
unloadMsgHandlers bot
hClose socket
debug "Disconnected"
addCoreMsgHandlers :: BotConfig -> BotConfig
addCoreMsgHandlers botConfig =
botConfig { msgHandlerNames = hashNub $ msgHandlerNames botConfig ++ coreMsgHandlerNames }
run :: BotConfig -> IO ()
run botConfig' = withSocketsDo $ do
hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
debug "Running with config:"
print botConfig
status <- run_
case status of
Disconnected -> debug "Connection timed out" >> run botConfig
Interrupted -> return ()
Errored -> debug "Errored, restarting" >> run botConfig
_ -> error "Unsupported status"
botConfig = addCoreMsgHandlers botConfig'
handleErrors :: SomeException -> IO BotStatus
handleErrors e = case fromException e of
Just UserInterrupt -> debug "User interrupt" >> return Interrupted
_ -> debug ("Exception! " ++ pack (show e)) >> return Errored
run_ = bracket (connect botConfig) disconnect $
\(bot, mvBotStatus, (lineChan, readLatch), (commandChan, sendLatch)) ->
handle handleErrors $ do
sendCommand commandChan (Cmd NickCmd)
sendCommand commandChan (Cmd UserCmd)
fork $ sendCommandLoop (commandChan, sendLatch) bot
fork $ readLineLoop mvBotStatus (lineChan, readLatch) bot oneSec
runIRC bot Connected (listenerLoop lineChan commandChan 0)