{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Network.IRC.Handlers.Tell (tellMsgHandlerMaker) where import qualified Data.IxSet as IS import ClassyPrelude hiding (swap) import Control.Concurrent.Lifted (Chan) import Control.Monad.Reader (ask) import Control.Monad.State (get, put) import Data.Acid (AcidState, Query, Update, makeAcidic, query, update, openLocalState, createArchive) import Data.Acid.Local (createCheckpointAndClose) import Data.IxSet ((@=)) import Data.Text (split, strip) import Network.IRC.Handlers.NickTracker.Types import Network.IRC.Handlers.Tell.Internal.Types import Network.IRC.Types import Network.IRC.Util -- database getUndeliveredTellsQ :: CanonicalNick -> Query Tells [Tell] getUndeliveredTellsQ nick = do Tells { .. } <- ask return . sortBy (comparing tellCreatedOn) . IS.toList $ tells @= nick @= NewTell saveTellQ :: Tell -> Update Tells () saveTellQ tell@Tell { .. } = do Tells { .. } <- get put $ if tellId == -1 then Tells (nextTellId + 1) (IS.updateIx nextTellId tell{ tellId = nextTellId } tells) else Tells nextTellId (IS.updateIx tellId tell tells) $(makeAcidic ''Tells ['getUndeliveredTellsQ, 'saveTellQ]) getUndeliveredTells :: AcidState Tells -> CanonicalNick -> IO [Tell] getUndeliveredTells acid = query acid . GetUndeliveredTellsQ saveTell :: AcidState Tells -> Tell -> IO () saveTell acid = update acid . SaveTellQ -- handler newtype TellState = TellState { acid :: AcidState Tells } tellMsg :: MonadMsgHandler m => Chan Event -> IORef TellState -> FullMessage -> m [Command] tellMsg eventChan state FullMessage { .. } | Just (ChannelMsg (User { .. }) msg) <- fromMessage message , command msg == "!tell" , args <- drop 1 . words $ msg , length args >= 2 = io $ do TellState { .. } <- readIORef state reps <- if "<" `isPrefixOf` headEx args then do -- multi tell let (nicks, tell) = (parseNicks *** (strip . drop 1)) . break (== '>') . drop 1 . unwords $ args if null tell then return [] else do res <- forM nicks $ \nick -> handleTell acid nick tell let (fails, passes) = partitionEithers res let reps = (if null fails then [] else ["Unknown nicks: " ++ intercalate ", " fails]) ++ (if null passes then [] else ["Message noted and will be passed on to " ++ intercalate ", " passes]) return reps else do -- single tell let nick = Nick . headEx $ args let tell = strip . unwords . drop 1 $ args if null tell then return [] else do res <- handleTell acid nick tell let rep = case res of Left _ -> "Unknown nick: " ++ nickToText nick Right _ -> "Message noted and will be passed on to " ++ nickToText nick return [rep] tells <- getTellsToDeliver userNick return . map (textToReply userNick) $ (reps ++ tells) | Just (ChannelMsg (User { .. }) _) <- fromMessage message = io $ map (map (textToReply userNick)) $ getTellsToDeliver userNick | otherwise = return [] where command msg = clean . fromMaybe "" . headMay . words $ msg parseNicks = ordNub . map Nick . filter (not . null) . split (\x -> x == ' ' || x == ',') textToReply nick t = toCommand . ChannelMsgReply $ nickToText nick ++ ": " ++ t tellToMsg Tell { .. } = relativeTime tellCreatedOn msgTime ++ " " ++ nickToText tellFromNick ++ " said: " ++ tellContent newTell nick canonicalNick = Tell (-1) nick canonicalNick Nothing NewTell msgTime Nothing getTellsToDeliver nick = io $ do TellState { .. } <- readIORef state mcn <- getCanonicalNick eventChan nick case mcn of Nothing -> return [] Just canonicalNick -> do tells <- getUndeliveredTells acid canonicalNick forM tells $ \tell -> do saveTell acid tell{ tellStatus = DeliveredTell, tellDeliveredOn = Just msgTime } return . tellToMsg $ tell handleTell acid nick tell = do mcn <- getCanonicalNick eventChan nick case mcn of Nothing -> return . Left . nickToText $ nick Just canonicalNick -> saveTell acid (newTell nick canonicalNick tell) >> (return . Right . nickToText $ nick) tellEvent :: MonadMsgHandler m => Chan Event -> IORef TellState -> Event -> m EventResponse tellEvent eventChan state event = case fromEvent event of Just (TellRequest user message, evTime) -> do tellMsg eventChan state . FullMessage evTime "" . toMessage $ ChannelMsg user message return RespNothing _ -> return RespNothing stopTell :: MonadMsgHandler m => IORef TellState -> m () stopTell state = io $ do TellState { .. } <- readIORef state createArchive acid createCheckpointAndClose acid tellMsgHandlerMaker :: MsgHandlerMaker tellMsgHandlerMaker = MsgHandlerMaker "tell" go where go BotConfig { .. } eventChan "tell" = do acid <- openLocalState emptyTells state <- newIORef (TellState acid) return . Just $ newMsgHandler { onMessage = tellMsg eventChan state , onEvent = tellEvent eventChan state , onStop = stopTell state , onHelp = return helpMsgs } go _ _ _ = return Nothing helpMsgs = singletonMap "!tell" $ "Publically passes a message to a user or a bunch of users. " ++ "!tell or !tell < ...> ."