Added retrying with new nick if nick is already taken. Other minor fixes.

Abhinav Sarkar 2014-10-05 13:12:49 +05:30
parent 0b84c0c837
commit f99815b3b0
5 changed files with 35 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ readMessageLoop = go []
case botStatus of
Disconnected -> closeMessageChannel inChan
_ -> do
mLine <- try $ timeout timeoutDelay readLine'
mLine <- try $ timeout timeoutDelay readLine
msgParts' <- case mLine of
Left (e :: SomeException) -> do
errorM $ "Error while reading from connection: " ++ show e
@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ readMessageLoop = go []
Right (Just EOS) -> sendMessage inChan EOD >> return msgParts
limit <- map (addUTCTime (- msgPartTimeout)) getCurrentTime
let msgParts'' = concat
let validMsgParts = concat
. filter ((> limit) . msgPartTime . headEx . sortBy (flip $ comparing msgPartTime))
. groupAllOn (msgPartParserId &&& msgPartTarget) $ msgParts'
go msgParts'' mvBotStatus inChan bot timeoutDelay
go validMsgParts mvBotStatus inChan bot timeoutDelay
readLine' = do
readLine = do
eof <- hIsEOF botSocket
if eof
then return EOS
@ -98,14 +98,15 @@ messageProcessLoop = go 0
when (status == Kicked) $
threadDelay (5 * oneSec) >> newMessage JoinCmd >>= sendMessage messageChan
mIn <- receiveMessage inChan
mIn <- receiveMessageEither inChan messageChan
case mIn of
Timeout -> newMessage IdleMsg >>= sendMessage messageChan >> return Idle
EOD -> infoM "Connection closed" >> return Disconnected
Msg (msg@Message { .. }) -> do
Left Timeout -> newMessage IdleMsg >>= sendMessage messageChan >> return Idle
Left EOD -> infoM "Connection closed" >> return Disconnected
Left (Msg (msg@Message { .. })) -> do
nStatus <- handleMsg nick message mpass
sendMessage messageChan msg
return nStatus
Right _ -> return status
put nStatus
case nStatus of

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@ -116,14 +116,18 @@ runBotIntenal botConfig' = withSocketsDo $ do
Disconnected -> debugM "Restarting .." >> runBotIntenal botConfigWithCore
Errored -> debugM "Restarting .." >> runBotIntenal botConfigWithCore
Interrupted -> return ()
NickNotAvailable -> return ()
NickNotAvailable -> debugM "Trying new nick" >> runBotIntenal botConfigWithNewNick
_ -> error "Unsupported status"
botConfigWithCore = botConfig' {
msgHandlerInfo =
foldl' (\m name -> insertMap name mempty m) mempty
(hashNub $ mapKeys (msgHandlerInfo botConfig') ++ mapKeys coreMsgHandlerMakers),
msgHandlerMakers = coreMsgHandlerMakers <> msgHandlerMakers botConfig'
(hashNub $ mapKeys (msgHandlerInfo botConfig') ++ mapKeys coreMsgHandlerMakers)
, msgHandlerMakers = coreMsgHandlerMakers <> msgHandlerMakers botConfig'
botConfigWithNewNick = botConfigWithCore {
botNick = Nick $ nickToText (botNick botConfigWithCore) ++ "_"
handleErrors :: SomeException -> IO BotStatus

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module Network.IRC.MessageBus
, newMessageChannel
, sendMessage
, receiveMessage
, receiveMessageEither
, closeMessageChannel
, awaitMessageChannel ) where
@ -56,3 +57,7 @@ closeMessageChannel (MessageChannel latch _ _) = doLatch latch
awaitMessageChannel :: MessageChannel a -> IO ()
awaitMessageChannel (MessageChannel latch _ _) = awaitLatch latch
receiveMessageEither :: MessageChannel a -> MessageChannel b -> IO (Either a b)
receiveMessageEither chan1 chan2 = atomically $
map Left (receiveMessageSTM chan1) `orElseSTM` map Right (receiveMessageSTM chan2)

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@ -102,15 +102,14 @@ defaultCommandFormatter BotConfig { .. } Message { .. }
| Just (PongCmd msg) <- fromMessage message = Just $ "PONG :" ++ msg
| Just (PingCmd msg) <- fromMessage message = Just $ "PING :" ++ msg
| Just NickCmd <- fromMessage message = Just $ "NICK " ++ botNick'
| Just UserCmd <- fromMessage message =
Just $ "USER " ++ botNick' ++ " 0 * :" ++ botNick'
| Just UserCmd <- fromMessage message = Just $ "USER " ++ botNick' ++ " 0 * :" ++ botNick'
| Just JoinCmd <- fromMessage message = Just $ "JOIN " ++ botChannel
| Just QuitCmd <- fromMessage message = Just "QUIT"
| Just NamesCmd <- fromMessage message = Just $ "NAMES " ++ botChannel
| Just (ChannelMsgReply msg) <- fromMessage message =
Just $ "PRIVMSG " ++ botChannel ++ " :" ++ msg
| Just (PrivMsgReply (User { .. }) msg) <- fromMessage message =
Just $ "PRIVMSG " ++ nickToText userNick ++ " :" ++ msg
| Just NamesCmd <- fromMessage message = Just $ "NAMES " ++ botChannel
| otherwise = Nothing
botNick' = nickToText botNick