Made IRC messages and commands pluggable. Opened up message parsing
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,15 +31,15 @@ import Network.IRC.Util
$(deriveLoggers "HSL" [HSL.DEBUG, HSL.INFO, HSL.ERROR])
data Line = Timeout | EOF | Line !UTCTime !Text | Msg Message deriving (Show, Eq)
data Line = Timeout | EOF | Line !UTCTime !Text | Msg FullMessage deriving (Show, Eq)
sendCommand :: Chan Command -> Command -> IO ()
sendCommand = writeChan
sendMessage :: Chan Line -> Message -> IO ()
sendMessage :: Chan Line -> FullMessage -> IO ()
sendMessage = (. Msg) . writeChan
sendEvent :: Chan SomeEvent -> SomeEvent -> IO ()
sendEvent :: Chan Event -> Event -> IO ()
sendEvent = writeChan
readLine :: Chan Line -> IO Line
@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ sendCommandLoop (commandChan, latch) bot@Bot { .. } = do
whenJust mline $ \line -> do
TF.hprint botSocket "{}\r\n" $ TF.Only line
infoM . unpack $ "> " ++ line
case cmd of
QuitCmd -> latchIt latch
_ -> sendCommandLoop (commandChan, latch) bot
case fromCommand cmd of
Just QuitCmd -> latchIt latch
_ -> sendCommandLoop (commandChan, latch) bot
readLineLoop :: MVar BotStatus -> Channel Line -> Bot -> Int -> IO ()
readLineLoop = go []
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ readLineLoop = go []
limit <- map (addUTCTime (- msgPartTimeout)) getCurrentTime
let msgParts'' = concat
. filter ((> limit) . msgPartTime . headEx . sortBy (flip $ comparing msgPartTime))
. groupAllOn (msgParserType &&& msgPartTarget) $ msgParts'
. groupAllOn (msgPartParserId &&& msgPartTarget) $ msgParts'
go msgParts'' mvBotStatus (lineChan, latch) bot timeoutDelay
readLine' = do
@ -109,25 +109,18 @@ messageProcessLoop = go 0
then infoM "Timeout" >> return Disconnected
else do
when (status == Kicked) $
threadDelay (5 * oneSec) >> sendCommand commandChan JoinCmd
threadDelay (5 * oneSec) >> sendCommand commandChan (toCommand JoinCmd)
mLine <- readLine lineChan
case mLine of
Timeout ->
getCurrentTime >>= \t -> dispatchHandlers bot (Message t "" IdleMsg) >> return Idle
Timeout -> do
now <- getCurrentTime
dispatchHandlers bot (FullMessage now "" $ toMessage IdleMsg) >> return Idle
EOF -> infoM "Connection closed" >> return Disconnected
Line _ _ -> error "This should never happen"
Msg (message@Message { .. }) -> do
nStatus <- case msgDetails of
JoinMsg { .. } | userNick user == nick -> infoM "Joined" >> return Joined
KickMsg { .. } | kickedNick == nick -> infoM "Kicked" >> return Kicked
NickInUseMsg { .. } ->
infoM "Nick already in use" >> return NickNotAvailable
ModeMsg { user = Self, .. } ->
sendCommand commandChan JoinCmd >> return Connected
_ -> return Connected
dispatchHandlers bot message
Msg (msg@FullMessage { .. }) -> do
nStatus <- handleMsg nick message
dispatchHandlers bot msg
return nStatus
put nStatus
@ -145,7 +138,18 @@ messageProcessLoop = go 0
cmds <- handleMessage msgHandler botConfig message
forM_ cmds (sendCommand commandChan)
eventProcessLoop :: Channel SomeEvent -> Chan Line -> Chan Command -> Bot -> IO ()
handleMsg nick message
| Just (JoinMsg user) <- fromMessage message, userNick user == nick =
infoM "Joined" >> return Joined
| Just (KickMsg { .. }) <- fromMessage message, kickedNick == nick =
infoM "Kicked" >> return Kicked
| Just NickInUseMsg <- fromMessage message =
infoM "Nick already in use" >> return NickNotAvailable
| Just (ModeMsg { .. }) <- fromMessage message, modeUser == Self =
sendCommand commandChan (toCommand JoinCmd) >> return Connected
| otherwise = return Connected
eventProcessLoop :: Channel Event -> Chan Line -> Chan Command -> Bot -> IO ()
eventProcessLoop (eventChan, latch) lineChan commandChan bot@Bot {.. } = do
event <- readChan eventChan
case fromEvent event of
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ $(deriveLoggers "HSL" [HSL.DEBUG, HSL.ERROR])
coreMsgHandlerNames :: [MsgHandlerName]
coreMsgHandlerNames = ["pingpong", "help"]
connect :: BotConfig -> IO (Bot, MVar BotStatus, Channel Line, Channel Command, Channel SomeEvent)
connect :: BotConfig -> IO (Bot, MVar BotStatus, Channel Line, Channel Command, Channel Event)
connect botConfig@BotConfig { .. } = do
debugM "Connecting ..."
socket <- connectToWithRetry
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ connect botConfig@BotConfig { .. } = do
newChannel = (,) <$> newChan <*> newEmptyMVar
mkMsgHandler :: Chan SomeEvent -> MsgHandlerName -> IO (Maybe MsgHandler)
mkMsgHandler :: Chan Event -> MsgHandlerName -> IO (Maybe MsgHandler)
mkMsgHandler eventChan name =
flip (`foldM` Nothing) msgHandlerMakers $ \finalHandler handler ->
case finalHandler of
@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ connect botConfig@BotConfig { .. } = do
return hMap
Just msgHandler -> return $ insertMap msgHandlerName msgHandler hMap
disconnect :: (Bot, MVar BotStatus, Channel Line, Channel Command, Channel SomeEvent) -> IO ()
disconnect :: (Bot, MVar BotStatus, Channel Line, Channel Command, Channel Event) -> IO ()
disconnect (Bot { .. }, mvBotStatus, (_, readLatch), (commandChan, sendLatch), (eventChan, eventLatch)) = do
debugM "Disconnecting ..."
sendCommand commandChan QuitCmd
sendCommand commandChan $ toCommand QuitCmd
awaitLatch sendLatch
swapMVar mvBotStatus Disconnected
awaitLatch readLatch
@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ runBotIntenal botConfig' = withSocketsDo $ do
handle handleErrors $ do
debugM $ "Running with config:\n" ++ show botConfig
sendCommand commandChan NickCmd
sendCommand commandChan UserCmd
sendCommand commandChan $ toCommand NickCmd
sendCommand commandChan $ toCommand UserCmd
fork $ sendCommandLoop (commandChan, sendLatch) bot
fork $ readLineLoop mvBotStatus (lineChan, readLatch) bot oneSec
@ -21,37 +21,36 @@ mkMsgHandler = MsgHandlerMaker "core" go
helpMsg = "Get help. !help or !help <command>"
pingPong :: MonadMsgHandler m => IORef UTCTime -> Message -> m [Command]
pingPong state Message { msgDetails = PingMsg { .. }, .. } = do
io $ atomicWriteIORef state msgTime
return [PongCmd msg]
pingPong state Message { msgDetails = PongMsg { .. }, .. } = do
io $ atomicWriteIORef state msgTime
return []
pingPong state Message { msgDetails = IdleMsg { .. }, .. }
| even (convert msgTime :: Int) = do
BotConfig { .. } <- ask
let limit = fromIntegral $ botTimeout `div` 2
io $ do
lastComm <- readIORef state
if addUTCTime limit lastComm < msgTime
then return [PingCmd . pack . formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%s" $ msgTime]
else return []
pingPong _ _ = return []
help :: MonadMsgHandler m => Message -> m [Command]
help Message { msgDetails = ChannelMsg { .. }, .. }
| "!help" == clean msg = do
pingPong :: MonadMsgHandler m => IORef UTCTime -> FullMessage -> m [Command]
pingPong state FullMessage { .. }
| Just (PingMsg msg) <- fromMessage message =
io (atomicWriteIORef state msgTime) >> return [toCommand $ PongCmd msg]
| Just (PongMsg _) <- fromMessage message =
io (atomicWriteIORef state msgTime) >> return []
| Just IdleMsg <- fromMessage message
, even (convert msgTime :: Int) = do
BotConfig { .. } <- ask
let commands = concatMap mapKeys . mapValues $ msgHandlerInfo
return [ ChannelMsgReply $ "I know these commands: " ++ unwords commands
, ChannelMsgReply "Type !help <command> to know more about any command"]
| "!help" `isPrefixOf` msg = do
BotConfig { .. } <- ask
let command = dropWhile (== '!') . clean . unwords . drop 1 . words $ msg
let mHelp = find ((\c -> c == command || c == cons '!' command) . fst)
. concatMap mapToList . mapValues $ msgHandlerInfo
return [ChannelMsgReply $ maybe ("No such command found: " ++ command) snd mHelp]
let limit = fromIntegral $ botTimeout `div` 2
io $ do
lastComm <- readIORef state
return [toCommand . PingCmd . pack . formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%s" $ msgTime
| addUTCTime limit lastComm < msgTime]
| otherwise = return []
help _ = return []
help :: MonadMsgHandler m => FullMessage -> m [Command]
help FullMessage { .. } = case fromMessage message of
Just (ChannelMsg _ msg)
| "!help" == clean msg -> do
BotConfig { .. } <- ask
let commands = concatMap mapKeys . mapValues $ msgHandlerInfo
return . map (toCommand . ChannelMsgReply) $
[ "I know these commands: " ++ unwords commands
, "Type !help <command> to know more about any command"
| "!help" `isPrefixOf` msg -> do
BotConfig { .. } <- ask
let command = dropWhile (== '!') . clean . unwords . drop 1 . words $ msg
let mHelp = find ((\c -> c == command || c == cons '!' command) . fst)
. concatMap mapToList . mapValues $ msgHandlerInfo
return [toCommand . ChannelMsgReply $ maybe ("No such command found: " ++ command) snd mHelp]
_ -> return []
@ -5,36 +5,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Network.IRC.Internal.Types
-- * Messages and Commands
Nick (..)
, User (..)
, Message (..)
, MessageDetails (..)
, Command (..)
-- * Events
, Event (..)
, SomeEvent
, EventResponse (..)
, QuitEvent(..)
-- * Bot
, BotConfig (..)
, Bot (..)
, BotStatus (..)
, runIRC
-- * Message handlers
, MsgHandlerName
, MonadMsgHandler
, MsgHandler (..)
, newMsgHandler
, MsgHandlerMaker (..)
, handleMessage
, handleEvent
, stopMsgHandler
, getHelp
) where
module Network.IRC.Internal.Types where
import ClassyPrelude
import Control.Concurrent.Lifted (Chan)
@ -71,105 +42,211 @@ data User
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | An IRC message sent from the server to the bot.
data Message = Message
{ msgTime :: !UTCTime -- ^ The time when the message was received.
, msgLine :: !Text -- ^ The raw message line.
, msgDetails :: MessageDetails -- ^ The details of the parsed message.
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data FullMessage = FullMessage
{ msgTime :: !UTCTime -- ^ The time when the message was received.
, msgLine :: !Text -- ^ The raw message line.
, message :: Message -- ^ The details of the parsed message.
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Different types of IRC messages.
data MessageDetails
-- | The internal (non-IRC) message received when the bot is idle.
= IdleMsg
-- | The message received when the bot's current nick is already in use.
| NickInUseMsg
-- | A /PING/ message. Must be replied with a 'PongCmd'.
| PingMsg { msg :: !Text }
-- | A /PONG/ message. Received in response to a 'PingCmd'.
| PongMsg { msg :: !Text }
-- | A /NAMES/ message which contains a list of nicks of all users in the channel.
| NamesMsg { nicks :: ![Nick] }
-- | A /PRIVMSG/ message sent to the channel from a user.
| ChannelMsg { user :: !User, msg :: !Text }
-- | A /PRIVMSG/ private message sent to the bot from a user.
| PrivMsg { user :: !User, msg :: !Text }
-- | An /PRIVMSG/ action message sent to the channel from a user.
| ActionMsg { user :: !User, msg :: !Text }
-- | A /JOIN/ message received when a user joins the channel.
| JoinMsg { user :: !User }
-- | A /QUIT/ message received when a user quits the server.
| QuitMsg { user :: !User, msg :: !Text }
-- | A /PART/ message received when a user leaves the channel.
| PartMsg { user :: !User, msg :: !Text }
-- | A /NICK/ message received when a user changes their nick.
| NickMsg { user :: !User, newNick :: !Nick }
-- | A /KICK/ message received when a user kicks another user from the channel.
| KickMsg { user :: !User, kickedNick :: !Nick, msg :: !Text }
-- | A /MODE/ message received when a user's mode changes.
| ModeMsg { user :: !User, msgTarget :: !Text, mode :: !Text , modeArgs :: ![Text] }
-- | All other messages which are not parsed as any of the above types.
| OtherMsg { msgSource :: !Text, msgCommand :: !Text, msgTarget :: !Text , msg :: !Text }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | The typeclass for different types of IRC messages.
class (Typeable msg, Show msg, Eq msg, Ord msg) => MessageC msg where
toMessage :: msg -> Message
toMessage = Message
-- | IRC commands sent from the bot to the server.
data Command
-- | A /PING/ command. A 'PongMsg' is expected as a response to this.
= PingCmd { rmsg :: !Text }
-- | A /PONG/ command. Sent in response to a 'PingMsg'.
| PongCmd { rmsg :: !Text }
-- | A /PRIVMSG/ message sent to the channel.
| ChannelMsgReply { rmsg :: !Text }
-- | A /PRIVMSG/ message sent to a user.
| PrivMsgReply { ruser :: !User, rmsg :: !Text }
-- | A /NICK/ command sent to set the bot's nick.
| NickCmd
-- | A /USER/ command sent to identify the bot.
| UserCmd
-- | A /JOIN/ command sent to join the channel.
| JoinCmd
-- | A /QUIT/ command sent to quit the server.
| QuitCmd
-- | A /NAMES/ command sent to ask for the nicks of the users in the channel.
| NamesCmd
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
fromMessage :: Message -> Maybe msg
fromMessage (Message msg) = cast msg
-- | A wrapper over all types of IRC messages.
data Message = forall m . MessageC m => Message m deriving (Typeable)
instance Show Message where
show (Message m) = show m
instance Eq Message where
Message m1 == Message m2 = case cast m1 of
Just m1' -> m1' == m2
_ -> False
-- | The internal (non-IRC) message received when the bot is idle.
data IdleMsg = IdleMsg deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance MessageC IdleMsg
-- | The message received when the bot's current nick is already in use.
data NickInUseMsg = NickInUseMsg deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance MessageC NickInUseMsg
-- | A /PING/ message. Must be replied with a 'PongCmd'.
data PingMsg = PingMsg !Text deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance MessageC PingMsg
-- | A /PONG/ message. Received in response to a 'PingCmd'.
data PongMsg = PongMsg !Text deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance MessageC PongMsg
-- | A /NAMES/ message which contains a list of nicks of all users in the channel.
data NamesMsg = NamesMsg ![Nick] deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance MessageC NamesMsg
-- | A /PRIVMSG/ message sent to the channel from a user.
data ChannelMsg = ChannelMsg !User !Text deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance MessageC ChannelMsg
-- | A /PRIVMSG/ private message sent to the bot from a user.
data PrivMsg = PrivMsg !User !Text deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance MessageC PrivMsg
-- | An /PRIVMSG/ action message sent to the channel from a user.
data ActionMsg = ActionMsg !User !Text deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance MessageC ActionMsg
-- | A /JOIN/ message received when a user joins the channel.
data JoinMsg = JoinMsg !User deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance MessageC JoinMsg
-- | A /QUIT/ message received when a user quits the server.
data QuitMsg = QuitMsg !User !Text deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance MessageC QuitMsg
-- | A /PART/ message received when a user leaves the channel.
data PartMsg = PartMsg !User !Text deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance MessageC PartMsg
-- | A /NICK/ message received when a user changes their nick.
data NickMsg = NickMsg !User !Nick deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance MessageC NickMsg
-- | A /KICK/ message received when a user kicks another user from the channel.
data KickMsg = KickMsg { kickUser :: !User, kickedNick :: !Nick, kickMsg :: !Text }
deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance MessageC KickMsg
-- | A /MODE/ message received when a user's mode changes.
data ModeMsg = ModeMsg { modeUser :: !User, modeTarget :: !Text, mode :: !Text , modeArgs :: ![Text] }
deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance MessageC ModeMsg
-- | All other messages which are not parsed as any of the above types.
data OtherMsg = OtherMsg { msgSource :: !Text, msgCommand :: !Text, msgTarget :: !Text , msg :: !Text }
deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance MessageC OtherMsg
-- | The typeclass for IRC commands sent from the bot to the server.
class (Typeable cmd, Show cmd, Eq cmd, Ord cmd) => CommandC cmd where
toCommand :: cmd -> Command
toCommand = Command
fromCommand :: Command -> Maybe cmd
fromCommand (Command cmd) = cast cmd
-- | A wrapper over all types of IRC commands.
data Command = forall m . CommandC m => Command m deriving (Typeable)
instance Show Command where
show (Command m) = show m
instance Eq Command where
Command m1 == Command m2 = case cast m1 of
Just m1' -> m1' == m2
_ -> False
-- | A /PING/ command. A 'PongMsg' is expected as a response to this.
data PingCmd = PingCmd !Text deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance CommandC PingCmd
-- | A /PONG/ command. Sent in response to a 'PingMsg'.
data PongCmd = PongCmd !Text deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance CommandC PongCmd
-- | A /PRIVMSG/ message sent to the channel.
data ChannelMsgReply = ChannelMsgReply !Text deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance CommandC ChannelMsgReply
-- | A /PRIVMSG/ message sent to a user.
data PrivMsgReply = PrivMsgReply !User !Text deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance CommandC PrivMsgReply
-- | A /NICK/ command sent to set the bot's nick.
data NickCmd = NickCmd deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance CommandC NickCmd
-- | A /USER/ command sent to identify the bot.
data UserCmd = UserCmd deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance CommandC UserCmd
-- | A /JOIN/ command sent to join the channel.
data JoinCmd = JoinCmd deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance CommandC JoinCmd
-- | A /QUIT/ command sent to quit the server.
data QuitCmd = QuitCmd deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance CommandC QuitCmd
-- | A /NAMES/ command sent to ask for the nicks of the users in the channel.
data NamesCmd = NamesCmd deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance CommandC NamesCmd
-- ** Message Parsing
-- | Message parser id. Should be unique.
type MessageParserId = Text
-- | A part of a mutlipart message.
data MessagePart = MessagePart { msgPartParserId :: !MessageParserId
, msgPartTarget :: !Text
, msgPartTime :: !UTCTime
, msgPartLine :: !Text }
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | The result of parsing a message line.
data MessageParseResult =
Done !FullMessage ![MessagePart] -- ^ A fully parsed message and leftover message parts.
| Partial ![MessagePart] -- ^ A partial message with message parts received yet.
| Reject -- ^ Returned if a message line cannot be parsed by a particular parser.
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | A message parser.
data MessageParser = MessageParser
{ msgParserId :: !MessageParserId
, msgParser :: !(BotConfig -> UTCTime -> Text -> [MessagePart] -> MessageParseResult)
-- ** Events
-- | Events are used for communication between message handlers. To send events, write them to the
-- event channel provided to the 'MsgHandler' when it is created. To receive events, provide
-- an 'onEvent' function as a part of the message handler.
class (Typeable e, Show e, Eq e) => Event e where
class (Typeable e, Show e, Eq e) => EventC e where
-- | Creates an event.
toEvent :: e -> IO SomeEvent
toEvent e = SomeEvent <$> pure e <*> getCurrentTime
toEvent :: e -> IO Event
toEvent e = Event <$> pure e <*> getCurrentTime
-- | Extracts a received event.
fromEvent :: SomeEvent -> Maybe (e, UTCTime)
fromEvent (SomeEvent e time) = do
fromEvent :: Event -> Maybe (e, UTCTime)
fromEvent (Event e time) = do
ev <- cast e
return (ev, time)
-- | A wrapper over all events to allow sending them over channel of same type.
data SomeEvent = forall e. (Event e, Typeable e) => SomeEvent e UTCTime deriving (Typeable)
instance Show SomeEvent where
show (SomeEvent e time) = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "[%F %T] " time ++ show e
instance Eq SomeEvent where
SomeEvent e1 t1 == SomeEvent e2 t2 =
-- | A wrapper over all types of 'Event's to allow sending them over channel of same type.
data Event = forall e. (EventC e, Typeable e) => Event e UTCTime deriving (Typeable)
instance Show Event where
show (Event e time) = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "[%F %T] " time ++ show e
instance Eq Event where
Event e1 t1 == Event e2 t2 =
case cast e2 of
Just e2' -> e1 == e2' && t1 == t2
Nothing -> False
-- | Response to an event received by a message handler.
data EventResponse
= RespNothing -- ^ No response
| RespEvent [SomeEvent] -- ^ Events as the response. They will be sent to all message handlers like usual events.
| RespMessage [Message] -- ^ Messages as the response. They will be sent to all message handlers like usual messages.
| RespCommand [Command] -- ^ Commands as the response. They will be sent to the server like usual commands.
data EventResponse =
-- | No response
-- | Events as the response. They will be sent to all message handlers like usual events.
| RespEvent [Event]
-- | Messages as the response. They will be sent to all message handlers like usual messages.
| RespMessage [FullMessage]
-- | Commands as the response. They will be sent to the server like usual commands.
| RespCommand [Command]
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | An event signifying the bot quitting the server.
data QuitEvent = QuitEvent deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable)
instance Event QuitEvent
instance EventC QuitEvent
-- ** Bot
@ -195,6 +272,8 @@ data BotConfig = BotConfig
, msgHandlerInfo :: !(Map MsgHandlerName (Map Text Text))
-- | A list of 'MsgHandlerMaker's which are used to create message handlers for the bot.
, msgHandlerMakers :: ![MsgHandlerMaker]
-- | A list of extra message parsers. Note that these parsers will always be called after the built-in ones.
, msgParsers :: ![MessageParser]
-- | All the bot configuration so that message handlers can lookup their own specific configs.
, config :: !Config
@ -260,20 +339,20 @@ newtype MsgHandlerT a = MsgHandlerT { _runMsgHandler :: ReaderT BotConfig IO a }
-- | The monad in which message handlers actions run.
class (MonadIO m, Applicative m, MonadReader BotConfig m, MonadBase IO m) => MonadMsgHandler m where
msgHandler :: MsgHandlerT a -> m a
fromMsgHandler :: MsgHandlerT a -> m a
instance MonadMsgHandler MsgHandlerT where
msgHandler = id
fromMsgHandler = id
-- | A message handler containing actions which are invoked by the bot.
data MsgHandler = MsgHandler
-- | The action invoked when a message is received. It returns a list of commands in response
-- to the message which the bot sends to the server.
onMessage :: !(forall m . MonadMsgHandler m => Message -> m [Command])
onMessage :: !(forall m . MonadMsgHandler m => FullMessage -> m [Command])
-- | The action invoked when an event is triggered. It returns an event resonpse which the bot
-- handles according to its type.
, onEvent :: !(forall m . MonadMsgHandler m => SomeEvent -> m EventResponse)
, onEvent :: !(forall m . MonadMsgHandler m => Event -> m EventResponse)
-- | The action invoked to stop the message handler.
, onStop :: !(forall m . MonadMsgHandler m => m ())
-- | The action invoked to get the map of the commands supported by the message handler and their help messages.
@ -295,7 +374,7 @@ data MsgHandlerMaker = MsgHandlerMaker
-- | The name of the message handler.
msgHandlerName :: !MsgHandlerName
-- | The action which is invoked to create a new message handler.
, msgHandlerMaker :: !(BotConfig -> Chan SomeEvent -> MsgHandlerName -> IO (Maybe MsgHandler))
, msgHandlerMaker :: !(BotConfig -> Chan Event -> MsgHandlerName -> IO (Maybe MsgHandler))
instance Eq MsgHandlerMaker where
@ -306,7 +385,7 @@ instance Ord MsgHandlerMaker where
-- | Handles a message using a given message handler.
handleMessage :: MsgHandler -- ^ The message handler.
-> BotConfig -- ^ The bot config.
-> Message -- ^ The message to handle.
-> FullMessage -- ^ The message to handle.
-> IO [Command] -- ^ A list of commands to be sent to the server.
handleMessage MsgHandler { .. } botConfig =
flip runReaderT botConfig . _runMsgHandler . onMessage
@ -314,7 +393,7 @@ handleMessage MsgHandler { .. } botConfig =
-- | Handles an event using a given message handler.
handleEvent :: MsgHandler -- ^ The message handler.
-> BotConfig -- ^ The bot config.
-> SomeEvent -- ^ The event to handle.
-> Event -- ^ The event to handle.
-> IO EventResponse -- ^ The event response which will be dispatched by the bot.
handleEvent MsgHandler { .. } botConfig =
flip runReaderT botConfig . _runMsgHandler . onEvent
@ -9,100 +9,106 @@ import Data.Text (strip)
import Network.IRC.Types
data MessageParseType = Names
deriving (Show, Eq)
data MessagePart = MessagePart { msgParserType :: MessageParseType
, msgPartTarget :: Text
, msgPartTime :: UTCTime
, msgPartLine :: Text }
deriving (Show, Eq)
data MessageParseResult = Done Message [MessagePart]
| Partial [MessagePart]
| Reject
deriving (Show, Eq)
type MessageParser = BotConfig -> UTCTime -> Text -> [MessagePart] -> MessageParseResult
parseLine :: BotConfig -> UTCTime -> Text -> [MessagePart] -> (Maybe Message, [MessagePart])
parseLine botConfig time line msgParts =
fromMaybe (Nothing, msgParts) . flip (`foldl'` Nothing) parsers $ \parseResult parser ->
parseLine :: BotConfig -> UTCTime -> Text -> [MessagePart] -> (Maybe FullMessage, [MessagePart])
parseLine botConfig@BotConfig { .. } time line msgParts =
fromMaybe (Nothing, msgParts) . flip (`foldl'` Nothing) parsers $ \parseResult MessageParser { .. } ->
case parseResult of
Just _ -> parseResult
Nothing -> case parser botConfig time line msgParts of
Reject -> Nothing
Partial msgParts' -> Just (Nothing, msgParts')
Done message' msgParts' -> Just (Just message', msgParts')
Nothing -> let
(parserMsgParts, otherParserMsgParts) = partition ((msgParserId ==) . msgPartParserId) msgParts
in case msgParser botConfig time line parserMsgParts of
Reject -> Nothing
Partial msgParts' -> Just (Nothing, msgParts' ++ otherParserMsgParts)
Done message' msgParts' -> Just (Just message', msgParts' ++ otherParserMsgParts)
parsers = [pingParser, namesParser, lineParser]
parsers = [pingParser, namesParser, lineParser] ++ msgParsers ++ [defaultParser]
pingParser :: MessageParser
pingParser _ time line msgParts
| "PING :" `isPrefixOf` line = Done (Message time line . PingMsg . drop 6 $ line) msgParts
| otherwise = Reject
pingParser = MessageParser "ping" go
go _ time line _
| "PING :" `isPrefixOf` line = Done (FullMessage time line . toMessage . PingMsg . drop 6 $ line) []
| otherwise = Reject
lineParser :: MessageParser
lineParser BotConfig { .. } time line msgParts = flip Done msgParts . Message time line $
case command of
"PONG" -> PongMsg message
"JOIN" -> JoinMsg user
"QUIT" -> QuitMsg user quitMessage
"PART" -> PartMsg user message
"KICK" -> KickMsg user (Nick kicked) kickReason
"MODE" -> if Nick source == botNick
then ModeMsg Self target message []
else ModeMsg user target mode modeArgs
"NICK" -> NickMsg user $ Nick (drop 1 target)
"433" -> NickInUseMsg
"PRIVMSG" | target /= channel -> PrivMsg user message
| isActionMsg -> ActionMsg user (initDef . drop 8 $ message)
| otherwise -> ChannelMsg user message
_ -> OtherMsg source command target message
parseMsgLine :: Text -> ([Text], Text, Text, Text, Text)
parseMsgLine line = (splits, command, source, target, message)
splits = words line
command = splits !! 1
source = drop 1 $ splits !! 0
target = splits !! 2
message = strip . drop 1 . unwords . drop 3 $ splits
quitMessage = strip . drop 1 . unwords . drop 2 $ splits
user = uncurry User . (Nick *** drop 1) . break (== '!') $ source
mode = splits !! 3
modeArgs = drop 4 splits
kicked = splits !! 3
kickReason = drop 1 . unwords . drop 4 $ splits
isActionMsg = "\SOH" `isPrefixOf` message && "ACTION" `isPrefixOf` drop 1 message
partitionMsgParts :: MessageParseType -> Text -> [MessagePart] -> ([MessagePart], [MessagePart])
partitionMsgParts parserType target =
partition (\MessagePart { .. } -> msgParserType == parserType && msgPartTarget == target)
lineParser :: MessageParser
lineParser = MessageParser "line" go
go BotConfig { .. } time line _ =
case command of
"PONG" -> done $ toMessage $ PongMsg message
"JOIN" -> done $ toMessage $ JoinMsg user
"QUIT" -> done $ toMessage $ QuitMsg user quitMessage
"PART" -> done $ toMessage $ PartMsg user message
"KICK" -> done $ toMessage $ KickMsg user (Nick kicked) kickReason
"MODE" -> done $ toMessage $ if Nick source == botNick
then ModeMsg Self target message []
else ModeMsg user target mode modeArgs
"NICK" -> done $ toMessage $ NickMsg user $ Nick (drop 1 target)
"433" -> done $ toMessage NickInUseMsg
"PRIVMSG" | target /= channel -> done $ toMessage $ PrivMsg user message
| isActionMsg -> done $ toMessage $ ActionMsg user (initDef . drop 8 $ message)
| otherwise -> done $ toMessage $ ChannelMsg user message
_ -> Reject
done = flip Done [] . FullMessage time line
(splits, command, source, target, message) = parseMsgLine line
quitMessage = strip . drop 1 . unwords . drop 2 $ splits
user = uncurry User . (Nick *** drop 1) . break (== '!') $ source
mode = splits !! 3
modeArgs = drop 4 splits
kicked = splits !! 3
kickReason = drop 1 . unwords . drop 4 $ splits
isActionMsg = "\SOH" `isPrefixOf` message && "ACTION" `isPrefixOf` drop 1 message
defaultParser :: MessageParser
defaultParser = MessageParser "default" go
go _ time line _ = flip Done [] . FullMessage time line $
toMessage $ OtherMsg source command target message
(_, command, source, target, message) = parseMsgLine line
namesParser :: MessageParser
namesParser BotConfig { .. } time line msgParts = case command of
"353" -> Partial $ MessagePart Names target time line : msgParts
"366" -> let
(myMsgParts, otherMsgParts) = partitionMsgParts Names target msgParts
(nicks, allLines) = concat *** intercalate "\r\n" . (++ [line])
$ unzip $ map (\MessagePart { .. } -> (namesNicks msgPartLine, msgPartLine)) myMsgParts
in Done (Message time allLines $ NamesMsg nicks) otherMsgParts
_ -> Reject
namesParser = MessageParser "names" go
(_ : command : target : _) = words line
stripNickPrefix = pack . dropWhile (`elem` ("~&@%+" :: String)) . unpack
namesNicks line' =
map (Nick . stripNickPrefix) . words . drop 1 . unwords . drop 5 . words $ line'
go BotConfig { .. } time line msgParts = case command of
"353" -> Partial $ MessagePart "names" target time line : msgParts
"366" -> let
(myMsgParts, otherMsgParts) = partition ((target ==) . msgPartTarget) msgParts
(nicks, allLines) = concat *** intercalate "\r\n" . (++ [line])
$ unzip $ map (\MessagePart { .. } -> (namesNicks msgPartLine, msgPartLine)) myMsgParts
in Done (FullMessage time allLines . toMessage $ NamesMsg nicks) otherMsgParts
_ -> Reject
(_ : command : target : _) = words line
stripNickPrefix = pack . dropWhile (`elem` ("~&@%+" :: String)) . unpack
namesNicks line' =
map (Nick . stripNickPrefix) . words . drop 1 . unwords . drop 5 . words $ line'
lineFromCommand :: BotConfig -> Command -> Maybe Text
lineFromCommand BotConfig { .. } command = case command of
PongCmd { .. } -> Just $ "PONG :" ++ rmsg
PingCmd { .. } -> Just $ "PING :" ++ rmsg
NickCmd -> Just $ "NICK " ++ botNick'
UserCmd -> Just $ "USER " ++ botNick' ++ " 0 * :" ++ botNick'
JoinCmd -> Just $ "JOIN " ++ channel
QuitCmd -> Just "QUIT"
ChannelMsgReply { .. } -> Just $ "PRIVMSG " ++ channel ++ " :" ++ rmsg
PrivMsgReply (User { .. }) rmsg -> Just $ "PRIVMSG " ++ nickToText userNick ++ " :" ++ rmsg
NamesCmd -> Just $ "NAMES " ++ channel
_ -> Nothing
lineFromCommand BotConfig { .. } command
| Just (PongCmd msg) <- fromCommand command = Just $ "PONG :" ++ msg
| Just (PingCmd msg) <- fromCommand command = Just $ "PING :" ++ msg
| Just NickCmd <- fromCommand command = Just $ "NICK " ++ botNick'
| Just UserCmd <- fromCommand command =
Just $ "USER " ++ botNick' ++ " 0 * :" ++ botNick'
| Just JoinCmd <- fromCommand command = Just $ "JOIN " ++ channel
| Just QuitCmd <- fromCommand command = Just "QUIT"
| Just (ChannelMsgReply msg) <- fromCommand command =
Just $ "PRIVMSG " ++ channel ++ " :" ++ msg
| Just (PrivMsgReply (User { .. }) msg) <- fromCommand command =
Just $ "PRIVMSG " ++ nickToText userNick ++ " :" ++ msg
| Just NamesCmd <- fromCommand command = Just $ "NAMES " ++ channel
| otherwise = Nothing
botNick' = nickToText botNick
@ -10,15 +10,47 @@ Portability : POSIX
module Network.IRC.Types
-- * IRC related
-- * IRC Messages
Nick (..)
, User (..)
, Message (..)
, MessageDetails (..)
, Command (..)
, MessageC (..)
, Message
, FullMessage (..)
, IdleMsg (..)
, NickInUseMsg (..)
, PingMsg (..)
, PongMsg (..)
, NamesMsg (..)
, ChannelMsg (..)
, PrivMsg (..)
, ActionMsg (..)
, JoinMsg (..)
, QuitMsg (..)
, PartMsg (..)
, NickMsg (..)
, KickMsg (..)
, ModeMsg (..)
, OtherMsg (..)
-- * IRC Commands
, CommandC (..)
, Command
, PingCmd (..)
, PongCmd (..)
, ChannelMsgReply (..)
, PrivMsgReply (..)
, NickCmd (..)
, UserCmd (..)
, JoinCmd (..)
, QuitCmd (..)
, NamesCmd (..)
-- * Message Parsing
, MessageParserId
, MessagePart (..)
, MessageParseResult (..)
, MessageParser (..)
-- * Events
, Event (..)
, SomeEvent
, EventC (..)
, Event
, EventResponse (..)
, QuitEvent(..)
-- * Bot
@ -81,4 +81,4 @@ library
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -O2 -funbox-strict-fields -fno-warn-orphans
ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -funbox-strict-fields -fno-warn-orphans
@ -42,10 +42,11 @@ issueToken acid user = do
-- handler
authMessage :: MonadMsgHandler m => IORef (AcidState Auth) -> Message -> m [Command]
authMessage state Message { msgDetails = PrivMsg { .. }, .. }
| "token" `isPrefixOf` msg = map (singleton . PrivMsgReply user) . io $
readIORef state >>= flip issueToken (userNick user)
authMessage :: MonadMsgHandler m => IORef (AcidState Auth) -> FullMessage -> m [Command]
authMessage state FullMessage { .. }
| Just (PrivMsg user msg) <- fromMessage message
, "token" `isPrefixOf` msg =
map (singleton . toCommand . PrivMsgReply user) . io $ readIORef state >>= flip issueToken (userNick user)
authMessage _ _ = return []
stopAuth :: MonadMsgHandler m => IORef (AcidState Auth) -> m ()
@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ stopAuth state = io $ do
createArchive acid
createCheckpointAndClose acid
authEvent :: MonadMsgHandler m => IORef (AcidState Auth) -> SomeEvent -> m EventResponse
authEvent :: MonadMsgHandler m => IORef (AcidState Auth) -> Event -> m EventResponse
authEvent state event = case fromEvent event of
Just (AuthEvent user token reply, _) -> io $ do
acid <- readIORef state
@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
module Network.IRC.Handlers.Auth.Types where
import ClassyPrelude
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.SafeCopy (base, deriveSafeCopy)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.SafeCopy (base, deriveSafeCopy)
import Network.IRC.Types hiding (user)
import Network.IRC.Types
type Token = Text
newtype Auth = Auth { auth :: Map Nick Token } deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ $(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''Auth)
data AuthEvent = AuthEvent Nick Token (MVar Bool) deriving (Eq, Typeable)
instance Event AuthEvent
instance EventC AuthEvent
instance Show AuthEvent where
show (AuthEvent nick token _) =
@ -13,22 +13,22 @@ greetMsgHandlerMaker = MsgHandlerMaker "greeter" go
go _ _ "welcomer" = return . Just $ newMsgHandler { onMessage = welcomer }
go _ _ _ = return Nothing
greeter :: MonadMsgHandler m => Message -> m [Command]
greeter Message { msgDetails = ChannelMsg { .. }, .. } =
return . maybeToList . map (ChannelMsgReply . (++ nickToText (userNick user)) . (++ " "))
. find (== clean msg) $ greetings
greeter :: MonadMsgHandler m => FullMessage -> m [Command]
greeter FullMessage { .. } = case fromMessage message of
Just (ChannelMsg user msg) ->
return . maybeToList . map (toCommand . ChannelMsgReply . (++ nickToText (userNick user)) . (++ " "))
. find (== clean msg) $ greetings
_ -> return []
greetings = [ "hi", "hello", "hey", "sup", "bye"
, "good morning", "good evening", "good night" ]
greeter _ = return []
welcomer :: MonadMsgHandler m => Message -> m [Command]
welcomer Message { msgDetails = JoinMsg { .. }, .. } = do
BotConfig { .. } <- ask
if userNick user /= botNick
then return [ChannelMsgReply $ "welcome back " ++ nickToText (userNick user)]
else return []
welcomer _ = return []
welcomer :: MonadMsgHandler m => FullMessage -> m [Command]
welcomer FullMessage { .. } = case fromMessage message of
Just (JoinMsg user) -> do
BotConfig { .. } <- ask
return [toCommand . ChannelMsgReply $ "welcome back " ++ nickToText (userNick user)
| userNick user /= botNick]
_ -> return []
@ -73,17 +73,25 @@ withLogFile action state = do
return []
messageLogger :: MonadMsgHandler m => Message -> IORef LoggerState -> m [Command]
messageLogger Message { .. } = case msgDetails of
ChannelMsg { .. } -> log "<{}> {}" [nick user, msg]
ActionMsg { .. } -> log "<{}> {} {}" [nick user, nick user, msg]
KickMsg { .. } -> log "** {} KICKED {} :{}" [nick user, nickToText kickedNick, msg]
JoinMsg { .. } -> log "** {} JOINED" [nick user]
PartMsg { .. } -> log "** {} PARTED :{}" [nick user, msg]
QuitMsg { .. } -> log "** {} QUIT :{}" [nick user, msg]
NickMsg { .. } -> log "** {} CHANGED NICK TO {}" [nick user, nickToText newNick]
NamesMsg { .. } -> log "** USERS {}" [unwords . map nickToText $ nicks]
_ -> const $ return []
messageLogger :: MonadMsgHandler m => FullMessage -> IORef LoggerState -> m [Command]
messageLogger FullMessage { .. }
| Just (ChannelMsg user msg) <- fromMessage message =
log "<{}> {}" [nick user, msg]
| Just (ActionMsg user msg) <- fromMessage message =
log "<{}> {} {}" [nick user, nick user, msg]
| Just (KickMsg user kickedNick msg) <- fromMessage message =
log "** {} KICKED {} :{}" [nick user, nickToText kickedNick, msg]
| Just (JoinMsg user) <- fromMessage message =
log "** {} JOINED" [nick user]
| Just (PartMsg user msg) <- fromMessage message =
log "** {} PARTED :{}" [nick user, msg]
| Just (QuitMsg user msg) <- fromMessage message =
log "** {} QUIT :{}" [nick user, msg]
| Just (NickMsg user newNick) <- fromMessage message =
log "** {} CHANGED NICK TO {}" [nick user, nickToText newNick]
| Just (NamesMsg nicks) <- fromMessage message =
log "** USERS {}" [unwords . map nickToText $ nicks]
| otherwise = const $ return []
nick = nickToText . userNick
@ -54,47 +54,49 @@ data NickTrackingState = NickTrackingState { acid :: AcidState NickTr
, onlineNicks :: HashSet Nick
, lastRefreshOn :: UTCTime }
nickTrackerMsg :: MonadMsgHandler m => IORef NickTrackingState -> Message -> m [Command]
nickTrackerMsg state message@Message { .. } = case msgDetails of
ChannelMsg { .. } -> updateNickTrack state user msg msgTime >> handleCommands
ActionMsg { .. } -> updateNickTrack state user msg msgTime >> return []
JoinMsg { .. } -> updateNickTrack state user "" msgTime >> add user >> return []
PartMsg { .. } -> updateNickTrack state user msg msgTime >> remove user >> return []
QuitMsg { .. } -> updateNickTrack state user msg msgTime >> remove user >> return []
NickMsg { .. } ->
handleNickChange state user newNick msgTime >> swap (user, User newNick "") >> return []
NamesMsg { .. } -> do
forM_ nicks $ \n -> updateNickTrack state (User n "") "" msgTime
refresh nicks >> updateRefreshTime >> return []
IdleMsg { .. } -> do
NickTrackingState { .. } <- readIORef state
if addUTCTime refreshInterval lastRefreshOn < msgTime
then updateRefreshTime >> return [NamesCmd]
else return []
_ -> return []
nickTrackerMsg :: MonadMsgHandler m => IORef NickTrackingState -> FullMessage -> m [Command]
nickTrackerMsg state FullMessage { .. }
| Just (ChannelMsg (User { .. }) msg) <- fromMessage message =
updateNickTrack state userNick msg msgTime >> handleCommands userNick msg
| Just (ActionMsg (User { .. }) msg) <- fromMessage message =
updateNickTrack state userNick msg msgTime >> return []
| Just (JoinMsg (User { .. })) <- fromMessage message =
updateNickTrack state userNick "" msgTime >> add userNick >> return []
| Just (PartMsg (User { .. }) msg) <- fromMessage message =
updateNickTrack state userNick msg msgTime >> remove userNick >> return []
| Just (QuitMsg (User { .. }) msg) <- fromMessage message =
updateNickTrack state userNick msg msgTime >> remove userNick >> return []
| Just (NickMsg (User { .. }) newNick) <- fromMessage message =
handleNickChange state userNick newNick msgTime >> swap (userNick, newNick) >> return []
| Just (NamesMsg nicks) <- fromMessage message = do
forM_ nicks $ \n -> updateNickTrack state n "" msgTime
refresh nicks >> updateRefreshTime >> return []
| Just IdleMsg <- fromMessage message = do
NickTrackingState { .. } <- readIORef state
if addUTCTime refreshInterval lastRefreshOn < msgTime
then updateRefreshTime >> return [toCommand NamesCmd]
else return []
| otherwise = return []
updateRefreshTime = atomicModIORef state $ \ s -> s { lastRefreshOn = msgTime }
modifyOnlineNicks f = atomicModIORef state $ \s -> s { onlineNicks = f . onlineNicks $ s }
add = modifyOnlineNicks . flip ((. userNick) . flip insertSet)
remove = modifyOnlineNicks . flip ((. userNick) . flip deleteSet)
swap users = modifyOnlineNicks $
let (oNick, nNick) = both userNick users
in deleteSet oNick . insertSet nNick
refresh = modifyOnlineNicks . const . setFromList
add = modifyOnlineNicks . insertSet
remove = modifyOnlineNicks . deleteSet
swap (oNick, nNick) = modifyOnlineNicks $ deleteSet oNick . insertSet nNick
refresh = modifyOnlineNicks . const . setFromList
commands = [ ("!nicks", handleNickCommand)
, ("!seen", handleSeenCommand)
, ("!forgetnicks", handleForgetNicksCommand)]
handleCommands = case find ((`isPrefixOf` msg msgDetails) . fst) commands of
handleCommands nick msg = case find ((`isPrefixOf` msg) . fst) commands of
Nothing -> return []
Just (_, handler) -> handler state message
Just (_, handler) -> handler state nick msg
updateNickTrack :: MonadMsgHandler m => IORef NickTrackingState -> User -> Text -> UTCTime -> m ()
updateNickTrack state user message msgTime = io $ do
updateNickTrack :: MonadMsgHandler m => IORef NickTrackingState -> Nick -> Text -> UTCTime -> m ()
updateNickTrack state nck message msgTime = io $ do
NickTrackingState { .. } <- readIORef state
let nck = userNick user
mnt <- getByNick acid nck
(message', lastMessageOn', cn) <- case (message, mnt) of
("", Just (NickTrack { .. })) -> return (lastMessage, lastMessageOn, canonicalNick)
@ -103,10 +105,9 @@ updateNickTrack state user message msgTime = io $ do
saveNickTrack acid $ NickTrack nck cn msgTime lastMessageOn' message'
handleNickChange :: MonadMsgHandler m => IORef NickTrackingState -> User -> Nick -> UTCTime -> m ()
handleNickChange state user newNick msgTime = io $ do
handleNickChange :: MonadMsgHandler m => IORef NickTrackingState -> Nick -> Nick -> UTCTime -> m ()
handleNickChange state prevNick newNick msgTime = io $ do
NickTrackingState { .. } <- readIORef state
let prevNick = userNick user
mpnt <- getByNick acid prevNick
mnt <- getByNick acid newNick
mInfo <- case (mpnt, mnt) of
@ -125,27 +126,28 @@ newCanonicalNick :: IO CanonicalNick
newCanonicalNick = map (CanonicalNick . pack . U.toString) U.nextRandom
withNickTracks :: MonadMsgHandler m
=> (Text -> [NickTrack] -> HashSet Nick -> IO Text) -> IORef NickTrackingState -> Message
=> (Text -> [NickTrack] -> HashSet Nick -> IO Text)
-> IORef NickTrackingState -> Nick -> Text
-> m [Command]
withNickTracks f state message = io $ do
withNickTracks f state _ msg = io $ do
NickTrackingState { .. } <- readIORef state
let nick = clean . unwords . drop 1 . words . msg . msgDetails $ message
let nick = clean . unwords . drop 1 . words $ msg
if nick == ""
then return []
else do
mcn <- liftM (map canonicalNick) . getByNick acid . Nick $ nick
map (singleton . ChannelMsgReply) $ case mcn of
map (singleton . toCommand . ChannelMsgReply) $ case mcn of
Nothing -> return $ "Unknown nick: " ++ nick
Just cn -> io $ query acid (GetByCanonicalNickQ cn) >>= \nts -> f nick nts onlineNicks
handleNickCommand :: MonadMsgHandler m => IORef NickTrackingState -> Message -> m [Command]
handleNickCommand :: MonadMsgHandler m => IORef NickTrackingState -> Nick -> Text -> m [Command]
handleNickCommand = withNickTracks $ \nck nickTracks _ -> do
let nicks = map ((\(Nick n) -> n) . nick) nickTracks
return . (nck ++) $ if length nicks == 1
then " has only one nick"
else "'s other nicks are: " ++ intercalate ", " (filter (/= nck) nicks)
handleSeenCommand :: MonadMsgHandler m => IORef NickTrackingState -> Message -> m [Command]
handleSeenCommand :: MonadMsgHandler m => IORef NickTrackingState -> Nick -> Text -> m [Command]
handleSeenCommand = withNickTracks $ \nck nickTracks onlineNicks -> do
let NickTrack { lastSeenOn = lastSeenOn'
, nick = Nick lastSeenAs } = maximumByEx (comparing lastSeenOn) nickTracks
@ -163,17 +165,16 @@ handleSeenCommand = withNickTracks $ \nck nickTracks onlineNicks -> do
(if nck /= lastMessageAs then " as " ++ lastMessageAs else "") ++
" said: " ++ lastMessage')
handleForgetNicksCommand :: MonadMsgHandler m => IORef NickTrackingState -> Message -> m [Command]
handleForgetNicksCommand state Message { msgDetails = ~ChannelMsg { .. }, .. } = do
handleForgetNicksCommand :: MonadMsgHandler m => IORef NickTrackingState -> Nick -> Text -> m [Command]
handleForgetNicksCommand state nick _ = do
NickTrackingState { .. } <- readIORef state
let nick = userNick user
io $ do
Just nt <- getByNick acid nick
cn <- newCanonicalNick
saveNickTrack acid $ nt { canonicalNick = cn }
return [ChannelMsgReply $ "Forgot all alternate nicks of " ++ nickToText nick]
return [toCommand . ChannelMsgReply $ "Forgot all alternate nicks of " ++ nickToText nick]
nickTrackerEvent :: MonadMsgHandler m => IORef NickTrackingState -> SomeEvent -> m EventResponse
nickTrackerEvent :: MonadMsgHandler m => IORef NickTrackingState -> Event -> m EventResponse
nickTrackerEvent state event = case fromEvent event of
Just (NickTrackRequest nick reply, _) -> io $ do
NickTrackingState { .. } <- readIORef state
@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ emptyNickTracking = NickTracking empty
data NickTrackRequest = NickTrackRequest Nick (MVar (Maybe NickTrack)) deriving (Eq, Typeable)
instance Event NickTrackRequest
instance EventC NickTrackRequest
instance Show NickTrackRequest where
show (NickTrackRequest nick _) = "NickTrackRequest[" ++ unpack (nickToText nick) ++ "]"
getCanonicalNick :: Chan SomeEvent -> Nick -> IO (Maybe CanonicalNick)
getCanonicalNick :: Chan Event -> Nick -> IO (Maybe CanonicalNick)
getCanonicalNick eventChan nick = do
reply <- newEmptyMVar
request <- toEvent $ NickTrackRequest nick reply
@ -38,14 +38,15 @@ instance FromJSON Song where
parseJSON a | a == emptyArray = return NoSong
parseJSON _ = mempty
songSearch :: MonadMsgHandler m => Message -> m [Command]
songSearch Message { msgDetails = ChannelMsg { .. }, .. }
| "!m " `isPrefixOf` msg = do
songSearch :: MonadMsgHandler m => FullMessage -> m [Command]
songSearch FullMessage { .. }
| Just (ChannelMsg _ msg) <- fromMessage message
, "!m " `isPrefixOf` msg = do
BotConfig { .. } <- ask
liftIO $ do
let query = strip . drop 3 $ msg
mApiKey <- CF.lookup config "songsearch.tinysong_apikey"
map (singleton . ChannelMsgReply) $ case mApiKey of
map (singleton . toCommand . ChannelMsgReply) $ case mApiKey of
Nothing -> do
errorM "tinysong api key not found in config"
return $ "Error while searching for " ++ query
@ -54,10 +55,11 @@ songSearch Message { msgDetails = ChannelMsg { .. }, .. }
++ "?format=json&key=" ++ apiKey
result <- try $ curlAesonGet apiUrl >>= evaluate
return $ case result of
Left (_ :: CurlAesonException) -> "Error while searching for " ++ query
Right song -> case song of
case result of
Left (e :: CurlAesonException) -> do
errorM . unpack $ "Error while searching for " ++ query ++ ": " ++ pack (show e)
return $ "Error while searching for " ++ query
Right song -> return $ case song of
Song { .. } -> "Listen to " ++ artist ++ " - " ++ name ++ " at " ++ url
NoSong -> "No song found for: " ++ query
| otherwise = return []
songSearch _ = return []
@ -47,20 +47,21 @@ saveTell acid = update acid . SaveTellQ
newtype TellState = TellState { acid :: AcidState Tells }
tellMsg :: MonadMsgHandler m => Chan SomeEvent -> IORef TellState -> Message -> m [Command]
tellMsg eventChan state Message { msgDetails = ChannelMsg { .. }, .. }
| command == "!tell"
tellMsg :: MonadMsgHandler m => Chan Event -> IORef TellState -> FullMessage -> m [Command]
tellMsg eventChan state FullMessage { .. }
| Just (ChannelMsg (User { .. }) msg) <- fromMessage message
, command msg == "!tell"
, args <- drop 1 . words $ msg
, length args >= 2 = io $ do
TellState { .. } <- readIORef state
reps <- if "<" `isPrefixOf` headEx args
then do -- multi tell
let (nicks, message) =
let (nicks, tell) =
(parseNicks *** (strip . drop 1)) . break (== '>') . drop 1 . unwords $ args
if null message
if null tell
then return []
else do
res <- forM nicks $ \nick -> handleTell acid nick message
res <- forM nicks $ \nick -> handleTell acid nick tell
let (fails, passes) = partitionEithers res
let reps = (if null fails then [] else ["Unknown nicks: " ++ intercalate ", " fails]) ++
(if null passes then [] else
@ -68,33 +69,35 @@ tellMsg eventChan state Message { msgDetails = ChannelMsg { .. }, .. }
return reps
else do -- single tell
let nick = Nick . headEx $ args
let message = strip . unwords . drop 1 $ args
if null message
let tell = strip . unwords . drop 1 $ args
if null tell
then return []
else do
res <- handleTell acid nick message
res <- handleTell acid nick tell
let rep = case res of
Left _ -> "Unknown nick: " ++ nickToText nick
Right _ -> "Message noted and will be passed on to " ++ nickToText nick
return [rep]
tells <- getTellsToDeliver
return . map textToReply $ (reps ++ tells)
| otherwise = io $ map (map textToReply) getTellsToDeliver
tells <- getTellsToDeliver userNick
return . map (textToReply userNick) $ (reps ++ tells)
| Just (ChannelMsg (User { .. }) _) <- fromMessage message =
io $ map (map (textToReply userNick)) $ getTellsToDeliver userNick
| otherwise = return []
command = clean . fromMaybe "" $ headMay . words $ msg
command msg = clean . fromMaybe "" . headMay . words $ msg
parseNicks = ordNub . map Nick . filter (not . null) . split (\x -> x == ' ' || x == ',')
textToReply t = ChannelMsgReply $ nickToText (userNick user) ++ ": " ++ t
textToReply nick t = toCommand . ChannelMsgReply $ nickToText nick ++ ": " ++ t
tellToMsg Tell { .. } =
relativeTime tellCreatedOn msgTime ++ " " ++ nickToText tellFromNick ++ " said: " ++ tellContent
newTell canonicalNick = Tell (-1) (userNick user) canonicalNick Nothing NewTell msgTime Nothing
newTell nick canonicalNick = Tell (-1) nick canonicalNick Nothing NewTell msgTime Nothing
getTellsToDeliver = io $ do
getTellsToDeliver nick = io $ do
TellState { .. } <- readIORef state
mcn <- getCanonicalNick eventChan $ userNick user
mcn <- getCanonicalNick eventChan nick
case mcn of
Nothing -> return []
Just canonicalNick -> do
@ -103,19 +106,17 @@ tellMsg eventChan state Message { msgDetails = ChannelMsg { .. }, .. }
saveTell acid tell{ tellStatus = DeliveredTell, tellDeliveredOn = Just msgTime }
return . tellToMsg $ tell
handleTell acid nick message = do
handleTell acid nick tell = do
mcn <- getCanonicalNick eventChan nick
case mcn of
Nothing -> return . Left . nickToText $ nick
Just canonicalNick ->
saveTell acid (newTell canonicalNick message) >> (return . Right . nickToText $ nick)
saveTell acid (newTell nick canonicalNick tell) >> (return . Right . nickToText $ nick)
tellMsg _ _ _ = return []
tellEvent :: MonadMsgHandler m => Chan SomeEvent -> IORef TellState -> SomeEvent -> m EventResponse
tellEvent :: MonadMsgHandler m => Chan Event -> IORef TellState -> Event -> m EventResponse
tellEvent eventChan state event = case fromEvent event of
Just (TellRequest user message, evTime) -> do
tellMsg eventChan state . Message evTime "" $ ChannelMsg user message
tellMsg eventChan state . FullMessage evTime "" . toMessage $ ChannelMsg user message
return RespNothing
_ -> return RespNothing
@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ emptyTells = Tells (TellId 1) empty
data TellRequest = TellRequest User Text deriving (Eq, Typeable)
instance Event TellRequest
instance EventC TellRequest
instance Show TellRequest where
show (TellRequest user tell) =
"TellRequest[" ++ unpack (nickToText (userNick user) ++ ": " ++ tell) ++ "]"
sendTell :: Chan SomeEvent -> User -> Text -> IO ()
sendTell :: Chan Event -> User -> Text -> IO ()
sendTell eventChan user tell = toEvent (TellRequest user tell) >>= writeChan eventChan
@ -91,4 +91,4 @@ library
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -O2 -funbox-strict-fields -fno-warn-orphans
ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -funbox-strict-fields -fno-warn-orphans
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ loadBotConfig configFile = do
CF.require cfg "timeout" <*>
pure handlerInfo <*>
pure allMsgHandlerMakers <*>
pure [] <*>
pure cfg
case eBotConfig of
@ -72,5 +72,5 @@ executable hask-irc
-- Base language which the package is written in.
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -O2 -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -funbox-strict-fields -fno-warn-orphans
ghc-options: -O2 -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -funbox-strict-fields -fno-warn-orphans -threaded
Reference in New Issue
Block a user