Reformatting and hlinting.

Abhinav Sarkar 2015-06-29 21:14:14 +05:30
parent ab26dd9f6a
commit 044285bfb8
2 changed files with 30 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ sendCommandLoop commandChan bot@Bot { .. } = do
forM_ exs $ \(ex :: SomeException) ->
errorM ("Error while formatting command: " ++ show cmd ++ "\nError: " ++ show ex)
forM_ lines_ $ \line -> do
forM_ lines_ $ \line ->
handle (\(e :: SomeException) -> do
errorM ("Error while writing to connection: " ++ show e)
closeMessageChannel commandChan) $ do

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@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ connect botConfig@BotConfig { .. } = do
let msgHandlerChannels = map snd msgHandlersChans
let msgHandlers = map fst msgHandlersChans
return ConnectionResource { bot = (Bot botConfig' socket msgHandlers)
return ConnectionResource { bot = Bot botConfig' socket msgHandlers
, botStatus = mvBotStatus
, inChannel = inChannel
, mainMsgChannel = mainMsgChannel
@ -81,8 +81,7 @@ connect botConfig@BotConfig { .. } = do
threadDelay (5 * oneSec)
mkMsgHandler name messageBus =
case lookup name msgHandlerMakers of
mkMsgHandler name messageBus = case lookup name msgHandlerMakers of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just maker -> do
messageChannel <- newMessageChannel messageBus
@ -116,26 +115,26 @@ runBotIntenal :: BotConfig -> IO ()
runBotIntenal botConfig' = withSocketsDo $ do
status <- run
case status of
Disconnected -> debugM "Restarting .." >> runBotIntenal botConfigWithCore
Errored -> debugM "Restarting .." >> runBotIntenal botConfigWithCore
Disconnected -> debugM "Restarting .." >> runBotIntenal botConfigWithCoreHandlers
Errored -> debugM "Restarting .." >> runBotIntenal botConfigWithCoreHandlers
NickNotAvailable -> debugM "Trying new nick" >> runBotIntenal botConfigWithNewNick
NickAvailable -> debugM "Trying original nick" >> runBotIntenal botConfigWithOrigNick
Interrupted -> return ()
_ -> error "Unsupported status"
botConfigWithCore = botConfig' {
botConfigWithCoreHandlers = botConfig' {
msgHandlerInfo =
foldl' (flip (`insertMap` mempty)) mempty
(hashNub $ mapKeys (msgHandlerInfo botConfig') ++ mapKeys coreMsgHandlerMakers)
, msgHandlerMakers = coreMsgHandlerMakers <> msgHandlerMakers botConfig'
botConfigWithNewNick = botConfigWithCore {
botNick = Nick $ nickToText (botNick botConfigWithCore) ++ "_"
botConfigWithNewNick = botConfigWithCoreHandlers {
botNick = Nick $ nickToText (botNick botConfigWithCoreHandlers) ++ "_"
botConfigWithOrigNick = botConfigWithCore {
botNick = botOrigNick botConfigWithCore
botConfigWithOrigNick = botConfigWithCoreHandlers {
botNick = botOrigNick botConfigWithCoreHandlers
handleErrors :: SomeException -> IO BotStatus
@ -157,8 +156,7 @@ runBotIntenal botConfig' = withSocketsDo $ do
forM_ resps $ sendMessage msgChannel
runHandler botConfig (msgHandlerName, (handler, msgChannel))
run = bracket (connect botConfigWithCore) disconnect $
\ConnectionResource { .. } ->
run = bracket (connect botConfigWithCoreHandlers) disconnect $ \ConnectionResource { .. } ->
handle handleErrors $ do
let Bot { .. } = bot
debugM $ "Running with config:\n" ++ show botConfig