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{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
module Network.IRC.Config (loadBotConfig) where
import qualified Data.Configurator as CF
import qualified Data.Configurator.Types as CFT
import qualified Data.Ratio as R
import ClassyPrelude
import Data.Configurator.Types (Configured (..), ConfigError (..), KeyError (..))
import Prelude (read)
import Network.IRC
import Network.IRC.Configuration
import Network.IRC.Handlers
instance Configurable CFT.Value where
fromValue (String a) = Just $ CFT.String a
fromValue (Number a) = Just $ CFT.Number (a R.% 1)
fromValue (Boolean a) = Just $ CFT.Bool a
fromValue (List a) = Just $ CFT.List (mapMaybe fromValue a)
toValue (CFT.String a) = toValue a
toValue (CFT.Number r) = toValue (R.numerator r `div` R.denominator r)
toValue (CFT.Bool a) = toValue a
toValue (CFT.List vs) = toValue vs
fromConfiguratorConfig :: CFT.Config -> IO Configuration
fromConfiguratorConfig config =
. foldl' (\m (k, v) -> insertMap k (toValue v) m) mempty
. mapToList
<$> CF.getMap config
loadBotConfig :: String -> IO BotConfig
loadBotConfig configFile = do
2014-06-08 07:12:33 +05:30
eConfig <- try $ CF.load [CF.Required configFile]
case eConfig of
Left (ParseError _ msg) -> error $ "Error while loading config: " ++ msg
Right config -> do
eBotConfig <- try $ do
2014-06-08 07:12:33 +05:30
handlers :: [Text] <- CF.require config "msghandlers"
let handlerInfo = foldl' (\m h -> insertMap h mempty m) mempty handlers
let handlerMakers = foldl' (\m maker -> insertMap (msgHandlerName maker) maker m) mempty
. filter (\MsgHandlerMaker { .. } -> msgHandlerName `member` handlerInfo)
$ allMsgHandlerMakers
2014-06-08 07:12:33 +05:30
botConfig <- newBotConfig <$>
CF.require config "server" <*>
CF.require config "port" <*>
CF.require config "channel" <*>
(Nick <$> CF.require config "nick") <*>
CF.require config "timeout" <*>
(read <$> CF.require config "loglevel")
configMap <- fromConfiguratorConfig config
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return botConfig { msgHandlerInfo = handlerInfo
, msgHandlerMakers = handlerMakers
, config = configMap
2014-06-08 07:12:33 +05:30
case eBotConfig of
Left (KeyError k) -> error $ "Error while reading key from config: " ++ unpack k
Right botConf -> return botConf