(ns frpong.core (:require [frpong.helpers :refer (mult tap diff-chan key-chan frame-chan sustain)] [cljs.core.async :refer [! chan put! close! sliding-buffer]] [domina :as dom :refer [log]] [domina.events :as ev]) (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :as m :refer [go]] [frpong.core :refer (go-loop)])) ;; ;; Signal Diagram ;; ;; +---------------------+ ;; | +-------------+ | ;; | | | | ;; v v | | ;; +----------+ vel-chan | | ;; +-->|c-detector+----------+ | ;; | +----------+ | | ;; | +-----------------+ | ;; | | +-----------------+ ;; | | | | ;; | v v | ;; +---------+ frame-chan +------+ tick-chan | +----------+ pos-chan | ;; |frame-gen+------------>|ticker+-----------+-->|positioner+--------------+ ;; +---------+ +------+ +----------+ | ;; +---------------------+ ;; | ;; v ;; +----------+ ;; | renderer | ;; +----------+ (defn rand [] (.random js/Math)) (defn abs [x] (.abs js/Math x)) (def PI 3.141592653589793) (defn deg->rad [deg] (* (/ deg 180) PI)) (defn cos [x] (.cos js/Math x)) (defn sin [x] (.sin js/Math x)) (defn tick-chan [frames] (let [c (chan)] (go (loop [prev (! c t)) (recur t)) (close! c)))) c)) (defn next-pos [[x y] [vel-x vel-y] tick] [(+ x (* vel-x tick)) (+ y (* vel-y tick))]) (defn ^:export frpong [] (let [body-el (.-body js/document) width (- (.-scrollWidth body-el) 20) height (- (.-scrollHeight body-el) 125) padding 5 paddle-size 100 paddle-width 10 ball-radius 8 ball-speed 0.33 init-pos [(/ width 2) (/ height 2)] init-vel (let [sgn #(if (< % 0.5) -1 1) deg (+ 35 (* 20 (rand))) rad (deg->rad deg)] (map #(* ball-speed %) [(* (sgn (rand)) (sin rad)) (* (sgn (rand)) (cos rad))])) paddle-step 20 max-paddle-y (- height paddle-size) ef-paddle-width (+ paddle-width padding) init-paddle-pos (/ (- height paddle-size) 2)] (defn layout-game "Lays out the game screen." [] (doto (dom/by-id "canvas") (dom/set-style! "width" (str width "px")) (dom/set-style! "height" (str height "px"))) (doto (dom/by-id "ball") (dom/set-attr! "r" ball-radius) (dom/set-attr! "cx" (first init-pos)) (dom/set-attr! "cy" (second init-pos))) (doseq [id ["lpaddle" "rpaddle"]] (doto (dom/by-id id) (dom/set-attr! "width" paddle-width) (dom/set-attr! "height" paddle-size) (dom/set-attr! "y" (/ (- height paddle-size) 2)))) (dom/set-attr! (dom/by-id "lpaddle") "x" 0) (dom/set-attr! (dom/by-id "rpaddle") "x" (- width paddle-width))) (defn start-game "Sets up the game by creating the signals and setting up the components and starts the game." [] (let [frames (frame-chan) ;; frames signal pos (chan 1) ;; ball position signal vel (chan 1) ;; ball velocity signal pl-pos (chan 1) ;; paddle left position signal pr-pos (chan 1) ;; paddle right position signal game-state (chan 1)] ;; game state signal, the state of the game and the current score (setup-components frames game-state pos vel pl-pos pr-pos) ;; start the game by setting the initial values of the signals (put! pos init-pos) (put! vel init-vel) (put! pl-pos init-paddle-pos) (put! pr-pos init-paddle-pos) (put! game-state [:moving 0]))) (defn setup-components "Multiplexes the signals and sets up the components by connecting them using the signals tapped from the multiplexers. The signals are taken as parameters." [frames game-state pos vel pl-pos pr-pos] (let [ticks (chan) ;; ticks signal ticks-m (mult ticks) ;; multiplexers for all signals pos-m (mult pos) vel-m (mult vel) pl-pos-m (mult pl-pos) pr-pos-m (mult pr-pos) game-state-m (mult game-state) ;; paddle position signals are not at the same rate as the rest so they need to be ;; sustained at the ticks rate pl-pos-sust (sustain (tap pl-pos-m) (tap ticks-m (chan (sliding-buffer 1000)))) pr-pos-sust (sustain (tap pr-pos-m) (tap ticks-m (chan (sliding-buffer 1000))))] ;; set up the components (ticker frames (tap game-state-m) ticks) (ball-positioner (tap ticks-m) (tap vel-m) (tap pos-m) pos) (paddle-positioner {83 :down 87 :up} (tap pl-pos-m) pl-pos) (paddle-positioner {38 :up 40 :down} (tap pr-pos-m) pr-pos) (collision-detector (tap ticks-m) (tap pos-m) (tap vel-m) pl-pos-sust pr-pos-sust (tap game-state-m) game-state vel) (renderer (tap ticks-m) (tap game-state-m) (tap pos-m) (tap pl-pos-m) (tap pr-pos-m)))) (defn ticker "Ticker component. Converts `frames` signal to ticks and outputs them to the `ticks` signal as long as the `game-state` signal is not :gameover. Once the `game-state` signal is :gameover, stops the `frames` signal hence stopping the entire game. Each tick is the number of milliseconds since the last tick was generated." [[frames stop-frames] game-state ticks] (let [ticks-in (tick-chan (diff-chan frames))] (go (loop [] (let [[state _] (! ticks (! pos-out pos-next)))) (defn paddle-positioner "Paddle Positioner component. Captures the keydown signal for the provides keycodes and calculates the next paddle position using the current paddle position (from the `pos-in` signal) and keydown signal and outputs it to the `pos-out` signal." [keycodes pos-in pos-out] (let [keys (key-chan keycodes)] (go-loop (let [pos (! pos-out (condp = ( y (- paddle-y padding)) (< y (+ paddle-y paddle-size padding)))) (defn detect-x-collision [x y lpaddle-y rpaddle-y] (cond (< x ef-paddle-width) (if (in-y-range? y lpaddle-y) :collision-left :gameover) (> x (- width ef-paddle-width)) (if (in-y-range? y rpaddle-y) :collision-right :gameover) :else :moving)) (defn detect-y-collision [y] (cond (< y padding) :collision-left (> y (- height padding)) :collision-right :else :moving)) (defn collision-state? [state] (or (= state :collision-left) (= state :collision-right))) (defn adjust-vel [state v] (condp = state :collision-left (abs v) :collision-right (- (abs v)) :moving v :gameover 0)) (defn perturb [v] (* v (+ 1 (/ (- (rand) 0.5) 25)))) (go-loop (let [;; get all current values tick (! vel-out [vel-xn vel-yn]) (>! game-state [state-n score-n])))) (defn renderer "Renderer component. Renders the ball and paddle positions on the browser. Also shows the game state and stats. Reads the current values from the signals supplied as parameters." [ticks game-state pos pl-pos pr-pos] (let [ball-el (dom/by-id "ball") state-el (dom/by-id "state") score-el (dom/by-id "score") lpaddle-el (dom/by-id "lpaddle") rpaddle-el (dom/by-id "rpaddle") fps-el (dom/by-id "fps")] (go (loop [fps-p nil state-p nil score-p nil] (let [fps (int (/ 1000 ( to restart") (ev/listen-once! :keypress #(.reload (.-location js/window))))) (doto ball-el (dom/set-attr! "cx" x) (dom/set-attr! "cy" y)) (recur fps state-text score)))) (go-loop (dom/set-attr! lpaddle-el "y" (